Package com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.emailgateway.service

Interface Summary
BulkEmailProcessingService Defines operations for bulk handling of incoming email.
EmailStagingService Defines operations for staging new inbound emails.
EmailToPageConfirmationEmailSender Sends an email to the original sender in order to avoid spamming.
StagedEmailThreadAdminService Describes operations for managing existing StagedEmailThread objects.
StagedEmailThreadManager Defines operations concerning the storage and retrieval of StagedEmailThread objects.
UsersByEmailService A service that helps you get users given an e-mail addresses

Class Summary
BandanaStagedEmailThreadManager A StagedEmailThreadManager that persists the StagedEmailThread objects in Bandana.
BulkPollingEmailProcessingService An implementation of BulkEmailProcessingService which polls for new inbound emails using an EmailPoller, then hands them off to a EmailStagingService for processing.
DefaultUsersByEmailService Looks up users matching an email address using the UserAccessor
EmailThreadConversionStartedEvent Event that is published when a user confirms that they want to publish an email thread as a page.
EmailThreadConvertedEvent Event that is published when a page is created from an email.
EmailThreadStagedEvent Event that is published when a page is staged from an email.
InMemoryStagedEmailThreadManager An uninteresting implementation of StagedEmailThreadManager that holds the values in memory.

Exception Summary

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