Class ConfluenceSeleniumClient

  extended by com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
      extended by com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient
          extended by com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client.ConfluenceSeleniumClient
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient, com.atlassian.selenium.visualcomparison.VisualComparableClient, com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium

public class ConfluenceSeleniumClient
extends com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient

Extends the Atlassian Selenium client to provide Confluence specific methods.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DOWN_KEY
static java.lang.String UP_KEY
static java.lang.String WIKI_CONTENT_XPATH
Fields inherited from class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient
Fields inherited from class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
Method Summary
 void check(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Checks a checkbox given a name and value.
 void cleanUp()
          Resets the selenium client to a default state so that we can not slow down the tests run accidentally anymore.
 void click(java.lang.String locator, boolean waitForPageToLoad)
 void click(java.lang.String locator, long timeoutMillis)
 void clickLinkWithTextInWikiContent(java.lang.String text, boolean waitForPageToLoad)
          Clicks a link in the wiki content with the exact text given.
 java.lang.String getBaseUrl()
 com.atlassian.selenium.Browser getBrowser()
 double getBrowserVersion()
 java.lang.String getContextPath()
          Context path, including initial slash, eg "/confluence".
 java.lang.String getEval(java.lang.String javascript)
          Runs the provided Javascript statement in the context of the test page, not the Selenium tester like DefaultSelenium.getEval(String) does.
 boolean getEvalAsBoolean(java.lang.String javascript)
 int getEvalAsInteger(java.lang.String javascript)
 java.lang.String getEvalFunction(java.lang.String... functionLines)
          Varargs version of getEvalFunction(String) which joins together its arguments with newlines.
 java.lang.String getEvalFunction(java.lang.String function)
          Runs the provided Javascript function in the context of the test page.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getEvalListFunction(java.lang.String... functionLines)
          Version of getEvalFunction(String...) which executes a JS function which returns a list, joins the result on the client side using commas, then splits it back into a list to return.
static ConfluenceSeleniumClient getInstance()
 int getJQueryElementSelectorHeight(java.lang.String selector)
          Gets the height of the supplied jQuery selector.
 java.lang.String getMetadata(java.lang.String key)
 boolean getMetadataBoolean(java.lang.String key)
 long getMetadataLong(java.lang.String key)
 boolean hasSelectorWithText(java.lang.String selector, java.lang.String text)
          Returns true if the given JQuery selector returns at least one result containing the supplied text.
 boolean isIE6Mode()
 boolean isJQueryElementSelectorPresent(java.lang.String selector)
          Returns true if the given JQuery selector returns at least one result.
 void keyPressOnly(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String key)
 void open(java.lang.String url, long timeoutMillis)
          Overridden to append the context path in front of the url.
 void openAbsoluteURL(java.lang.String url)
 void openAbsoluteURL(java.lang.String url, long timeoutMillis)
 void pressBackspace(java.lang.String elementLocator)
          Simulates pressing the backspace key in the element.
 void pressCtrlAltAndKey(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String keySequence)
          Presses the control and alt keys, followed by the key(s) passed in
 void pressCtrlAndKey(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String keySequence)
          Presses the control key, followed by the key(s) passed in.
 void pressCtrlAndKeyDownOnly(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String keySequence)
          Use this method for key presses that will load a new page.
 void pressCtrlShiftAndKey(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String keySequence)
          Presses the control+shift keys, followed by the key(s) passed in.
 void pressEnter(java.lang.String elementLocator, boolean waitForPageToLoad)
          Simulates pressing the enter key in the element.
 void pressEscape(java.lang.String elementLocator)
          Simulates pressing the Esc key in the element.
