Confluence REST API Documentation

This document describes the REST API and resources provided by Confluence. The REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate Confluence into their application and for administrators who want to script interactions with the Confluence server.

Confluence's REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. The response format is JSON. Your methods will be the standard HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.

Because the REST API is based on open standards, you can use any web development language to access the API.

Structure of the REST URIs

URIs for the Confluence REST API resource have the following structure:

With context: http://host:port/context/rest/api/resource-name

Or without context: http://host:port/rest/api/resource-name

Example with context:

Example without context:

How to use expansion in the REST APIs

In order to minimise network traffic from the client perspective, our API uses a technique called expansion.

You can use the expand query parameter to specify a comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded, identifying each entity by a given identifier. For example, the value space,attachments requests the expansion of entities for which the expand identifier is space and attachments.

You can use the . dot notation to specify expansion of entities within another entity. For example body.view would expand the content body and expand the view rendering of it.


Expand all methods

auditExpand all methods

Fetch a paginated list of AuditRecord instances dating back to a certain time

query parameters
parameter type description
startDate string
endDate string
start int

where to start within results set

limit int

Default: 1000

the maximum results to fetch

searchString string
    • application/json
    • application/json
query parameters
parameter type description
startDate string
endDate string
searchString string
format string

Default: csv

    • application/zip
    • text/csv

Fetches the current retention period

    • application/json

Set the retention period to a new value. Can throw ServiceException if the retention period is too long

    • application/json

Fetch a paginated list of AuditRecord instances dating back to a certain time

query parameters
parameter type description
number long

Default: 3

the amount of time periods

units string

the units to use for the time periods eg. 'days', 'months' etc

start int

where to start within results set

limit int

Default: 1000

the maximum results to fetch

searchString string
    • application/json

contentExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the ContentService. Provides methods for finding, creating, modifying and deleting Content.Show more

Creates a new piece of Content or publishes the draft if the content id is present.

For the case publishing draft, a new piece of content will be created and all metadata from the draft will be transferred into the newly created content.

query parameters
parameter type description
status string

Default: current

expand string


    • application/json

Returns a paginated list of Content.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
type string

Default: page

the content type to return. Default value: page. Valid values: page, blogpost.

spaceKey string

the space key to find content under.

title string

the title of the page to find. Required for page type.

status string

list of statuses the content to be found is in. Defaults to current is not specified. If set to 'any', content in 'current' and 'trashed' status will be fetched. Does not support 'historical' status for now.

postingDay string

the posting day of the blog post. Required for blogpost type. Format: yyyy-mm-dd. Example: 2013-02-13

expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content. Default value: history,space,version.

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a list of content

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.153Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [
                  "id": "123",
                  "type": "page",
                  "status": "current",
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {},
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "view": {
                  "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "representation": "view",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Updates a piece of Content, including changes to content status

To update a piece of content you must increment the version.number, supplying the number of the version you are creating. The title property can be updated on all content, body can be updated on all content that has a body (not attachments). For instance to update the content of a blogpost that currently has version 1:

PUT /rest/api/content/456

    "version": {
        "number": 2
    "title": "My new title",
    "type": "page",
    "body": {
        "storage": {
            "value": "<p>New page data.</p>",
            "representation": "storage"

To update a page and change its parent page, supply the ancestors property with the request with the parent as the first ancestor i.e. to move a page to be a child of page with ID 789:

PUT /rest/api/content/456

    "version": {
        "number": 2
    "ancestors": [
            "id": 789
    "type": "page",
    "body": {
        "storage": {
            "value": "<p>New page data.</p>",
            "representation": "storage"

Changing status

To restore a piece of content that has the status of trashed the content must have it's version incremented, and status set to current. No other field modifications will be performed when restoring a piece of content from the trash.

Request example to restore from trash: { "id": "557059", "status": "current", "version": { "number": 2 } }

If the content you're updating has a draft, specifying status=draft will delete that draft and the body of the content will be replaced with the body specified in the request.

Request example to delete a draft:

PUT: http://localhost:9096/confluence/rest/api/content/2149384202?status=draft

    "id": "2149384202",
    "status": "current",
    "version": {
        "number": 4
    "space": {
        "key": "TST"
    "type": "page",
    "title": "page title",
    "body": {
        "storage": {
            "value": "<p>New page data.</p>",
            "representation": "storage"

Updating a draft is not currently supported.

query parameters
parameter type description
status string

the existing status of the content to be updated.

conflictPolicy string

Default: abort

    "id": "3604482",
    "type": "page",
    "status": "current",
    "title": "Example Content title",
    "space": {
        "key": "TST",
        "metadata": {}
    "version": {
        "number": 2,
        "minorEdit": false,
        "hidden": false
    "ancestors": [],
    "operations": [],
    "children": {},
    "descendants": {},
    "body": {
        "storage": {
            "value": "<p>This is the updated text for the new page</p>",
            "representation": "storage"
    "metadata": {},
    "restrictions": {}
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a piece of content

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.153Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [
                  "id": "123",
                  "type": "page",
                  "status": "current",
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {},
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "view": {
                  "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "representation": "view",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 400
      if no space or no content type, or setup a wrong version type set to content, or status param is not draft and status content is current
    • Status 404
      if can not find draft with current content

Returns a piece of Content.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
status string

list of Content statuses to filter results on. Default value: [current]

version int
expand string

Default: history,space,version

A comma separated list of properties to expand on the content. Default value: history,space,version We can also specify some extensions such as extensions.inlineProperties (for getting inline comment-specific properties) or extensions.resolution for the resolution status of each comment in the results

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a piece of content

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.153Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [
                  "id": "123",
                  "type": "page",
                  "status": "current",
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {},
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "view": {
                  "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "representation": "view",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Trashes or purges a piece of Content, based on its {@link ContentType} and {@link ContentStatus}.

