Uses of Interface

Packages that use PageAware

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.diff.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.diff.actions that implement PageAware
 class ViewDiffOfDraftAction

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.notification.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.mail.notification.actions that implement PageAware
 class AlterPageNotificationAction
 class ListWatchersAction
          Returns a list of the people watching a page as two lists: one for space watchers, one for page watchers.

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.pages.actions that implement PageAware
 class AbstractCreateAndEditPageAction
 class AbstractCreatePageAction
          Functions shared between creating pages and blog posts.
 class AbstractDiffPagesAction
 class AbstractEditPageAction
 class AbstractPageAction
 class AbstractPageAwareAction
          Parent class for actions which operate on AbstractPages (pages or blog posts).
 class AbstractPreviewPageAction
 class AbstractRemoveAttachmentAction
 class AbstractTemplatePageAction
          An abstract action for actions that use page templates.
 class AddCommentAction
 class BreadcrumbAction
          Returns the breadcrumb of a page via JSON.
 class ChildrenAction
 class CopyPageAction
 class CreateBlogPostAction
 class CreatePageAction
 class CreatePageEntryAction
          An action that performs relevant authorisation checks when trying to enter the 'add page' screen.
 class CreatePageFromTemplateAction
 class DiffPagesAction
 class DiffPagesByVersionAction
 class DownloadAllAttachmentsOnPageAction
 class EditBlogPostAction
 class EditCommentAction
 class EditPageAction
 class GetPagePermissionsAction
 class HandleNameConflictsAction
 class MoveAttachmentAction
 class MovePageDialogAction
          An action for suppling panels in the MovePageDialog as they are required.
 class PageChildrenAction
 class PageInfoAction
 class PageNotPermittedAction
 class PageVariablesAction
 class RemoveAttachedFileAction
 class RemoveAttachedFileVersionAction
 class RemoveCommentAction
 class RemovePageAction
 class RemovePagePermissionAction
 class ReorderPageDialogAction
          An action for supplying panels for the re-order page of the MovePageDialog.
 class RevertPageBackToVersionAction
 class SetPagePermissionsAction
          Called for a existing Page via AJAX, sets new ContentPermissions for the Page, overwriting any existing ones.
 class ViewChangesSinceLastEditAction
 class ViewChangesSinceLastLoginAction
 class ViewPageAction
 class ViewPageAttachmentsAction
 class ViewPreviousVersionsAction

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editorloader

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editorloader that implement PageAware
 class EditorAction

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewsource

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewsource that implement PageAware
 class ViewSourceAction

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewstorage

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.viewstorage that implement PageAware
 class ViewStorageFormatAction

Uses of PageAware in

Classes in that implement PageAware
 class AttachmentSearchAction
          Finds all the attachments on the selected page that match the provided filetype(s).

Uses of PageAware in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.user.actions that implement PageAware
 class EditNotificationsAction
 class FindRestrictableEntitiesAction
          Accepts potential users and/or group names with an optional entity type and returns the entities found.

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