 void pressShiftAndKey(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String keySequence)
 void pressTab(java.lang.String elementLocator)
          Simulates pressing the tab key in the element.
 void selectTopFrame()
 void setScriptsFinishedPluginExpected(boolean expected)
 void submit(java.lang.String form, boolean waitForPageToLoad)
 void submit(java.lang.String form, boolean waitForPageToLoad, boolean onlyFireEvent)
 void submit(java.lang.String form, long timeoutMillis)
 java.lang.String toHexColor(java.lang.String colorText)
          Converts style color "rbg(1, 2, 3)", or "#010203" into a hex color "010203".
 void typeInElementWithId(java.lang.String elementId, java.lang.String text)
 void typeWithLastCharFullKeyEvents(java.lang.String locator, java.lang.String text)
          Types text in the field specified by the locator.
 void waitForCondition(java.lang.String javascript, java.lang.String timeoutMillis)
          Runs the provided Javascript statement in the context of the test page, not the Selenium tester like DefaultSelenium.waitForCondition(String, String) does.
 void waitForFunction(java.lang.String javascript)
 void waitForFunction(java.lang.String javascript, java.lang.String timeoutMillis)
          Runs the provided Javascript function in the context of the test page.
 void waitForJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector)
          Blocks until an element is found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the action timeout is reached).
 void waitForJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector, long timeoutMillis)
          Blocks until an element is found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the given timeout is reached).
 void waitForJQueryElementSelectorCount(java.lang.String selector, int count)
          Blocks until a certain number of elements are found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the action timeout is reached).
 void waitForJqueryEventTriggered(java.lang.String eventName, java.lang.String selector)
          Will wait for a specfic event to be triggered.
 void waitForNoJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector)
 void waitForPageToLoad(long timeoutMillis)
 void waitForPageToLoad(java.lang.String timeout)
          Override to make sure all Javascript has finished loading before returning.
 void waitForScriptsToLoad()
 void waitUntilFocused(java.lang.String elementId)
          Waits until the element with the supplied id has cursor focus or until the default timeout expires.
 void waitUntilHiddenById(java.lang.String elementId)
          Waits until the element with the supplied id is hidden or until the default timeout expires.
 void waitUntilRemoved(java.lang.String selector)
          Waits until the elements matched by the supplied selector are removed from the DOM.
 void waitUntilVisible(java.lang.String selector)
          Waits until the element(s) matched by the supplied selector is visible or until the default timeout expires.
 void waitUntilVisibleById(java.lang.String elementId)
          Waits until the element with the supplied id is visible or until the default timeout expires.
Methods inherited from class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient
captureEntirePageScreenshot, clickAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickButton, clickButtonAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickButtonWithName, clickButtonWithNameAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickElementWithClass, clickElementWithClassAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickElementWithCss, clickElementWithCssAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickElementWithTitle, clickElementWithTitleAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickElementWithXpath, clickElementWithXpathAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, clickLinkWithText, evaluate, generateKeyEvent, hasJquery, keyPress, open, openNoWait, refreshAndWait, selectOption, selectOptionAndWaitForAjaxWithJquery, seleniumKeyPress, simulateKeyPressForCharacter, simulateKeyPressForCharacter, simulateKeyPressForSpecialKey, simulateKeyPressForSpecialKey, start, toggleToCharacterCode, toggleToKeyCode, typeInElementWithCss, typeInElementWithName, typeWithFullKeyEvents, typeWithFullKeyEvents, waitForAjaxWithJquery, waitForAjaxWithJquery, waitForCondition, waitForCondition, waitForJQuery, waitForPageToLoad
Methods inherited from class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium
