This document the current REST API provided by Confluence. REST resource for getting displayable breadcrumbs for confluence contentGets the breadcrumbs to display for the given content id and type.Returns HTTP 404 (not found) if content for the given id is not found or the user is not permitted to view it.Breadcrumbs for the content to displayReturns an empty page. Note that this method will not even return a valid XML document nor valid JSON.Returns the UserSessionEntity for the user making the request. Example URL: http://host/confluence/rest/prototype/1/sessionThe user session for the user requesting it. This method can only be called by authenticated users.Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <session> <history size="2"> <content type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </content> <content type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </content> </history> </session> A UserSessionEntity. By default the history is not expanded.Returns the UserHistoryList for the user making the request. Example URL: http://host/confluence/rest/prototype/1/session/historyThe first (inclusive) index to return. Can be any integer zero or greater.The number of results to return. Can be any positive integer.The page viewing history for the current user.Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <history> <content type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </content> <content type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </content> </history> A list of the pages visited by this user. Note that this list does not include calls made via the REST API (such as the content service).Rest resource for accessing translations in Confluence.Returns the text for the given plugin keys.This method will return HTTP 404 (not found) if there are no plugin keys specifiedA message bundle with all the translated content for the given set of plugin keys.The plugin key as it is defined in the atlassian-plugin.xml.Returns the text for the given plugin key. If the specified plugin key does not exist, or the caller does not have permission to access the plugin texts, the response is HTTP 404 (not found). Note that only JSON is returned. An example URL including a plugin key would look like this: http://host/confluence/rest/prototype/1/i18n/com.atlassian.confluence.tinymcepluginall the translated keys for the given plugin key.Response when the requested resource is not found.all the translated keys for the given plugin key.A message bundle with all the translated content for the given plugin key.A service providing search results using the Confluence search with various parameters.Search Confluence using the given parameters.Results matching criteria. Depending on parameters the results are either in groups (quick search) or results (full search) fields.Site wide Confluence search.query stringcontent types to search forkeys of spaces to search in, if not specified it searches in all spacesattachment types to search in, if not specified it searches all attachmentsstart index of search resultsmax page size of search resultsFilters the results for content with the specified labels, if not specified all results are returnedSearch is performed on the name of content only e.g. title of page, name of attachmentUser specific search. Searches on username and full name.query stringmaximum number of search resultsRest resource for accessing Confluence content. Currently supports only read access for pages, blogs and comments.Returns HTTP 404 (not found) as there is no content to return if no ID is passed.Always returned as no content can be retrieved without ID.Returns the content for the given ID.Returned if the requested content is not found, or the user does not have permission to see itExample<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <content type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <body type="0">h1. Demo Area Confluence is Enterprise [wiki software|] which extends beyond average wikis. Confluence is available for both [download|] &amp; [hosted|] versions. To get an quick overview, we recommend browsing through the tours suggested above. </body> </content> Full representation of the content item.ID of resource (such as a page or blog post)Returns the attachments for a given resource. The results are ordered by the creation date.Index of first item (inclusive) to return.Maximum number of items to return. Default is 50.Mime types to filter the attachments by, such as: image/jpeg'Nice' type to filter the attachments by. Filtering is case insensititve. Can be one or more of: PDF, IMAGE, XML, HTML, TEXT, WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, JAVA_SOURCE, JAVA_ARCHIVE, ZIP. You can specify multiple types like this: ?attachmentType=image&attachmentType=pdfset to true to have the results returned in reverse chronological order.attachmentEntityListReturned if the requested content item is not found, or the user does not have permission to see itattachmentEntityListExample<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <attachments size="2"> <attachment niceType="Image" version="1" comment="Shot of the Harbour Bridge from below" niceFileSize="147 kB" fileSize="150652" contentType="image/jpeg" fileName="harbour bridge3.jpg" type="attachment" id="6488237l"> <ownerId>6389783</ownerId> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <title>harbour bridge3.jpg</title> <thumbnailWidth>0</thumbnailWidth> <thumbnailHeight>0</thumbnailHeight> <wikiLink>[ds:Josh^harbour bridge3.jpg]</wikiLink> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> </space> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </attachment> <attachment niceType="Image" version="1" comment="Shot of the Harbour Bridge from below" niceFileSize="147 kB" fileSize="150652" contentType="image/jpeg" fileName="harbour bridge3.jpg" type="attachment" id="6488237l"> <ownerId>6389783</ownerId> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <title>harbour bridge3.jpg</title> <thumbnailWidth>0</thumbnailWidth> <thumbnailHeight>0</thumbnailHeight> <wikiLink>[ds:Josh^harbour bridge3.jpg]</wikiLink> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> </space> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </attachment> </attachments> Full representation of the attachments with links to download the binary data.This method will always return HTTP 404 (not found) as it can not find attachments without an ID.This method will always return HTTP 404 (not found) as it can not find attachments without an ID.Returns a full representation of the attachment for the given ID. The ID is that of an attachment and not the page it is attached to.AttachmentEntityReturned if the requested attachment is not found, or the user does not have permission to see itAttachmentEntityExample<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <attachment niceType="Image" version="1" comment="Shot of the Harbour Bridge from below" niceFileSize="147 kB" fileSize="150652" contentType="image/jpeg" fileName="harbour bridge3.jpg" type="attachment" id="6488237l"> <ownerId>6389783</ownerId> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <title>harbour bridge3.jpg</title> <thumbnailWidth>0</thumbnailWidth> <thumbnailHeight>0</thumbnailHeight> <wikiLink>[ds:Josh^harbour bridge3.jpg]</wikiLink> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> </space> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </attachment> Full representation of the attachment with links to download the binary data.Rest resource for accessing Confluence spaces. Currently supports only read access to spaces.Retrieves a list of spaces visible to the currently logged in user, alphabetically by space name. An optional parameter 'type' allows filtering on space type. The standard paging parameters 'start-index' and 'max-results' can be used to page through the list. A maximum of 50 (defined by {@link DefaultRestSpaceManager#DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE}) spaces will be listed.The space type parameter to filter the list by. Type can be one of: GLOBAL, PERSONAL, ALLThe first (inclusive) index to return. Can be any integer zero or greater.The number of results to return. Can be any positive integer.a list of space keys to viewa list of all spaces the user can see.Example<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <spaces> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds" id="1"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <description>An example of a Confluence space with a tutorial and sample content.</description> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <wikiLink>[ds:]</wikiLink> <rootpages size="2"/> <userproperties/> <home type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </home> </space> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds" id="1"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <description>An example of a Confluence space with a tutorial and sample content.</description> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <wikiLink>[ds:]</wikiLink> <rootpages size="2"/> <userproperties/> <home type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </home> </space> </spaces> A list of spacesReturns information about a space identified by the key passed. ReturnsReturns http HTTP 404 (not found) if the space is not found or the user requesting it does not have the correct permissions.details for the spaceResponse when the requested space does not exist or the user requesting it does not have sufficent rights to see it.details for the spaceExample<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <space type="space" title="Demonstration Space" name="Demonstration Space" key="ds" id="1"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <description>An example of a Confluence space with a tutorial and sample content.</description> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <wikiLink>[ds:]</wikiLink> <rootpages size="2"/> <userproperties/> <home type="page"> <link rel="self" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost"/> <link rel="alternate" type="application/pdf" href="http://localhost"/> <title>Home</title> <wikiLink>[ds:Home]</wikiLink> <lastModifiedDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> <createdDate date="2009-11-24T13:09:46+1100" friendly="Nov 24"/> </home> </space> A detailed description of a space.