There are three cases:

  • If the content is trashable and its status is {@link ContentStatus#CURRENT}, it will be trashed.
  • If the content is trashable, its status is {@link ContentStatus#TRASHED} and the "status" query parameter in the request is "trashed", the content will be purged from the trash and deleted permanently.
  • If the content is not trashable it will be deleted permanently without being trashed.

query parameters
parameter type description
status string

the status of the content to be deleted

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returned if successfully trashed.
    • Status 204
      Returned if successfully purged.
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to trash or purge the content.
    • Status 409
      Returned if there is a stale data object conflict when trying to delete a draft

Returns the history of a particular piece of content

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

Default: previousVersion,nextVersion,lastUpdated

the properties on content history to expand

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the content's history
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Returns the body of a macro (in storage format) with the given hash. This resource is primarily used by connect applications that require the body of macro to perform their work.

The hash is generated by connect during render time of the local macro holder and is usually only relevant during the scope of one request. For optimisation purposes, this hash will usually live for multiple requests.

Collecting a macro by its hash should now be considered deprecated and will be replaced, transparently with macroIds. This resource is currently only called from connect addons which will eventually all use the {@link #getContentById(, java.util.List, Integer, String)} resource.

To make the migration as seamless as possible, this resource will match macros against a generated hash or a stored macroId. This will allow add ons to work during the migration period.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a json representation of a macro.

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.416Z",
              "message": "initial edit",
              "number": 1,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [],
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "storage": {
                  "value": "<h1>Example</h1><ac:macro ac:name=\"macro\"><ac:rich-text-body><p>This is the body of a macro.</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:macro>",
                  "representation": "storage",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content, or there is no macro matching the given hash or id.

Returns the body of a macro (in storage format) with the given id. This resource is primarily used by connect applications that require the body of macro to perform their work.

When content is created, if no macroId is specified, then Confluence will generate a random id. The id is persisted as the content is saved and only modified by Confluence if there are conflicting IDs.

To preserve backwards compatibility this resource will also match on the hash of the macro body, even if a macroId is found. This check will become redundant as pages get macroId's generated for them and transparently propagate out to all instances.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a json representation of a macro.

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.416Z",
              "message": "initial edit",
              "number": 1,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [],
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "storage": {
                  "value": "<h1>Example</h1><ac:macro ac:name=\"macro\"><ac:rich-text-body><p>This is the body of a macro.</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:macro>",
                  "representation": "storage",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content, or there is no macro matching the given id or hash.

Fetch a list of content using the Confluence Query Language (CQL). See : Advanced searching using CQL

For example :

Example request URI(s):

  • http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/search?cql=creator=currentUser()&cqlcontext={%22spaceKey%22:%22TST%22, %22contentId%22:%2255%22}
  • http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/search?cql=space=DEV%20AND%20label=docs&expand=space,metadata.labels&limit=10

query parameters
parameter type description
cql string

a cql query string to use to locate content

cqlcontext string

the context to execute a cql search in, this is the json serialized form of SearchContext

expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content.

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a paginated list of content
    • Status 400
      Returned if the CQL is invalid or missing

content/{id}/childExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the {@link ChildContentService}.

Returns a map of the direct children of a piece of Content. Content can have multiple types of children - for example a Page can have children that are also Pages, but it can also have Comments and Attachments.

The {@link ContentType}(s) of the children returned is specified by the "expand" query parameter in the request - this parameter can include expands for multiple child types.
If no types are included in the expand parameter, the map returned will just list the child types that are available to be expanded for the {@link Content} referenced by the "id" path parameter.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children

parentVersion int

Default: 0

an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for

start int
limit int

Default: 25

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON map representing multiple ordered collections of content children, keyed by content type

          "page": {
              "results": [
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "links": {},
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "history": null,
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "status": null
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.431Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false,
                          "content": null
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "links": {},
                              "space": null,
                              "history": null,
                              "version": null,
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "container": null,
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "extensions": {},
                              "restrictions": {}
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "representation": "view",
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "webresource": null,
                              "content": null
                      "metadata": {},
                      "extensions": {},
                      "restrictions": {}
              "size": 1
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Returns the direct children of a piece of Content, limited to a single child type.

