Class DefaultImmutableImportProcessorSummary

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.DefaultImmutableImportProcessorSummary
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultImmutableImportProcessorSummary
extends java.lang.Object
implements ImmutableImportProcessorSummary

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.atlassian.confluence.importexport.ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getNewIdFor(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object originalId)
          Retrieves the new id of the given original id of an object of the specific class.
 java.lang.Object getNewIdFor(ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey oldKey)
          Retrieves the new id of the object of the given old key.
 java.util.Set<ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey> getNewPersistedKeys()
          Retrieves all the new persisted keys.
 java.lang.Object getOriginalIdFor(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object newId)
          Retrieves the original id of the given new id of an object of the specific class.
 java.lang.Object getOriginalIdFor(ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey newKey)
          Retrieves the old id of the object of the given new key.
 java.util.Set<ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey> getOriginalPersistedKeys()
          Retrieves all the original persisted keys.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getNewIdFor(java.lang.Class clazz,
                                    java.lang.Object originalId)
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves the new id of the given original id of an object of the specific class. This is equivalent to ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.getNewIdFor(PersistedKey).

Specified by:
getNewIdFor in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
clazz - The class of the persisted object
originalId - The original id
the new id of the persisted object, or null if not found


public java.lang.Object getNewIdFor(ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey oldKey)
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves the new id of the object of the given old key.

Specified by:
getNewIdFor in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
oldKey - The key of the persisted object with the original id
the new id of the persisted object, or null if not found


public java.lang.Object getOriginalIdFor(java.lang.Class clazz,
                                         java.lang.Object newId)
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves the original id of the given new id of an object of the specific class. This is equivalent to ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.getOriginalIdFor(PersistedKey).

Specified by:
getOriginalIdFor in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
clazz - The class of the persisted object
newId - The new id
the old id of the persisted object, or null if not found


public java.lang.Object getOriginalIdFor(ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey newKey)
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves the old id of the object of the given new key.

Specified by:
getOriginalIdFor in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
newKey - The key of the persisted object with the new id
the original id of the persisted object, or null if not found


public java.util.Set<ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey> getOriginalPersistedKeys()
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves all the original persisted keys.

Specified by:
getOriginalPersistedKeys in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
a set of the original keys of all persisted object


public java.util.Set<ImmutableImportProcessorSummary.PersistedKey> getNewPersistedKeys()
Description copied from interface: ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
Retrieves all the new persisted keys.

Specified by:
getNewPersistedKeys in interface ImmutableImportProcessorSummary
a set of the new keys of all persisted object

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