1   package com.atlassian.core.test.util;
3   import junit.framework.TestCase;
4   import com.atlassian.core.util.collection.EasyList;
6   import java.sql.SQLException;
8   public class TestDuckTypeProxy extends TestCase
9   {
10      public interface MyInterface
11      {
12          String getString();
13          Long getLong();
14          Integer getInteger();
15          String get(String string);
16          String get(Integer integer);
17          String getStuffed() throws SQLException;
18      }
20      public void testProxyReturns() throws Exception
21      {
22          Object obj = new Object()
23          {
24              public String getString()
25              {
26                  return "who's you're daddy?";
27              }
28          };
29          MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(obj), DuckTypeProxy.THROW);
30          assertEquals("who's you're daddy?", impl.getString());
31      }
33      public void testProxyThrows() throws Exception
34      {
35          MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(new Object()), DuckTypeProxy.THROW);
36          try
37          {
38              impl.getString();
39              fail("should have thrown USOE");
40          }
41          catch (UnsupportedOperationException yay)
42          {
43          }
44      }
46      public void testProxyThrowsTarget() throws Exception
47      {
48          Object obj = new Object()
49          {
50              public String getStuffed() throws SQLException
51              {
52                  throw new SQLException("bad, bad, bad");
53              }
54          };
55          MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(obj));
56          try
57          {
58              impl.getStuffed();
59              fail("should have thrown USOE");
60          }
61          catch (SQLException yay)
62          {
63          }
64      }
66      public void testProxyDelegatesToSecond() throws Exception
67      {
68          Object obj = new Object()
69          {
70              public String getString()
71              {
72                  return "who's you're daddy?";
73              }
74          };
75          MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(new Object(), obj), DuckTypeProxy.THROW);
76          assertEquals("who's you're daddy?", impl.getString());
77      }
79      public void testNotNullParameter() throws Exception
80      {
81          Object obj = new Object()
82          {
83              public String get(String string)
84              {
85                  return "how about: " + string;
86              }
87          };
88          MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(obj), DuckTypeProxy.THROW);
89          assertEquals("how about: me", impl.get("me"));
90      }
92      public void testNullParameter() throws Exception
93      {
94          Object obj = new Object()
95          {
96              public String get(String string)
97              {
98                  return "how about: " + string;
99              }
100         };
101         MyInterface impl = (MyInterface) DuckTypeProxy.getProxy(MyInterface.class, EasyList.build(obj), DuckTypeProxy.THROW);
102         assertEquals("how about: null", impl.get((String) null));
103     }
104 }