addLocationStrategy, addScript, addSelection, allowNativeXpath, altKeyDown, altKeyUp, answerOnNextPrompt, assignId, attachFile, captureEntirePageScreenshot, captureEntirePageScreenshotToString, captureNetworkTraffic, captureScreenshot, captureScreenshotToString, check, chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation, chooseOkOnNextConfirmation, click, clickAt, close, contextMenu, contextMenuAt, controlKeyDown, controlKeyUp, createCookie, deleteAllVisibleCookies, deleteCookie, deselectPopUp, doubleClick, doubleClickAt, dragAndDrop, dragAndDropToObject, dragdrop, fireEvent, focus, getAlert, getAllButtons, getAllFields, getAllLinks, getAllWindowIds, getAllWindowNames, getAllWindowTitles, getAttribute, getAttributeFromAllWindows, getBodyText, getConfirmation, getCookie, getCookieByName, getCursorPosition, getElementHeight, getElementIndex, getElementPositionLeft, getElementPositionTop, getElementWidth, getExpression, getHtmlSource, getLocation, getMouseSpeed, getPrompt, getSelectedId, getSelectedIds, getSelectedIndex, getSelectedIndexes, getSelectedLabel, getSelectedLabels, getSelectedValue, getSelectedValues, getSelectOptions, getSpeed, getTable, getText, getTitle, getValue, getWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression, getWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression, getXpathCount, goBack, highlight, ignoreAttributesWithoutValue, isAlertPresent, isChecked, isConfirmationPresent, isCookiePresent, isEditable, isElementPresent, isOrdered, isPromptPresent, isSomethingSelected, isTextPresent, isVisible, keyDown, keyDownNative, keyPressNative, keyUp, keyUpNative, metaKeyDown, metaKeyUp, mouseDown, mouseDownAt, mouseDownRight, mouseDownRightAt, mouseMove, mouseMoveAt, mouseOut, mouseOver, mouseUp, mouseUpAt, mouseUpRight, mouseUpRightAt, openWindow, refresh, removeAllSelections, removeScript, removeSelection, retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs, rollup, runScript, select, selectFrame, selectPopUp, selectWindow, setBrowserLogLevel, setContext, setCursorPosition, setExtensionJs, setMouseSpeed, setSpeed, setTimeout, shiftKeyDown, shiftKeyUp, showContextualBanner, showContextualBanner, shutDownSeleniumServer, start, start, stop, submit, type, typeKeys, uncheck, useXpathLibrary, waitForFrameToLoad, waitForPopUp, windowFocus, windowMaximize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
addCustomRequestHeader, addLocationStrategy, addScript, addSelection, allowNativeXpath, altKeyDown, altKeyUp, answerOnNextPrompt, assignId, attachFile, captureEntirePageScreenshot, captureEntirePageScreenshotToString, captureNetworkTraffic, captureScreenshot, captureScreenshotToString, check, chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation, chooseOkOnNextConfirmation, click, clickAt, close, contextMenu, contextMenuAt, controlKeyDown, controlKeyUp, createCookie, deleteAllVisibleCookies, deleteCookie, deselectPopUp, doubleClick, doubleClickAt, dragAndDrop, dragAndDropToObject, dragdrop, fireEvent, focus, getAlert, getAllButtons, getAllFields, getAllLinks, getAllWindowIds, getAllWindowNames, getAllWindowTitles, getAttribute, getAttributeFromAllWindows, getBodyText, getConfirmation, getCookie, getCookieByName, getCssCount, getCursorPosition, getElementHeight, getElementIndex, getElementPositionLeft, getElementPositionTop, getElementWidth, getExpression, getHtmlSource, getLocation, getLog, getMouseSpeed, getPrompt, getSelectedId, getSelectedIds, getSelectedIndex, getSelectedIndexes, getSelectedLabel, getSelectedLabels, getSelectedValue, getSelectedValues, getSelectOptions, getSpeed, getTable, getText, getTitle, getValue, getWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression, getWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression, getXpathCount, goBack, highlight, ignoreAttributesWithoutValue, isAlertPresent, isChecked, isConfirmationPresent, isCookiePresent, isEditable, isElementPresent, isOrdered, isPromptPresent, isSomethingSelected, isTextPresent, isVisible, keyDown, keyDownNative, keyPressNative, keyUp, keyUpNative, metaKeyDown, metaKeyUp, mouseDown, mouseDownAt, mouseDownRight, mouseDownRightAt, mouseMove, mouseMoveAt, mouseOut, mouseOver, mouseUp, mouseUpAt, mouseUpRight, mouseUpRightAt, open, openWindow, refresh, removeAllSelections, removeScript, removeSelection, retrieveLastRemoteControlLogs, rollup, runScript, select, selectFrame, selectPopUp, selectWindow, setBrowserLogLevel, setContext, setCursorPosition, setExtensionJs, setMouseSpeed, setSpeed, setTimeout, shiftKeyDown, shiftKeyUp, showContextualBanner, showContextualBanner, shutDownSeleniumServer, start, start, stop, submit, type, typeKeys, uncheck, useXpathLibrary, waitForFrameToLoad, waitForPopUp, windowFocus, windowMaximize