The {@link ContentType}(s) of the children returned is specified by the "type" path parameter in the request.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children

parentVersion int

Default: 0

an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for

start int

(optional, default: 0) the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned

limit int

Default: 25

(optional, default: site limit) how many items should be returned after the start index

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON map representing multiple ordered collections of content children, keyed by content type

          "page": {
              "results": [
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "links": {},
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "history": null,
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "status": null
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.431Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false,
                          "content": null
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "links": {},
                              "space": null,
                              "history": null,
                              "version": null,
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "container": null,
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "extensions": {},
                              "restrictions": {}
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "representation": "view",
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "webresource": null,
                              "content": null
                      "metadata": {},
                      "extensions": {},
                      "restrictions": {}
              "size": 1
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Returns the comments of a content

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the children. We can also specify some extensions such as extensions.inlineProperties (for getting inline comment-specific properties) or extensions.resolution for the resolution status of each comment in the results

parentVersion int

Default: 0

an int representing the version of the content to retrieve children for

start int

(optional, default: 0) the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned

limit int

Default: 25

(optional, default: site limit) how many items should be returned after the start index

location string

(optional, default: "" means all) the location of the comments. Possible values are: "inline", "footer", "resolved". You can define multiple location params. The results will be the comments matched by any location.

depth string


(optional, default: "") the depth of the comments. Possible values are: "" (ROOT only), "all"

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON map representing multiple ordered collections of content children, keyed by content type

          "page": {
              "results": [
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "links": {},
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "history": null,
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "status": null
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.431Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false,
                          "content": null
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "links": {},
                              "space": null,
                              "history": null,
                              "version": null,
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "container": null,
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "extensions": {},
                              "restrictions": {}
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "representation": "view",
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "webresource": null,
                              "content": null
                      "metadata": {},
                      "extensions": {},
                      "restrictions": {}
              "size": 1
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

content/{id}/child/attachmentExpand all methods

CRUD operations for Attachments on Content.

Returns a paginated list of attachment Content entities within a single container.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the Attachments returned. Optional.

start int

the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned. Optional.

limit int

Default: 50

how many items should be returned after the start index. Optional.

filename string

(optional) filter parameter to return only the Attachment with the matching file name. Optional.

mediaType string

(optional) filter parameter to return only Attachments with a matching Media-Type. Optional.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation of a list of attachment Content entities

          "results": [
                  "id": "att5678",
                  "type": "attachment",
                  "status": "current",
                  "title": "myfile.txt",
                  "version": {
                      "by": {
                          "type": "known",
                          "username": "username",
                          "userKey": "",
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "_expandable": {
                              "status": ""
                      "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                      "message": "change message for this edit",
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "container": {
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "status": ""
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "restrictions": {},
                              "_links": {
                                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "representation": "view",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {
                      "comment": "This is my File",
                      "mediaType": "text/plain"
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/att5678"
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Add one or more attachments to a Confluence Content entity, with optional comments.

Comments are optional, but if included there must be as many comments as there are files, and the comments must be in the same order as the files.

This resource expects a multipart post. The media-type multipart/form-data is defined in RFC 1867. Most client libraries have classes that make dealing with multipart posts simple. For instance, in Java the Apache HTTP Components library provides a MultiPartEntity that makes it simple to submit a multipart POST.

In order to protect against XSRF attacks, because this method accepts multipart/form-data, it has XSRF protection on it. This means you must submit a header of X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck with the request, otherwise it will be blocked.

The name of the multipart/form-data parameter that contains attachments must be "file"

A simple example to attach a file called "myfile.txt" to the container with id "123", with a comment included:

curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" -F "comment=This is my File" http://myhost/rest/api/content/123/child/attachment

A example to attach a file called "myfile.txt" to the container with id "123", with a comment, and set the minorEdits flag to be true:

curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" -F "minorEdit=true" -F "comment=This
                                 is my File" http://myhost/rest/api/content/123/child/attachment

An example to attach the same file, with no comment:

curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" http://myhost/rest/api/content/123/child/attachment

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
status string

Default: current

a string containing the status of the attachments content container, supports current or draft, defaults to current

    • Status 200 - application/json

          "results": [
                  "id": "att5678",
                  "type": "attachment",
                  "status": "current",
                  "title": "myfile.txt",
                  "version": {
                      "by": {
                          "type": "known",
                          "username": "username",
                          "userKey": "",
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "_expandable": {
                              "status": ""
                      "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                      "message": "change message for this edit",
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "container": {
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "status": ""
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "restrictions": {},
                              "_links": {
                                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "representation": "view",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {
                      "comment": "This is my File",
                      "mediaType": "text/plain"
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/att5678"
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 403
      Returned if attachments is disabled or if you don't have permission to add attachments to this content.
    • Status 404
      Returned if the requested content is not found, the user does not have permission to view it, or if the attachments exceeds the maximum configured attachment size.

Update the non-binary data of an Attachment.

This resource can be used to update an attachment's filename, media-type, comment, and parent container.

