
Class Summary
GadgetCacheFlushBlockedEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever the arequested flushing of the low-level gadgets caches is blocked.
GadgetCacheFlushEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever the low-level gadgets caches are flushed.
GadgetDirectoryRetrievalEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever the gadgets directory is retrieved.
GadgetInfoRestFetchEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever the GadgetInfo REST resource is executed
GadgetInstalledEvent This event gets fired when an external gadget is installed.
GadgetMacroMetadataBuildEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever the GadgetsMacroMetadataProvider builds the metadata from the gadget specs.
GadgetMacroRenderedEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever GadgetMacro is rendered.
GadgetPlaceholderRenderedEvent An analytics event that is fired whenever GadgetMacro is rendered.
GadgetUninstalledEvent This event gets published when an external gadget is removed from the system.

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