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String WIKI_CONTENT_XPATH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DOWN_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String UP_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public com.atlassian.selenium.Browser getBrowser()
Specified by:
getBrowser in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
getBrowser in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public static ConfluenceSeleniumClient getInstance()


public void setScriptsFinishedPluginExpected(boolean expected)


public double getBrowserVersion()


public void selectTopFrame()


public void cleanUp()
Resets the selenium client to a default state so that we can not slow down the tests run accidentally anymore.


public void open(java.lang.String url,
                 long timeoutMillis)
Overridden to append the context path in front of the url.

Specified by:
open in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
open in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void openAbsoluteURL(java.lang.String url,
                            long timeoutMillis)


public void openAbsoluteURL(java.lang.String url)


public void waitForScriptsToLoad()


public void waitForPageToLoad(long timeoutMillis)
Specified by:
waitForPageToLoad in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
waitForPageToLoad in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void waitForPageToLoad(java.lang.String timeout)
Override to make sure all Javascript has finished loading before returning. This relies on the SeleniumSetupTest.SCRIPTS_FINISHED_PLUGIN being enabled (which is done during setUp).

Specified by:
waitForPageToLoad in interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
waitForPageToLoad in class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium


public void waitForCondition(java.lang.String javascript,
                             java.lang.String timeoutMillis)
Runs the provided Javascript statement in the context of the test page, not the Selenium tester like DefaultSelenium.waitForCondition(String, String) does. Use waitForFunction(String, String) for executing more than one statement.

Specified by:
waitForCondition in interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
waitForCondition in class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium


public void waitForFunction(java.lang.String javascript,
                            java.lang.String timeoutMillis)
Runs the provided Javascript function in the context of the test page. The function should contain a return statement to evaluate.

com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException - a wrapped exception from selenium which indicates the condition that failed to run.


public void waitForFunction(java.lang.String javascript)


public void waitForJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector)
Blocks until an element is found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the action timeout is reached). This method will automatically search within iframes as well if the element cannot be found on the main page. This was introduced because jQuery is more reliable than using native selenium xpath selectors.

selector - jQuery element selector


public void waitForJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector,
                                         long timeoutMillis)
Blocks until an element is found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the given timeout is reached). This method will automatically search within iframes as well if the element cannot be found on the main page. This was introduced because jQuery is more reliable than using native selenium xpath selectors.

selector - jQuery element selector
timeoutMillis - time to wait for the selector to find something


public void waitForJQueryElementSelectorCount(java.lang.String selector,
                                              int count)
Blocks until a certain number of elements are found with the specified jQuery selector (or until the action timeout is reached). This method will automatically search within iframes as well if the element cannot be found on the main page. This was introduced because jQuery is more reliable than using native selenium xpath selectors.

selector - jQuery element selector
count - the number of times the selector should be found


public int getJQueryElementSelectorHeight(java.lang.String selector)
Gets the height of the supplied jQuery selector.

selector - jQuery element selector


public void waitForJqueryEventTriggered(java.lang.String eventName,
                                        java.lang.String selector)
Will wait for a specfic event to be triggered.

eventName - The name of the event to listen for
selector - The selector used for binding


public boolean isJQueryElementSelectorPresent(java.lang.String selector)
Returns true if the given JQuery selector returns at least one result.


public boolean hasSelectorWithText(java.lang.String selector,
                                   java.lang.String text)
Returns true if the given JQuery selector returns at least one result containing the supplied text.


public void waitForNoJQueryElementSelector(java.lang.String selector)


public boolean getEvalAsBoolean(java.lang.String javascript)


public int getEvalAsInteger(java.lang.String javascript)


public java.lang.String getEval(java.lang.String javascript)
Runs the provided Javascript statement in the context of the test page, not the Selenium tester like DefaultSelenium.getEval(String) does. Use getEvalFunction(String) for executing more than one statement.

Specified by:
getEval in interface com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium
getEval in class com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium


public java.lang.String getEvalFunction(java.lang.String function)
Runs the provided Javascript function in the context of the test page. The function should contain a return statement to evaluate and return.

function - a javascript function body including the return statement


public java.lang.String getEvalFunction(java.lang.String... functionLines)
Varargs version of getEvalFunction(String) which joins together its arguments with newlines.