Example request URI(s):



    "id": "att5678",
    "type": "attachment",
    "status": "current",
    "title": "new_file_name.txt",
    "version": {
        "number": 2,
        "minorEdit": false,
        "hidden": false
    "ancestors": [],
    "operations": [],
    "children": {},
    "descendants": {},
    "body": {},
    "metadata": {},
    "restrictions": {}
    • Status 200 - application/json

          "id": "att5678",
          "type": "attachment",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "myfile.txt",
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.421Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [],
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": "1234",
              "type": "page",
              "status": "current",
              "title": "Example Content title",
              "space": {
                  "id": 11,
                  "key": "TST",
                  "name": "Example space",
                  "description": {
                      "plain": {
                          "value": "This is an example space",
                          "representation": "plain"
                  "metadata": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
              "version": {
                  "by": {
                      "type": "known",
                      "username": "username",
                      "userKey": "",
                      "displayName": "Full Name",
                      "_expandable": {
                          "status": ""
                  "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.421Z",
                  "message": "change message for this edit",
                  "number": 2,
                  "minorEdit": false,
                  "hidden": false
              "ancestors": [
                      "id": "123",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "ancestors": [],
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "body": {},
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
              "operations": [],
              "children": {},
              "descendants": {},
              "container": {
                  "id": 11,
                  "key": "TST",
                  "name": "Example space",
                  "description": {
                      "plain": {
                          "value": "This is an example space",
                          "representation": "plain"
                  "metadata": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
              "body": {
                  "view": {
                      "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                      "representation": "view",
                      "_expandable": {
                          "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
              "metadata": {},
              "restrictions": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
          "body": {},
          "metadata": {
              "comment": "This is my File",
              "mediaType": "text/plain"
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/att5678"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the attachment id or the attachment version number are invalid.
    • Status 403
      Returned if you are not permitted to update or move the attachment to a different container.
    • Status 404
      Returned if no attachment is found for the attachmentId.
    • Status 409
      Returned if the version of the supplied Attachment does not match the exact version of the Attachment stored in the database.

Update the binary data of an Attachment, and optionally the comment and the minor edit field.

This adds a new version of the attachment, containing the new binary data, filename, and content-type.

When updating the binary data of an attachment, the comment related to it together with the field that specifies if it's a minor edit can be updated as well, but are not required. If an update is considered to be a minor edit, notifications will not be sent to the watchers of that content.

This resource expects a multipart post. The media-type multipart/form-data is defined in RFC 1867. Most client libraries have classes that make dealing with multipart posts simple. For instance, in Java the Apache HTTP Components library provides a MultiPartEntity that makes it simple to submit a multipart POST.

In order to protect against XSRF attacks, because this method accepts multipart/form-data, it has XSRF protection on it. This means you must submit a header of X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck with the request, otherwise it will be blocked.

The name of the multipart/form-data parameter that contains attachments must be "file"

A simple example to upload a file called "myfile.txt" to the Attachment with id "456" in a container with id "123", with the comment updated, and minorEdit set to true:

curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" -F "minorEdit=true" -F "comment=This
                                 is my updated File" http://myhost/rest/api/content/123/child/attachment/456/data

An example to upload the same file, with no comment:

curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@myfile.txt" http://myhost/rest/api/content/123/child/attachment/456/data

Example request URI(s):


    • Status 200 - application/json

          "results": [
                  "id": "att5678",
                  "type": "attachment",
                  "status": "current",
                  "title": "myfile.txt",
                  "version": {
                      "by": {
                          "type": "known",
                          "username": "username",
                          "userKey": "",
                          "displayName": "Full Name",
                          "_expandable": {
                              "status": ""
                      "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                      "message": "change message for this edit",
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "container": {
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "status": ""
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.483Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "restrictions": {},
                              "_links": {
                                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "representation": "view",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {
                      "comment": "This is my File",
                      "mediaType": "text/plain"
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/att5678"
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the attachment id is invalid.
    • Status 404
      Returned if no attachment is found for the attachmentId.

content/{id}/descendantExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the {@link ChildContentService}, when {@link Depth} is ALL.

Returns a map of the descendants of a piece of Content. Content can have multiple types of descendants - for example a Page can have descendants that are also Pages, but it can also have Comments and Attachments.

The {@link ContentType}(s) of the descendants returned is specified by the "expand" query parameter in the request - this parameter can include expands for multiple descendant types.
If no types are included in the expand parameter, the map returned will just list the descendant types that are available to be expanded for the {@link Content} referenced by the "id" path parameter.

Currently the only supported descendants are comment descendants of non-comment Content.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the descendants

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON map representing multiple ordered collections of content descendants, keyed by content type

          "page": {
              "results": [
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "links": {},
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "history": null,
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "status": null
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.431Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false,
                          "content": null
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "links": {},
                              "space": null,
                              "history": null,
                              "version": null,
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "container": null,
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "extensions": {},
                              "restrictions": {}
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "representation": "view",
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "webresource": null,
                              "content": null
                      "metadata": {},
                      "extensions": {},
                      "restrictions": {}
              "size": 1
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Returns the direct descendants of a piece of Content, limited to a single descendant type.

The {@link ContentType}(s) of the descendants returned is specified by the "type" path parameter in the request.

