
Interface Summary
ContentNameSearcher Search for Confluence content by its name (for Pages we search title, for users, we search full names, etc.).
ContentNameSearchSectionsProvider This interface must be implemented by plugins who wish to include results in the Confluence quick nav.
ContentNameSearchService An search service that will take a query String and apply it as a search across the 'universal title' field within the Confluence search index.
DocumentResultScores Interface for storing, incrementing and iterating over document scores.
DocumentResultScores.Block Callback interface to provide clients with the ability to run custom code against all document and score pairs maintained by this class.
QueryTokenizer Tokenizes a query string into QueryTokens.
ResultCategoriser Responsible for categorising results that are passed in as DocumentResultScores.

Class Summary
Category Represents a category in which results coming back from a content name search can be put in.
ContentNameSearchContext A context of the environment that is passed to ContentNameSearchSectionsProvider.getSections(java.util.List, ContentNameSearchContext).
ContentNameSearchSection Defines a section in the results of the quick nav dropdown.
DefaultContentNameSearchSectionsProvider The default section provider for quick nav that searches through pages, blogs, attachments, peoples and spaces.
FloatArrayDocumentResultScores A DocumentScores implementation which will keep each score in a float array where the position in the array matches the docId for each document.
QueryToken A token emitted from tokenization performed by QueryTokenizer.
ResultTemplate Class that allows clients to specify what categories of results to get back from any content name search.
SearchResult Represents a search result from a content name search.
SemaphoreHolder Holds the semaphore used to enforce a limit on the number of simultaneous quick nav searches.
SemaphoreRefreshListener Listener that listens for changes to the global configuration.

Enum Summary

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