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getEvalListFunction(java.lang.String... functionLines)
Version of getEvalFunction(String...) which executes a JS function which returns a list, joins the result on the client side using commas, then splits it back into a list to return.


public void typeInElementWithId(java.lang.String elementId,
                                java.lang.String text)


public void typeWithLastCharFullKeyEvents(java.lang.String locator,
                                          java.lang.String text)
Types text in the field specified by the locator. Any text previously in the field is cleared out. Most importantly, key events are only fired on the last character. This method has been introduced to reduce flakiness in FF on BEAC where all the keys aren't always typed into the field (according to screenshots).


public void waitUntilRemoved(java.lang.String selector)
Waits until the elements matched by the supplied selector are removed from the DOM.


public void waitUntilHiddenById(java.lang.String elementId)
Waits until the element with the supplied id is hidden or until the default timeout expires. Elements hidden via jQuery or via the addition of "hidden" class are found.


public void waitUntilVisible(java.lang.String selector)
Waits until the element(s) matched by the supplied selector is visible or until the default timeout expires.


public void waitUntilVisibleById(java.lang.String elementId)
Waits until the element with the supplied id is visible or until the default timeout expires.


public void waitUntilFocused(java.lang.String elementId)
Waits until the element with the supplied id has cursor focus or until the default timeout expires.


public void pressBackspace(java.lang.String elementLocator)
Simulates pressing the backspace key in the element.


public void pressEnter(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                       boolean waitForPageToLoad)
Simulates pressing the enter key in the element. Note, this method does not work for submitting forms.


public void pressTab(java.lang.String elementLocator)
Simulates pressing the tab key in the element.


public void pressEscape(java.lang.String elementLocator)
Simulates pressing the Esc key in the element.


public void pressCtrlAndKey(java.lang.String locator,
                            java.lang.String keySequence)
Presses the control key, followed by the key(s) passed in.


public void pressShiftAndKey(java.lang.String locator,
                             java.lang.String keySequence)


public void pressCtrlAltAndKey(java.lang.String locator,
                               java.lang.String keySequence)
Presses the control and alt keys, followed by the key(s) passed in


public void pressCtrlShiftAndKey(java.lang.String locator,
                                 java.lang.String keySequence)
Presses the control+shift keys, followed by the key(s) passed in.


public java.lang.String getContextPath()
Context path, including initial slash, eg "/confluence". Empty string if applicable.


public java.lang.String getBaseUrl()


public boolean isIE6Mode()


public void check(java.lang.String name,
                  java.lang.String value)
Checks a checkbox given a name and value. Overrides the default implementation which doesn't work when the value has spaces (see SEL-270).

Specified by:
check in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
check in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void click(java.lang.String locator,
                  long timeoutMillis)
Specified by:
click in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
click in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void click(java.lang.String locator,
                  boolean waitForPageToLoad)
Specified by:
click in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
click in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void clickLinkWithTextInWikiContent(java.lang.String text,
                                           boolean waitForPageToLoad)
Clicks a link in the wiki content with the exact text given.


public void submit(java.lang.String form,
                   long timeoutMillis)
Specified by:
submit in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
submit in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void submit(java.lang.String form,
                   boolean waitForPageToLoad)
Specified by:
submit in interface com.atlassian.selenium.SeleniumClient
submit in class com.atlassian.selenium.SingleBrowserSeleniumClient


public void submit(java.lang.String form,
                   boolean waitForPageToLoad,
                   boolean onlyFireEvent)


public void keyPressOnly(java.lang.String locator,
                         java.lang.String key)


public void pressCtrlAndKeyDownOnly(java.lang.String locator,
                                    java.lang.String keySequence)
Use this method for key presses that will load a new page.


public java.lang.String toHexColor(java.lang.String colorText)
Converts style color "rbg(1, 2, 3)", or "#010203" into a hex color "010203". Used to provide a standard for as the style color format varies by browser.


public java.lang.String getMetadata(java.lang.String key)


public long getMetadataLong(java.lang.String key)


public boolean getMetadataBoolean(java.lang.String key)

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