Currently the only supported descendants are comment descendants of non-comment Content.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the descendants

start int

(optional, default: 0) the index of the first item within the result set that should be returned

limit int

Default: 25

(optional, default: site limit) how many items should be returned after the start index

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON map representing multiple ordered collections of content descendants, keyed by content type

          "page": {
              "results": [
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "links": {},
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "history": null,
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "status": null
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.431Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false,
                          "content": null
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "links": {},
                              "space": null,
                              "history": null,
                              "version": null,
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "container": null,
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "extensions": {},
                              "restrictions": {}
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "icon": null,
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "representation": "plain",
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "webresource": null
                          "homepage": null,
                          "links": {},
                          "metadata": {}
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "representation": "view",
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "webresource": null,
                              "content": null
                      "metadata": {},
                      "extensions": {},
                      "restrictions": {}
              "size": 1
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

content/{id}/labelExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the {@link ContentLabelService}.

Returns the list of labels on a piece of Content.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
prefix string

the prefixes to filter the labels with {@see Label.Prefix}

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 200

the limit of the number of labels to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation of the labels on a piece of content
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Adds a list of labels to the specified content.

The body is the json representation of the list.


        "prefix": "global",
        "name": "label1"
        "prefix": "global",
        "name": "label2"
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation of the labels on a piece of content
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Deletes a labels to the specified content.

query parameters
parameter type description
name string

the name of the label to be removed from the content

    • Status 204
      Empty response on successful delete
    • Status 403
      Returned if user has view permission, but no edit permission to the content
    • Status 404
      Returned if content or label doesn't exist, or calling user doesn't have view permission to the content

Deletes a labels to the specified content. When calling this method through REST the label parameter doesn't accept "/" characters in label names, because of security constraints. For this case please use the query parameter version of this method (/content/{id}/label?name={label}

    • Status 204
      Empty response on successful delete
    • Status 400
      Returned if trying to delete a label with "/" in the name
    • Status 403
      Returned if user has view permission, but no edit permission to the content
    • Status 404
      Returned if content or label doesn't exist, or calling user doesn't have view permission to the content

content/{id}/propertyExpand all methods

A REST resource for manipulating content properties.

Content properties are a key / value store of properties attached to a piece of Content. The key is a string, and the value is a JSON object.

Show more

Returns a paginated list of content properties.

Example request URI:


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content properties. Default value: version.

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 10

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the content property list

          "results": [
                  "content": {
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "ancestors": [],
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "body": {},
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
                  "key": "example-property-key",
                  "value": {
                      "anything": "goes"
                  "version": {
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234/property/example-property-key"
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Creates a new content property.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the content property

          "content": {
              "id": "1234",
              "type": "page",
              "status": "current",
              "ancestors": [],
              "operations": [],
              "children": {},
              "descendants": {},
              "body": {},
              "metadata": {},
              "restrictions": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234/property/example-property-key"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the given property has a different ContentId to the one in the path, or if the content already has a value with the given key, or the value is missing, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the content with the given ContentId
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

Returns a content property.

Example request URI:


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content properties. Default value: version.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the content property

          "content": {
              "id": "1234",
              "type": "page",
              "status": "current",
              "ancestors": [],
              "operations": [],
              "children": {},
              "descendants": {},
              "body": {},
              "metadata": {},
              "restrictions": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234/property/example-property-key"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or no property with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Updates a content property.

The body contains the representation of the content property. Must include the property id, and the new version number. Attempts to create a new content property if the given version number is 1, just like {@link #create(, String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.JsonContentProperty)}.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    "version": {
        "number": 2,
        "minorEdit": false,
        "hidden": false
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a piece of content

          "content": {
              "id": "1234",
              "type": "page",
              "status": "current",
              "ancestors": [],
              "operations": [],
              "children": {},
              "descendants": {},
              "body": {},
              "metadata": {},
              "restrictions": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234/property/example-property-key"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the given property has a different ContentId to the one in the path, or if the property has a different key to the one in the path, or the value is missing, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the content with the given ContentId
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or no property with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.
    • Status 409
      Returned if the given version is does not match the expected target version of the updated property
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

Deletes a content property.

    • Status 204
      Returned if successfully deleted.
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Creates a new content property.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the content property

          "content": {
              "id": "1234",
              "type": "page",
              "status": "current",
              "ancestors": [],
              "operations": [],
              "children": {},
              "descendants": {},
              "body": {},
              "metadata": {},
              "restrictions": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234/property/example-property-key"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the given property has a different ContentId to the one in the path, or if the content already has a value with the given key, or the value is missing, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the content with the given ContentId
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

content/{id}/restrictionExpand all methods

Returns info about all restrictions by operation

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

Default: update.restrictions.user,,read.restrictions.user,

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content properties. Default value: group.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation of the restrictions group by operations

Returns info about all restrictions of given operation

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

Default: restrictions.user,

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the content properties. Default value: group.

start int

pagination start

limit int

Default: 100

pagination limit

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation of the restrictions of given operation

content/blueprintExpand all methods

Publishes a legacy draft of a Content created from a ContentBlueprint

query parameters
parameter type description
status string

Default: draft

expand string


    • application/json

Publishes a shared draft of a Content created from a ContentBlueprint

query parameters
parameter type description
status string

Default: draft

expand string


    • application/json

contentbody/convert/{to}Expand all methods

Used for converting ContentBody objects from one format to another.

Converts between content body representations.

