Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest

Uses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver

Subclasses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver
 class AboutPageTest
 class AbstractContentRestrictionTest
 class AbstractMultimediaMacroTest
 class AbstractNotificationTest
 class ActivityStreamGadgetTest
          Replaces com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.ActivityStreamGadgetTest
 class AttachmentsTest
 class AutowatchTest
          Tests Autowatch feature for creating and editing pages and blogposts, and regular comments on pages and blogposts, with and without space and space blogs watches.
 class BlogPostRestrictionsTest
          Tests restrictions on blog posts.
 class BreadcrumbsTest
 class ColorSchemeTest
 class ConfluenceSpacesHidingTest
 class CreateSpaceTest
 class CustomStylesheetTest
 class DarkFeaturesTest
 class DashboardPopularTabTest
 class DashboardTest
 class DefaultSpaceContentTest
 class EasyUserInviteMailTest
 class EasyUserInviteTest
 class EditUserProfileTest
 class EmailToPageTest
 class EmbeddedImagesTest
 class GadgetAdminTest
 class GadgetFeedSubscriptionTest
 class GalleryMacroTest
 class GettingStartedTest
 class GlobaljQueryTest
          For a long time, jQuery reference was leaked into the global namespace.
 class HeaderTest
 class KeyboardShortcutDialogTest
 class KeyboardShortcutsTest
 class LabelTest
 class LikeWebDriverTest
 class LoginTest
 class LongRunningTaskStatusTest
          Tests that check the long running task status page.
 class MacroBrowserSmartFieldsTest
          Tests for the smart fields in the Macro Browser.
 class ManageWatchersTest
 class MarkupMacroBrowserTest
 class MenuTest
 class MergeTest
 class MetaTest
          Tests that the testing infrastructure itself is working.
 class MoveBlogPostTest
 class MovePageTest
 class MultimediaMacroAVITest
 class MultimediaMacroFlashTest
 class MultimediaMacroMp3Test
 class MultimediaMacroMp4Test
 class MultimediaMacroQuickTimeNotIExploreTest
 class MultimediaMacroWMATest
 class MultimediaMacroWMVTest
 class OfficeConnectorMacroBrowserSmartFieldsTest
          Tests for the smart fields customisations as used in the Office Connector bundled plugin
 class PageMetadataTest
 class PageRestrictionsTest
 class PageVersionCommentTest
 class ProfileMacroTest
 class QuickReloadDarkFeatureTest
 class QuickReloadTest
 class QuickSearchTest
 class QuickSearchWithDocThemeTest
          Search tests that are specific to the doc theme - See DOC-68
 class RebuildAncestorTableTest
 class SearchIndexTest
 class SpaceDirectoryTest
 class SpacePermissionsTest
 class SpacesConfigurationAcceptanceTest
 class SupportToolsPluginTest
          Acceptance test harness for the Support Tools plugin - previously a JWebUnit suite until the Support Tools plugin was ajaxified.
 class ThemingTest
          Tests the application of custom themes to Confluence.
 class TranslationTransformTest
 class UPMTest
 class UserHoverTest
 class UserPickerTest
 class UserStatusTest
 class ViewPageTest
 class ViewSpaceTest
          Encapsulates tests related to accessing and viewing a Space at its root level.
 class WelcomeFileDescriptorTest
 class WhatsNewTest
 class WorkboxBasicTest
          Simple sanity test to check that workbox (aka workday aka mywork) exists when Confluence starts

Uses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.editor

Subclasses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.editor
 class BlogEditorTest
 class CommentsTest
 class EditorDoubleClickToEditTest
 class EditorDraftsDialogTest
 class EditorDraftsTest
          Tests should be migrated from com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.EditorDraftsTest to here.
 class EditorDraftsWithAnonymousUserTest
          Tests drafts for anonymous users.
 class EditorInsertFilesDialogTest
 class EditorPageLayout2Test
 class EditorReliableSaveTest
          Tests save related edge cases
 class EditorSettingsTest
          Test user editor settings that allow a user to enable/disable autoformat and autocomplete
 class EditorSharedDraftsTest
 class EditorTest
 class EditorUiTest
          Tests the expected differences and similarities when the editor is invoked in various situations.
 class ImagePropertyPanelTest
 class LinkBrowserAttachmentTest
 class MacroPropertyPanelTest
 class QuickCommentEditorTest
 class QuickCommentEditorWithAnonymousUserTest
 class QuickEditEditorTest
          Quick edit page related tests We also have some additional related tests in EditorTest that we should probably move here.
 class TemplatesTest
 class TinyMceConfluenceFormatTest
 class TinyMceInsertMenuTest
 class TinyMceSymbolTest

Uses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.editor.base

Subclasses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.editor.base
 class AbstractEditorDraftsTest
 class AbstractLinkBrowserTest

Uses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.export

Subclasses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.export
 class SpaceHtmlExportTest
          TEsts html export of a space
 class SpaceXmlExportTest

Uses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.visualregression

Subclasses of AbstractInjectableWebDriverTest in com.atlassian.confluence.webdriver.visualregression
 class AbstractVisualRegressionTest
          Abstract base class for UI Regression tests.
 class LoginVisualRegressionTest
          Tests the Confluence login flow at Desktop and Mobile resolutions User sign up enabled Mail server configured Captcha turned on
 class VisualRegressionTest

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