Jira Report

Key Summary Status Resolution By
ACC-20 start line number for comment is 0 while it should be 101 Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-9 Crucible custom filter does not work for projects Resolved Fixed Wojtek Seliga
ACC-1 Remove static instances (creation) of everything in commons Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-18 document if CrucibleServerFacade returns full review or not Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-16 consider making ValueNotInitialized an unchecked exception Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-15 CrucibleServerFacadeImpl does not release sessions Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-14 custom crucible queries do not match the web UI Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-13 determine time zone offset from server Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-12 BambooBuild.getBuildTime() should return adjusted time Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-10 Support anonymous access to certain Crucible functionalities Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-8 create Eclipse consumable bundle fro m ACC In Progress Unresolved Shawn Minto
ACC-7 cache in AbstractHTTPSession - it must be really concurrent Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-3 HttpClient should be injected to AbstractHTTPSession instead of using HTTPClientFactor.getClient() Resolved Fixed Shawn Minto
ACC-2 add ConnectorProgressMonitor support for most of remote invocations Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-19 Drafts of other Users are not retrieved by review.getNumberOf*ComentsDrafts Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-17 consider using EnumSet instead of returning a List of enums Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-11 SubscribedPlan.getPlanId() is inconsistent with BambooPlan.getPlanKey() Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-6 Logger could take also class name (or whatever string) in its methods (to be more informative and compatible with Eclipse way of logging) Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-5 password callback should be used by remote API " session " objects (in case password is wrong or haven ' t been provided) Open Unresolved Wojtek Seliga
ACC-4 Support separate proxy server settings per server Resolved Fixed Wojtek Seliga