Not all representations can be converted to/from other formats. Supported conversions:

Source RepresentationDestination Representation Supported

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


    "value": "<p>Some example body in storage format</p>",
    "representation": "storage"
    • Status 200 - application/json

          "value": "<p>Some example body in storage format</p>",
          "representation": "storage",
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
          "_expandable": {
              "content": "/rest/api/content/3604482"

groupExpand all methods

Non-admin operations for user groups

Get a paginated collection of user groups

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 200

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a list of groups

          "results": [
                  "type": "group",
                  "name": "somegroup"
                  "type": "group",
                  "name": "anothergroup"
          "size": 2
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view groups.

Get the user group with the group name

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a single groups

          "type": "group",
          "name": "somegroup",
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/experimental/group/somegroup"
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view groups.

Get a paginated collection of users in the given group

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string
start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 200

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a single groups

          "results": [
                  "type": "known",
                  "profilePicture": {
                      "path": "/wiki/relative/avatar.png",
                      "width": 48,
                      "height": 48,
                      "isDefault": true
                  "username": "jsmith",
                  "displayName": "Joe Smith",
                  "userKey": "402880824ff933a4014ff9345d7c0002",
                  "status": null
          "size": 1
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view users.

longtaskExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the LongTaskService.

Returns information about all tracked long-running tasks.

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the tasks

start int
limit int

Default: 100

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a list of long tasks

Returns information about a long-running task.

query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the task

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a long task
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no task with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view it
API REST Resource for searching for entities in Confluence. Generally delegates to the CQLSearchService.Show more

Search for entities in Confluence using the Confluence Query Language (CQL)

For example :

Example request URI(s):

  • http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/search?cql=creator=currentUser()&type%20in%20(space,page,user)&cqlcontext={%22spaceKey%22:%22TST%22, %22contentId%22:%2255%22}
  • http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/search?cql=siteSearch~'example'%20AND%20label=docs&,space.homepage&limit=10

query parameters
parameter type description
cql string

the CQL query see advanced searching in confluence using CQL

cqlcontext string

the execution context for CQL functions, provides current space key and content id. If this is not provided some CQL functions will not be available.

excerpt string

Default: highlight

the excerpt strategy to apply to the result, one of : indexed, highlight, none. This defaults to highlight.

expand string


the properties to expand on the search result, this may cause database requests for some properties

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

includeArchivedSpaces boolean

Default: false

whether to include content in archived spaces in the result, this defaults to false

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a list of search results

          "results": [
                  "space": {
                      "id": 11,
                      "key": "TST",
                      "name": "Example space",
                      "description": {
                          "plain": {
                              "value": "This is an example space",
                              "representation": "plain"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                  "title": "Example space",
                  "excerpt": "Example space",
                  "url": "/display/space/TST",
                  "entityType": "space",
                  "iconCssClass": "space-css-class"
                  "content": {
                      "id": "1234",
                      "type": "page",
                      "status": "current",
                      "title": "Example Content title",
                      "space": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "version": {
                          "by": {
                              "type": "known",
                              "username": "username",
                              "userKey": "",
                              "displayName": "Full Name",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "status": ""
                          "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.437Z",
                          "message": "change message for this edit",
                          "number": 2,
                          "minorEdit": false,
                          "hidden": false
                      "ancestors": [
                              "id": "123",
                              "type": "page",
                              "status": "current",
                              "ancestors": [],
                              "operations": [],
                              "children": {},
                              "descendants": {},
                              "body": {},
                              "metadata": {},
                              "restrictions": {},
                              "_links": {
                                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
                      "operations": [],
                      "children": {},
                      "descendants": {},
                      "container": {
                          "id": 11,
                          "key": "TST",
                          "name": "Example space",
                          "description": {
                              "plain": {
                                  "value": "This is an example space",
                                  "representation": "plain"
                          "metadata": {},
                          "_links": {
                              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                      "body": {
                          "view": {
                              "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                              "representation": "view",
                              "_expandable": {
                                  "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "restrictions": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
                  "title": "Example Content title",
                  "excerpt": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "url": "/display/Example Content title",
                  "resultGlobalContainer": {
                      "title": "Example space",
                      "displayUrl": "/display/space/TST"
                  "entityType": "content",
                  "iconCssClass": "page-css-class"
                  "user": {
                      "type": "known",
                      "username": "euser",
                      "userKey": "A123EDCE",
                      "profilePicture": {
                          "path": "/some/download/url",
                          "width": 48,
                          "height": 48,
                          "isDefault": false
                      "displayName": "Example User",
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/experimental/user?key=A123EDCE"
                      "_expandable": {
                          "status": ""
                  "title": "Example User",
                  "url": "/display/user/euser",
                  "entityType": "user",
                  "iconCssClass": "user-css-class"
          "start": 0,
          "limit": 3,
          "size": 3,
          "totalSize": 15,
          "cqlQuery": "title ~ example",
          "searchDuration": 50,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the query cannot be parsed

spaceExpand all methods

REST wrapper for the SpaceService.

Returns information about a number of spaces.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
spaceKey string

a list of space keys

type string

filter the list of spaces returned by type (global, personal)

status string

filter the list of spaces returned by status (current, archived)

label string

filter the list of spaces returned by label

favourite boolean

filter the list of spaces returned by favourites

expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the spaces

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of spaces to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns an array of full JSON representations of found spaces

Creates a new Space.

