Interface AnonymousUserPermissionsService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AnonymousUserPermissionsService

A service for managing permissions for the anonymous Confluence user.

Method Summary
 void setUsePermission(boolean enabled)
           Set the 'use confluence' permission for the anonymous Confluence user.
 void setViewUserProfilesPermission(boolean enabled)
          Set the 'view user profiles' permission for the anonymous Confluence user.

Method Detail


void setUsePermission(boolean enabled)

Set the 'use confluence' permission for the anonymous Confluence user.

Note: This is the guard permission for any other anonymous user permissions. If this one is removed then any others will be too.

enabled - if true then allow the anonymous user 'use' permission; otherwise disallow.
NotAuthorizedException - if the current user does not have the authority to change the anonymous user permissions.


void setViewUserProfilesPermission(boolean enabled)
Set the 'view user profiles' permission for the anonymous Confluence user.

enabled - if true then assign the permission; otherwise remove it.
NotAuthorizedException - if the current user does not have the authority to change the anonymous user permissions.
IllegalPermissionStateException - if the guard permission (Use) has not first been set for the anonymous user.

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