Package com.atlassian.confluence.pages.attachments

Interface Summary
DelegatingAttachmentDao Implemented by AttachmentDaos that delegate so that clients can get to the underlying implementation.
ImageDetailsDao Data Access Object for database storage and retrieval of ImageDetails.
ImageDetailsManager Calculates, stores and retrieves ImageDetails for Attachments.

Class Summary
AttachmentCache Caches the IDs of current attachments by the normal lookup mechanism: content ID + file name.
CachingAttachmentDao Caches the IDs of attachments retrieved with CachingAttachmentDao.getLatestAttachment(ContentEntityObject, String) in an AttachmentCache.
DefaultImageDetailsDao Stores and retrieves ImageDetails via Hibernate.
DefaultImageDetailsManager Calculates, stores and retrieves ImageDetails for Attachments.
ImageDetails Class containing the image details of a single version of an Attachment.

Exception Summary
AttachmentDataStreamSizeMismatchException Thrown when the the size of the InputStream received to create an attachment is different to the declared size or length of the attachment.

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