Package com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.hibernate2

Interface Summary
InternalGroupDao Private-ish interface for methods that should only be called by other DAOs.
InternalMembershipDao Implements bulk membership changes via database IDs rather than by name.
InternalUserDao Private-ish interface for methods that should only be called by other DAOs.

Class Summary
CriteriaFactory Factory for creating criteria from the given session with useful defaults.
HibernateDirectoryDao Hibernate 2/Spring implementation of directory persistence
HibernateGroupDao Hibernate2/Spring implementation of group persistence
HibernateInternalMembershipDao Allows bulk membership changes via database IDs rather than by name.
HibernateMembership Hibernate representation of a membership that uses actual foreign keys and joins instead of trusting that database integrity will be maintained by a team of unicorns.
HibernateMembershipDao Implementation of MembershipDao which uses Hibernate 2.
HibernateSearch A HibernateCallback that executes an HQLQuery against the database, converting parameters and results to the correct types.
HibernateUserDao Implementation of UserDao which uses Hibernate 2.
HQLMembershipQueryTranslator Hibernate query translator for our non-crowd-standard table structure for group membership.
HQLQueryHibernate2 Refines Crowd's HQLQuery for Hibernate 2.
HQLQueryTranslaterHibernate2 Refines Crowd's HQLQueryTranslater to make it compatible with Hibernate 2.

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