Package com.atlassian.confluence.setup.settings

Interface Summary
CoreFeaturesManager The set of features that are fundamental to this product working, and can only be enabled or disabled during installation.
DarkFeaturesManager Creates DarkFeatures instances from the PropertySet associated with the ThreadLocal user.
FeatureService Provides registered Features.

Class Summary
DarkFeatures Represents the current state of the dark features for a particular user.
DefaultCoreFeaturesManager The set of features that are fundamental to Confluence working, and can only be enabled or disabled during installation.
DefaultDarkFeaturesManager Creates DarkFeatures instances from the PropertySet associated with the ThreadLocal user.
DefaultSettingsManager For CONF-9959, this manager will only retrieve global and space settings from bandana if the system has been successfully upgraded.
FieldChange Represents a field change in the settings.
GlobalDescription Content Entity Object that is associated with the whole confluence rather then a specific space/page/user.

Enum Summary
ConfluenceFlavour Represents the different possible flavours of Confluence in OnDemand.

Exception Summary
UnknownFeatureException Thrown if an unknown feature is referenced.

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