Uses of Interface

Packages that use DatabaseUpgradeTask

Uses of DatabaseUpgradeTask in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask

Classes in com.atlassian.confluence.upgrade.upgradetask that implement DatabaseUpgradeTask
 class AbstractConstraintCreationUpgradeTask
          An abstract upgrade task for when you just want to run a bunch of constraint creation statements from a properties file.
 class AddSpaceStatusColumnUpgradeTask
          Populate the space status column.
 class AddUniqueAttachmentIdConstraintToAttachmentDataUpgradeTask
          This task adds a unique constraint to the AttachmentId column on the AttachmentData table.
 class AtlassianUpgradeFollowersUpgradeTask
          Converts followers based on the my:follow label to Connections.
 class AtlassianUserToEmbeddedCrowdDataUpgradeTask
          Convert all users and groups in the local Confluence directory to Crowd internal directory users.
 class AttachmentLabellingUpgradeTask
 class BandanaKeyUniqueConstraintUpgradeTask
          Alter the Bandana table to make sure the Bandana context and keys have not null and unique constraints on them.
 class BodyTypeUpgradeTask
          Iterates over the content and sets the BodyType to either mail or wiki as per the content type.
 class BundleUserMacrosUpgradeTask
          Deprecated. BN 3.4 - This upgrade task cannot be used since it cannot be applied to new installs (CONFDEV-796). Reinstate this task when user macros are proper plugins.
 class ChangeLogoStorageUpgradeTask
          We have changed the way logo images are stored in confluence.
 class ClickrLeftNavMigrationUpgradeTask
 class ContentPermissionConstraintsUpgradeTask
          Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the content permission tables.
 class DefaultSpaceContentPageLayoutsUpgradeTask
          Updates the default space content that will be used for new spaces to use page layouts.
 class DefaultSpaceContentToPageTemplateUpgradeTask
 class DefaultSpaceContentUpgradeTask
 class DraftDataCleaningUpgradeTask
          Remove drafts created by CONF-12144 with a null page ID or type.
 class DropContentLockTableUpgradeTask
          The CONTENTLOCK table was finally removed in Confluence 4.2, and needs to be dropped lest its hanging foreign key constraint cause issues.
 class EmbeddedCrowdSchemaUpgradeTask
          Adds required multi-column unique constraints to the Crowd database tables
 class FollowFavouriteUpgradeTask
          Converts the favourite-user model into the confluence 3.0 follow user model.
 class HsqlLockModeUpgradeTask
 class LikesDanglingFKCleanupUpgradeTask
          Previously likes on comments were not deleted when the parent page was removed.
 class LikesSqlConstraintsUpgradeTask
 class LoginInfoUpgradeTask
 class MailConvertToCustomContentUpgradeTask
 class MailServerUpgradeTask
 class MigrateMailArchiveConfigurationUpgradeTask
 class MigrateOndemandDocThemeCustomizations
 class MoveBackupSettingsToDatabaseUpgradeTask
 class NetworkAndSiteNotificationTypesRestoreUpgradeTask
          Fixes digest notifications after an import from pre-3.3.1.
 class NetworkAndSiteNotificationTypesUpgradeTask
          Fills in false values for nulls in the network and digest notification columns.
 class NewColourUpgradeTask
 class OnDemandSpacePermissionsDefaultUpgradeTask
          Migrates A la carte default space permission settings from a studio specific context to the Confluence default context.
 class OSUserToEmbeddedCrowdMigrationUpgradeTask
 class PageTemplateWikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask
          Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.
 class RebuildAncestorsUpgradeTask
          Rebuilds the ancestor table.
 class RemoveAPRUpgradeTask
 class RemoveClassicThemeUpgradeTask
 class RemoveEmailToPageWelcomeUpgradeTask
 class RemoveFixedWidthThemeUpgradeTask
 class RemoveSocialBookmarkingPluginUpgradeTask
 class TableStyleRemovalUpgradeTask
 class TinyMce3UpgradeTask
 class TrustedApplicationsCleanUpUpgradeTask
          Due to lax validation, pre-3.5 versions of Confluence can contain IP and URL restrictions that are invalid.
 class UserIndexingUpgradeTask
          Upgrade task to ensure that for all the user names attached to content in Confluence a PersonalInformation objects exist.
 class UserMacroConfigConversionUpgradeTask
 class UserMacroConfigFormatUpgradeTask
          Update old pre 1.4 user macros that were stored as strings.
 class UserStatusPermissionUpgradeTask
          This upgrade task gives all users with the 'Use Confluence' permission the 'Update Status' permission
 class WelcomeMessageUpgradeTask
 class WikiToXhtmlMigrationUpgradeTask
          Convert all wiki formatted content to XHTML content as part of the upgrade.

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