Jira Report

Key Summary Status Resolution By
AO-201 Consider moving the AO plugin tutorial from my account (sleberrigaud_atlassian) to a more generic account on BitBucket. Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-200 Allow deleting AO tables in the Admin UI. Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-199 Persist table to plugin association Resolved Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-198 In an UpgradeTask, entities not passed to ao.migrate shouldn ' t be deleted Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-197 Warn on export when too long column data is encountered Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-196 WHERE clause processing does not parse some queries correctly Resolved Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-195 Investigate possible AO reloadability problem In Progress Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-194 Expand features of the streaming API Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-193 Active objects doesn ' t handle empty string ( " " ) schema names. Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-192 AO uses a connection per thread cache Resolved Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-191 Cannot alter previously stored data in MSSQL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-190 The ImportExportException should be available in the SPI, so that I don ' t need to import the plugin just to get these exceptions Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-189 Add convenience method findSingle to ActiveObjects interface Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-188 Entity property changes made inside rolled back transaction still visible in entity returned by ActiveObjects.get() outside of transaction Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-187 Enable preloading when getting entities by PK and/or add better support for queries with IN clauses Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-186 Confirm that AO logs any import/export/restore error and includes useful debugging info (plugin name & table name, minimum) In Progress Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-185 Startup logs generate table info for AP Open Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-184 Document approach to upgrading data for plugins Open Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-183 Added @Unique constraint is not correctly migrated Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-182 Improve proxy creation performance by caching entity annotations Open Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-181 Provide raw streaming API for large data reads Closed Fixed Alexander Hennecke
AO-180 Default VARCHAR values triggers unnecessary ALTER COLUMN statements Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-179 Join and PostgreSQL: Column does not exist Resolved Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-178 Tables are not always cleared on restore Resolved Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-177 Remove unused service dependencies from host-components.xml Closed Fixed Nick Pellow
AO-176 Capture connection information on ActiveObjectSqlException Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-175 AO throws SQLException on INSERT statements on Oracle 10g Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-174 Improve backup errors (logging) to provide plugin information Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-173 Active Objects does not use the defined schema when creating tables. Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-172 Active objects fails to create tables on restore with TIMESTAMP data type Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-171 Get other Atlassians setup/configured to release the AO lib via Sonatype ' s OSS repository. Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-170 Handle exports from AO v0.15.x and earlier... Resolved Obsolete Unassigned
AO-169 Active Objects backup/restore does not handle BLOBS Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-168 @Transactional interferes with exceptions Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-167 @Transactional behavior/docs are misleading Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-166 Active Objects backup/restore does not handle CLOBs Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-165 Active Object backup (import/export) should allow products to choose whether it fails at a plugin level Closed Obsolete Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-164 ActiveObjects bundles an old version of Lucene Resolved Duplicate Unassigned
AO-163 Active Objects 0.15.3 contains a copy of Lucene Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-162 Switch activeobjects-bamboo-spi back to not expect the activeobjects-spi as being provided by the system bundle Closed Fixed Ben Woskow
AO-161 Getting a PSQLException when using PostgreSQL DB Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-160 java.sql.SQLException: Table xxx does not have the identity property. Cannot perform SET operation. Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-159 Fix activeobjects-confluence-spi so that it properly makes packages and components available Closed Won ' t Fix Ben Woskow
AO-158 != operator semantics broken for null values Closed Not a bug Unassigned
AO-157 Can ' t find oracle-jdbc14 building AO from source Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-156 Start building and releasing activeobjects-bamboo-spi Closed Fixed Ben Woskow
AO-155 Update dependency on plugin system to 2.6.x Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-154 Update version of AO lib to a JDK 7 compatible one Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-152 Update package import to be for major.minor version instead of major.minor.change Closed Fixed Ben Woskow
AO-151 expose interface for getting SQL column names for properties Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-150 Add net.java.ao.sql to log4j.properties in JIRA Closed Fixed Mark Lassau
AO-149 Add better query support Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-148 Getting an SQLException when I have a ManyToMany field in my Polymorphic entity class Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-147 Getting SQLException when trying to load a self referential AO Entity class Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-146 JDK 1.7 compatibility Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-145 Support for Custom Database types in plugin module Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-144 AO has a Method cache that prevents disabled/reloaded plugins from being GCed Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-143 Using MS SQL, getting SQLException: There is already an object named ' XXX ' in the database Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-142 Unexposed polymorphic mapper API prevents queries of abstract base class In Progress Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-141 JIRA backup can ' t write null column values Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-140 SQLException when preloading entities with one-to-many relation in MySQL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-139 Unnecessary ALTER TABLE statements on TIMESTAMP fields in MySQL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-138 PK field name inconsistency Closed Not a bug Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-137 Injection of EntityManager does not work with JUnit 4.8.2 Closed Won ' t Fix Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-136 Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table ' ... ' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF on restore with SQL Server 2k[5|8] Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-135 Update version of AO lib to 0.9-m26 Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-134 @Implementation doesn ' t work with custom constructor Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-133 Lot of activeobjects_XXXtmp files in JIRA temp folder Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-132 Remove woodstox-core-asl and stax2-api from the plugin bundle Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-131 ActiveObjects plugin jar includes many classes from third party libraries that should not be in the jar Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-130 Problem with field and case Closed Not a bug Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-129 ClassLoader issues using AO with Oracle Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-128 Error importing ' long ' types with AO Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-127 AO should be able to drop all previously existing AO tables before restore Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-126 com.atlassian.activeobjects.tx is not longer exported (for OSGi) and prevent usage of @Transactional Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-125 BeansException can ' t be loaded when BeanPostProcessor fails Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-124 Column names are not quoted when using Postgres in " order by " and " group by " clauses Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-123 Backup and sequences are not working as expected with Oracle Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-122 Update version of AO lib to 0.9-m21 Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-121 Add a verify ' phase ' to the backup importer Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-120 Update version of AO lib to 0.9-m20 Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-119 SQLException with boolean type on SQL Server 2008 Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-118 Document how to use FieldNameConverter in find queries. Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-117 Tutorial: writing HTML in Java is error-prone Closed Answered Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-116 SQLException with @Polymorphic entity with @Indexed field Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-115 SQLException: Column not found: * with @Preload Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-114 Could not load JIRA settings, can ' t determine database type at this time using atlas-debug Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-113 Provide progress indicators during backup/restore Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-112 Remove ActiveObjects UI (for JIRA 4.4 release, to be added back in later) Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-111 Create (or just document) error handling strategy for backup / restore. Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-110 Document the action that the ' migrate ' method will take on a given schema Open Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-109 AO should be able to ' pretty print ' its XML backup Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-108 Fix the sources jar deployed for the activeobjects-plugin module Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-107 Downgrade SLF4J version to 1.5.x to ensure compatibility with products. Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-106 Enable usage of @PrimaryKey, @Accessor and @Mutator annotations for (re-)naming fields Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-105 The plugin doesn ' t start anymore in Confluence (maybe JIRA) at startup... has to be enabled afterwards Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-104 Hanlding of plugin (using the AO plugin) updates Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-103 Add raw SQL logging to the plugin (via the AO lib) Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-102 Enable use of the @Table annotation for (re-)naming entities/tables Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-101 Handle deletion of table in the database Open Unresolved Unassigned