Class DefaultDraftManager

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.pages.DefaultDraftManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultDraftManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements DraftManager

This implementation supports anonymous drafts using session-based storage.

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.log4j.Logger log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int countDrafts(java.lang.String owner)
 Draft create(java.lang.String username, DraftService.DraftType draftType, java.lang.String spaceKey)
          Creates a new persistent draft of the specified draft type in the space for the user.
 Draft createDraftForPage(AbstractPage page, java.lang.String username)
          Gets a new draft object.
 Draft findDraft(java.lang.Long pageId, java.lang.String owner, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String spaceKey)
          Finds the draft with the given page ID, owner and type.
 Draft findDraft(java.lang.String pageId, java.lang.String owner, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String spaceKey)
 java.util.List<Draft> findDraftsForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user)
          Returns the drafts for the user provided or an empty list if the user has no drafts.
 Draft getDraft(long draftId)
          Finds the draft given a specific draft id.
 int getDraftSaveInterval()
          Returns the time in milliseconds between saving drafts in the editor.
 java.util.List<Draft> getDraftsForSpace(java.lang.String spaceKey)
 java.lang.String getMergedContent(Draft draft)
          Deprecated. since 4.0 use the MergeResult mergeContent(Draft draft) instead.
 Draft getOrCreate(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String draftType, java.lang.String spaceKey)
          Gets a new draft object.
 boolean isMergeRequired(Draft draft)
          Returns true if the draft version of a page is different to the current version of a page, otherwise false.
 MergeResult mergeContent(Draft draft)
          Merges the draft with the original version compared to the latest version of the page.
 void removeAll()
          Removes all drafts in the data store associated with the current user.
 void removeDraft(Draft draft)
          Removes the draft specified by the given page ID, owner and type.
 void removeDraft(java.lang.String pageId, java.lang.String owner, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String spaceKey)
 void removeDraftById(long id)
          Removes a draft by ID.
 void removeDraftsForUser(java.lang.String username)
          Removes all drafts in the data store associated with the specified user.
 void saveDraft(Draft draft)
          Saves the provided draft to the data store.
 void setAttachmentManager(AttachmentManager attachmentManager)
 void setDraftDao(DraftDao draftDao)
 void setHttpContext(HttpContext httpContext)
 void setMergerManager(MergerManager mergerManager)
 void setPageManager(PageManager pageManager)
 void setSettingsManager(SettingsManager settingsManager)
 void updateSpaceKey(java.lang.String newSpaceKey, java.lang.String oldSpaceKey)
          Updates all drafts with oldSpaceKey as their space key to have newSpaceKey instead.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final transient org.apache.log4j.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public DefaultDraftManager()
Method Detail


public void saveDraft(Draft draft)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Saves the provided draft to the data store. Anonymous drafts will be persisted to the web session.

The draft must have a page ID of "0" for drafts of new content, or the ID of an existing page or blog post.

Specified by:
saveDraft in interface DraftManager


public Draft findDraft(java.lang.Long pageId,
                       java.lang.String owner,
                       java.lang.String type,
                       java.lang.String spaceKey)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Finds the draft with the given page ID, owner and type. Returns null if a matching draft cannot be found.

Specified by:
findDraft in interface DraftManager
pageId - the ID of the content which the draft is for
owner - the user name of the user who created the draft
type - the type of draft, which is usually the result of calling ContentEntityObject.getType()
spaceKey - Space that the draft lives in.
the matching draft or null if a draft cannot be found


public int countDrafts(java.lang.String owner)
Specified by:
countDrafts in interface DraftManager
A count of drafts with content for the given owner


public Draft getDraft(long draftId)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Finds the draft given a specific draft id. Returns null if no draft is found.

Specified by:
getDraft in interface DraftManager
the matching draft or null if a draft cannot be found


public java.util.List<Draft> getDraftsForSpace(java.lang.String spaceKey)
Specified by:
getDraftsForSpace in interface DraftManager
all the Drafts for the identified space key. An empty list will be returned if there are none.


public void removeDraft(Draft draft)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Removes the draft specified by the given page ID, owner and type. Does nothing if the draft cannot be found.

Specified by:
removeDraft in interface DraftManager
See Also:
for an explanation of the arguments, for a faster way to remove a draft if you have its ID


public void removeDraftById(long id)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Removes a draft by ID. Does nothing if the draft cannot be found.

