Package com.atlassian.confluence.license.validator

Interface Summary

Class Summary
DataCenterLicenseExpiryValidator Validates that if the license is for data center, the expiry date has been supplied.
DataCenterLicenseValidator Validates if running the CDC version of Confluence, that the license is for data center.
DataCenterNumberOfUsersValidator Validates that if the license is for data center, the number of users have been specified, if it is not an evaluation license.
LegacyClusterLicenseValidator Detects for old cluster licenses, which had the conf.NumberOfClusterNodes attribute.
LegacyV1LicenseValidator Detects for old v1 style licenses, which are not allowed anymore.
StandaloneLicenseValidator Validates if running the standalone version of Confluence, that the license is NOT for data center.
SupportPeriodValidator Validates the support period of a license is not after the build date of the system.

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