The incoming Space does not include an id, but must include a Key and Name, and should include a Description.


    "key": "TST",
    "name": "Example space",
    "description": {
        "plain": {
            "value": "This is an example space",
            "representation": "plain"
    "metadata": {}
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a space

          "id": 11,
          "key": "TST",
          "name": "Example space",
          "description": {
              "plain": {
                  "value": "This is an example space",
                  "representation": "plain"
          "metadata": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/space",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"

Creates a new private Space, viewable only by its creator.

The incoming Space does not include an id, but must include a Key and Name, and should include a Description.


    "key": "TST",
    "name": "Example space",
    "description": {
        "plain": {
            "value": "This is an example space",
            "representation": "plain"
    "metadata": {}
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a space

          "id": 11,
          "key": "TST",
          "name": "Example space",
          "description": {
              "plain": {
                  "value": "This is an example space",
                  "representation": "plain"
          "metadata": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/space",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"

Updates a Space.

Currently only the Space name, description and homepage can be updated.


    "key": "TST",
    "name": "Example space",
    "description": {
        "plain": {
            "value": "This is an example space",
            "representation": "plain"
    "metadata": {}
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a space

          "id": 11,
          "key": "TST",
          "name": "Example space",
          "description": {
              "plain": {
                  "value": "This is an example space",
                  "representation": "plain"
          "metadata": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/space",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to update it.

Deletes a Space.

The space is deleted in a long running task, so the space cannot be considered deleted when this resource returns. Clients can follow the status link in the response and poll it until the task completes.

    • Status 202 - application/json
      Returns a pointer to the status of the space-deletion task
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to delete it.

Returns information about a space.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on the space

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a space
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the space.

Returns the content in this given space

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
depth string

Default: all

a string indicating if all content, or just the root content of the space is returned. Default value: all. Valid values: all, root.

expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on each piece of content retrieved

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of labels to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a piece of content

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.153Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [
                  "id": "123",
                  "type": "page",
                  "status": "current",
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {},
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "view": {
                  "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "representation": "view",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

Returns the content in this given space with the given type

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
depth string

Default: all

a string indicating if all content, or just the root content of the space is returned. Default value: all. Valid values: all, root.

expand string


a comma separated list of properties to expand on each piece of content retrieved

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 25

the limit of the number of labels to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a piece of content

          "id": "1234",
          "type": "page",
          "status": "current",
          "title": "Example Content title",
          "space": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "version": {
              "by": {
                  "type": "known",
                  "username": "username",
                  "userKey": "",
                  "displayName": "Full Name",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "status": ""
              "when": "2017-12-11T03:52:47.153Z",
              "message": "change message for this edit",
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "ancestors": [
                  "id": "123",
                  "type": "page",
                  "status": "current",
                  "ancestors": [],
                  "operations": [],
                  "children": {},
                  "descendants": {},
                  "body": {},
                  "metadata": {},
                  "restrictions": {},
                  "_links": {
                      "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/123"
          "operations": [],
          "children": {},
          "descendants": {},
          "container": {
              "id": 11,
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "body": {
              "view": {
                  "value": "<p><h1>Example</h1>Some example content body</p>",
                  "representation": "view",
                  "_expandable": {
                      "content": "/rest/api/content/1234"
          "metadata": {},
          "restrictions": {},
          "_links": {
              "collection": "/rest/api/content",
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/1234"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content.

space/{spaceKey}/propertyExpand all methods

A REST resource for manipulating space properties.

Space properties are a key / value store of properties attached to a Space. The key is a string, and the value is a JSON object.

Show more

Returns a paginated list of space properties.

Example request URI:


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

Default: version

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the space properties. Default value: version.

start int

the start point of the collection to return

limit int

Default: 10

the limit of the number of items to return, this may be restricted by fixed system limits

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the space property list

          "results": [
                  "space": {
                      "key": "TST",
                      "name": "Example space",
                      "description": {
                          "plain": {
                              "value": "This is an example space",
                              "representation": "plain"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                  "key": "example-property-key",
                  "value": {
                      "anything": "goes"
                  "version": {
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the space.

Creates a new space property.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the space property

          "space": {
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the space already has a value with the given key, or no property value was provided, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the space with the given key
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

Returns a paginated list of space properties.

Example request URI:


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string

Default: version

a comma separated list of properties to expand on the space properties. Default value: version.

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the space property list

          "results": [
                  "space": {
                      "key": "TST",
                      "name": "Example space",
                      "description": {
                          "plain": {
                              "value": "This is an example space",
                              "representation": "plain"
                      "metadata": {},
                      "_links": {
                          "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
                  "key": "example-property-key",
                  "value": {
                      "anything": "goes"
                  "version": {
                      "number": 2,
                      "minorEdit": false,
                      "hidden": false
          "size": 1,
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the space.

Updates a space property.

The body contains the representation of the space property. Must include new version number. If the given version number is 1, attempts to create a new space property, just like {@link #create(String, com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.JsonSpaceProperty)}.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    "version": {
        "number": 2,
        "minorEdit": false,
        "hidden": false
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the property

          "space": {
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the given property has a different spaceKey to the one in the path, or if the property has a different key to the one in the path, or no property value was provided, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the space with the given spaceKey
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the given spaceKey, or no property with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the space.
    • Status 409
      Returned if the given version is does not match the expected target version of the updated property
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

Deletes a space property.