Specified by:
removeDraftById in interface DraftManager
id - the ID of the draft to remove


public int getDraftSaveInterval()
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Returns the time in milliseconds between saving drafts in the editor. It is configurable in the application.

Specified by:
getDraftSaveInterval in interface DraftManager


public java.util.List<Draft> findDraftsForUser(com.atlassian.user.User user)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Returns the drafts for the user provided or an empty list if the user has no drafts.

Specified by:
findDraftsForUser in interface DraftManager


public boolean isMergeRequired(Draft draft)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Returns true if the draft version of a page is different to the current version of a page, otherwise false. Always returns false for new content.

Specified by:
isMergeRequired in interface DraftManager


public java.lang.String getMergedContent(Draft draft)
Deprecated. since 4.0 use the MergeResult mergeContent(Draft draft) instead.

Merges the draft with the original version compared to the latest version of the page.

Specified by:
getMergedContent in interface DraftManager
draft - the draft whose changes to merge with the latest version of the content
merged content, or null if the merge failed.


public MergeResult mergeContent(Draft draft)
Merges the draft with the original version compared to the latest version of the page.

Specified by:
mergeContent in interface DraftManager
draft - the draft whose changes to merge with the latest version of the content
result of the merge which contains additional information about the merge.


public void updateSpaceKey(java.lang.String newSpaceKey,
                           java.lang.String oldSpaceKey)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Updates all drafts with oldSpaceKey as their space key to have newSpaceKey instead. Used when converting a global space into a personal space.

Specified by:
updateSpaceKey in interface DraftManager
newSpaceKey - the new space key
oldSpaceKey - the old space key


public Draft create(java.lang.String username,
                    DraftService.DraftType draftType,
                    java.lang.String spaceKey)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Creates a new persistent draft of the specified draft type in the space for the user.

Specified by:
create in interface DraftManager
username - - the owner of the draft, may be null for anonymous
draftType - - the type of draft, (either blogpost or page)
spaceKey - - the space in which to create the draft
a newly created persistent draft


public Draft getOrCreate(java.lang.String username,
                         java.lang.String draftType,
                         java.lang.String spaceKey)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Gets a new draft object. If such a draft does not exist one is created.

Specified by:
getOrCreate in interface DraftManager
username - name of user or null for anonymous users
draftType - the content type of the draft, e.g. Page.CONTENT_TYPE
spaceKey - the space key of the content
the existing draft for the given content and user, or a new draft object if that does not exist.


public Draft createDraftForPage(AbstractPage page,
                                java.lang.String username)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Gets a new draft object. If such a draft does not exist one is created.

Specified by:
createDraftForPage in interface DraftManager
page - the existing content to create the draft for
username - name of user or null for anonymous users
the existing draft for the given content and user, or a new draft object if that does not exist.


public void removeAll()
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Removes all drafts in the data store associated with the current user. If the current user is anonymous, removes all drafts in that user's session, otherwise removes all drafts stored in the database.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface DraftManager


public void removeDraftsForUser(java.lang.String username)
Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Removes all drafts in the data store associated with the specified user.

Specified by:
removeDraftsForUser in interface DraftManager


public void setSettingsManager(SettingsManager settingsManager)


public void setDraftDao(DraftDao draftDao)


public void setPageManager(PageManager pageManager)


public void setAttachmentManager(AttachmentManager attachmentManager)


public void setHttpContext(HttpContext httpContext)


public void setMergerManager(MergerManager mergerManager)


public void removeDraft(java.lang.String pageId,
                                   java.lang.String owner,
                                   java.lang.String type,
                                   java.lang.String spaceKey)

Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Removes the draft specified by the given page ID, owner and type. Does nothing if the draft cannot be found.

Specified by:
removeDraft in interface DraftManager
See Also:
for an explanation of the arguments, for a faster way to remove a draft if you have its ID


public Draft findDraft(java.lang.String pageId,
                                  java.lang.String owner,
                                  java.lang.String type,
                                  java.lang.String spaceKey)

Description copied from interface: DraftManager
Finds the draft with the given page ID, owner and type. Returns null if a matching draft cannot be found.

Specified by:
findDraft in interface DraftManager
pageId - the ID of the content which the draft is for
owner - the user name of the user who created the draft
type - the type of draft, which is usually the result of calling ContentEntityObject.getType()
spaceKey - Space that the draft lives in.
the matching draft or null if a draft cannot be found

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