Package com.atlassian.confluence.user

Interface Summary
DisabledUserManager Manages the underlying changes to enable and disable users.
SignupManager Provides methods for adding users easily.
SignupValidator Checks that users can sign up for Confluence with the supplied credentials.
UserContentManager Object to query to manage user content
UserDetailsManager Retrieves extra details about a user
UserFormValidator Validation logic for all User forms.
UserProfilePictureManager Accesses the properties file to obtain the default user profile pictures

Class Summary
AuthenticatedUserThreadLocal A simple ThreadLocal to store the currently authenticated user.
AuthenticatorOverwrite Disables Web Sudo and other password confirmation features when a custom authenticator is configured.
ConfluenceAuthenticator Authenticator which uses Confluence's user management code to authenticate a user against the directory which they come from (e.g.
ConfluenceCrowdSSOAuthenticator Use this authenticator instead of the default ConfluenceAuthenticator to enable SSO.
ConfluenceGroupJoiningAuthenticator This authenticator adds users to the 'confluence-users' group when they first log in.
ConfluenceLDAPGroupJoiningAuthenticator This authenticator adds users to confluence-users when they first log in, but only for users which belong to an LDAP directory.
ConfluenceUserPreferences Provides strongly-typed accessors for Confluence user preferences.
DefaultSignupManager Handles easy-user creation in its myriad forms.
DefaultSignupValidator Validates whether a new User (assumed to be itself valid) can be self-signed up for this instance.
DefaultUserAccessor This implementation of UserAccessor takes care of all the Confluence-related actions around user management: checking permissions, publishing events, and ensuring the integrity of data in Confluence related to users.
DefaultUserProfilePictureManager Accesses the properties file to obtain the default user profile pictures
PermittedUserFinder Object to check user permissions for a specific action instance.
PermittedUserFinder.SearchResult Encapsulates all the data required by the Page Restrictions UI.
SessionKeys All of the keys used to store Confluence information in the user's session.
ThreadLocalProfilePictureCache Wrapper around the ThreadLocalCache to deal with caching user profilepictures
UnknownUser Implementation of User which represents a user that no longer exists, perhaps because the repository which contains it is no longer accessible, or the user has been removed from an external repository.
UserCacheFillerJob Since filling the list of deactivated users is slow, we pre-fill it as soon as the container is fully initialised.
UserForm Represents a User form from the UI.
UserInterfaceState Represents the current state of the various toggle-able parts of the user interface for this user.
UsernameCacheKey A class that represents a username.
UsernameToUserTranslatingPaginationSupport A special pagination support class to translate results of membership search to user objects.

Exception Summary
UserManagementOperationFailedException Thrown when adding a user fails due to unknown reasons

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