    • Status 204
      Returned if successfully deleted.
    • Status 404
      Returned if there is no space with the give key, property with the given property key, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the space.

Creates a new space property.


    "key": "example-property-key",
    "value": {
        "anything": "goes"
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of the space property

          "space": {
              "key": "TST",
              "name": "Example space",
              "description": {
                  "plain": {
                      "value": "This is an example space",
                      "representation": "plain"
              "metadata": {},
              "_links": {
                  "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/space/TST"
          "key": "example-property-key",
          "value": {
              "anything": "goes"
          "version": {
              "number": 2,
              "minorEdit": false,
              "hidden": false
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence"
    • Status 400
      Returned if the space already has a value with the given key, or no property value was provided, or the value is too long.
    • Status 403
      Returned if the user does not have permission to edit the space with the given key
    • Status 413
      Returned if the value is too long.

userExpand all methods

Non-admin user operations

Get information about a user identified by either user key or username.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to request from this resource

username string

username of the user to request from this resource

expand string

properties to expand on the user

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a user

          "type": "known",
          "username": "jsmith",
          "userKey": "402880824ff933a4014ff9345d7c0002",
          "profilePicture": {
              "path": "/wiki/relative/avatar.png",
              "width": 48,
              "height": 48,
              "isDefault": true
          "displayName": "Joe Smith",
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/experimental/user?key=402880824ff933a4014ff9345d7c0002"
          "_expandable": {
              "status": ""
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view users.
    • Status 404
      Returned if a user with the given username or userkey does not exist

Get information about the how anonymous is represented in confluence

Example request URI(s):


    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a user

          "type": "anonymous",
          "profilePicture": {
              "path": "/wiki/relative/avatar.png",
              "width": 48,
              "height": 48,
              "isDefault": true
          "displayName": "Anonymous"
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to use confluence.

Get information about the current logged in user.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
expand string
    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a user

          "type": "known",
          "username": "jsmith",
          "userKey": "402880824ff933a4014ff9345d7c0002",
          "profilePicture": {
              "path": "/wiki/relative/avatar.png",
              "width": 48,
              "height": 48,
              "isDefault": true
          "displayName": "Joe Smith",
          "_links": {
              "base": "http://myhost:8080/confluence",
              "context": "/confluence",
              "self": "http://myhost:8080/confluence/rest/experimental/user?key=402880824ff933a4014ff9345d7c0002"
          "_expandable": {
              "status": ""
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to use confluence.

Get a paginated collection of groups that the given user is a member of

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string
username string
expand string
start int
limit int

Default: 200

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a full JSON representation of a collection of groups

          "results": [
                  "type": "group",
                  "name": "somegroup"
                  "type": "group",
                  "name": "anothergroup"
          "size": 2
    • Status 403
      Returned if the calling user does not have permission to use confluence.

user/watchExpand all methods

A REST resource for manipulating watchers for {@link com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Space Spaces}, pieces of {@link com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Content Content} and {@link com.atlassian.confluence.api.model.content.Label Labels}.Show more

Create a new watcher for the given user and content id.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):

  • POST
  • POST
  • POST

query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to create the new watcher for

username string

username of the user to create the new watcher for

    • Status 204 - application/json
      Returned if the watcher was successfully created
    • Status 404
      Returned if no content exists for the specified content id or the calling user does not have permission to perform the operation

Delete an existing watcher for the given user and content id.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to delete the watcher for

username string

username of the user to delete the watcher for

    • Status 204 - application/json
      Returned if the watcher was successfully deleted
    • Status 404
      Returned if no content exists for the specified content id or the calling user does not have permission to perform the operation

Get information about whether a user is watching a specified content.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to check for watching state

username string

username of the user to check for watching state

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation containing the watching state

          "watching": true
    • Status 404
      Returned if no content exists for the specified content id or calling user does not have permission to perform the operation

Create a new watcher for the given user and space key.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):

  • POST
  • POST
  • POST

query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userKey of the user to create the new watcher for

username string

userName of the user to create the new watcher for

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returned if the watcher was successfully created
    • Status 404
      Returned if space exists for the specified space key or if the calling user does not have permission to perform the operation

Delete an existing watcher for the given user and space key.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to delete the watcher for

username string

username of the user to delete the watcher for

    • Status 204 - application/json
      Returned if the watcher was successfully deleted
    • Status 404
      Returned if no content exists for the specified space key or the calling user does not have permission to perform the operation

Get information about whether a user is watching a specified space.

User is optional. If not specified, currently logged-in user will be used. Otherwise, it can be specified by either user key or username. When a user is specified and is different from the logged-in user, the logged-in user needs to be a Confluence administrator.

Example request URI(s):


query parameters
parameter type description
key string

userkey of the user to check for watching state

username string

username of the user to check for watching state

    • Status 200 - application/json
      Returns a JSON representation containing the watching state

          "watching": true
    • Status 404
      Returned if no space exists for the specified space key or the calling user does not have permission to perform the operation