Uses of Class

Packages that use Space

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence

Fields in com.atlassian.confluence declared as Space
static Space BigAcceptanceTest.FUNKTEST_SPACE
static Space AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.TEST_SPACE
static Space AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.TEST_SPACE2

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence with parameters of type Space
 void AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.createSpaceViaWebUI(Space space)
protected  void AbstractPermissionsAcceptanceTest.grantSpacePermissionToGroup(Space space, SpacePermission permission, Group group)
          Deprecated. since 3.5 use SpacePermissions.grantPermission(, instead
protected  void AbstractPermissionsAcceptanceTest.grantSpacePermissionToUser(Space space, SpacePermission permission, User user)
          Deprecated. since 3.5 use SpacePermissions.grantPermission(, instead
 void AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.movePage(String title, Space oldSpace, Space newSpace)
protected  void AbstractPermissionsAcceptanceTest.revokeSpacePermissionFromGroup(Space space, SpacePermission permission, Group group)
          Deprecated. since 3.5 use SpacePermissions.revokePermission(, instead
protected  void AbstractPermissionsAcceptanceTest.revokeSpacePermissionFromUser(Space space, SpacePermission permission, User user)
          Deprecated. since 3.5 use SpacePermissions.revokePermission(, instead
 SpacePermissions AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.viewSpacePermissions(Space space)
 void AbstractConfluenceAcceptanceTest.watchSpace(Space space)

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.acceptancetest.roundtrip

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.acceptancetest.roundtrip with parameters of type Space
SpaceRoundTripSuite(Space space, String spaceExportPath)
          Construct a suite to test the roundtrip of a particular space.
SpaceRoundTripSuite(Space space, String spaceExportPath, PageRoundTripTestFactory testFactory)
          Construct a suite to test the roundtrip of a particular space.

Uses of Space in

Fields in declared as Space
static Space Space.TEST
          A sample test space.
static Space Space.TEST2
          A sample test space.

Methods in that return Space
 Space UserStatus.getSpace()
 Space UserInformation.getSpace()
 Space Page.getSpace()
 Space Draft.getSpace()
 Space ContentEntity.getSpace()
 Space Comment.getSpace()
 Space BlogPost.getSpace()
static Space Space.personalSpaceFor(User user)

Constructors in with parameters of type Space
BlogPost(Space space, String title, String content)
BlogPost(Space space, String title, String content, Date publishDate)
Draft(User owner, ContentType type, String title, Space space)
Draft(User owner, ContentType type, String title, String content, Space space)
Draft(User owner, String type, String title, String content, Page page, Space space)
Draft(User owner, String type, String title, String content, Space space)
Page(Space space, String title, String content)
Page(Space space, String title, String content, long parentPageId)

Uses of Space in

Methods in with parameters of type Space
static EditContentBean EditContentBean.createPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester, Space space)
          Returns a page creation bean by going to the dashboard, clicking on the space name, then on the space home page, clicking on the 'Add Page' link on the page.
static ViewContentBean ViewContentBean.viewPage(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester, Space space)
          View the home page of the given space.

Uses of Space in

Methods in with parameters of type Space
 void SpacesListMacro.assertCurrentSpacesTabContains(Space space)
 void SpacesListMacro.assertCurrentSpacesTabDoesNotContains(Space space)

Uses of Space in

Methods in with parameters of type Space
static URL Exporter.exportSpace(Space space, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester, Exporter.ContentOption contentOption)
          Export a space through the web interface.
static URL Exporter.exportSpace(Space space, net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester, Exporter.ContentOption contentOption, Collection<Long> excludedPageIds)
          Export a space through the web interface.

Uses of Space in

Constructors in with parameters of type Space
SpaceScope(Space space)

Uses of Space in

Methods in that return Space
 Space ConfluenceRpc.createPersonalSpace(User user)
 Space ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(Space space)
 Space ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(String key, String name, String description)
 Space ConfluenceRpc.getSpace(String spaceKey)
          Returns the space with the specified key.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Space
 List<Space> ConfluenceRpc.getSpaces()
          Retrieves spaces visible to the currently logged in rpc user
 List<Space> ConfluenceRpc.getSpacesContainingContentWithLabel(String labelName)
 List<Space> ConfluenceRpc.getSpacesWithLabel(String labelName)

Methods in with parameters of type Space
 boolean ConfluenceRpc.addLabelToSpace(String label, Space space)
          Adds a label to the specified space
 List<Page> ConfluenceRpc.createPageHierarchy(Space space, int depth, String pageTitlePrefix)
          Create a simple hierarchy of pages where each page is the parent of the next.
 Space ConfluenceRpc.createSpace(Space space)
 void ConfluenceRpc.editPage(Space space, String pageTitle, String newTitle, String newContent)
          Modifies the page with the given details
 String ConfluenceRpc.exportSpace(Space space, String exportType)
          Returns the URL of the downloadable export.
 Page ConfluenceRpc.getExistingPage(Space space, String pageTitle)
          Retrieve the fully populated Page object for a page, known to exist in confluence.
 List<Long> ConfluenceRpc.getPageIdsInSpace(Space space)
 void ConfluenceRpc.grantAllPermissionsExceptAdmin(Entity entity, Space space)
 void ConfluenceRpc.grantAnonymousPermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space)
 void ConfluenceRpc.grantPermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space, Entity entity)
 void ConfluenceRpc.grantPermissions(Space space, Entity entity, SpacePermission... permissions)
 void ConfluenceRpc.movePageToTopLevel(Page page, Space targetSpace)
          Moves a page to the top of the target space
 void ConfluenceRpc.purgeFromTrash(Space space, long pageId)
 boolean ConfluenceRpc.removeLabelFromSpace(String label, Space space)
          Removes a label from the specified space
 void ConfluenceRpc.revokeAnonymousPermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space)
 void ConfluenceRpc.revokePermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space, Entity entity)
 void ConfluenceRpc.revokePermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space, Group group)
 void ConfluenceRpc.revokePermission(SpacePermission permission, Space space, User user)
 void ConfluenceRpc.revokePermissions(Space space, Entity entity, SpacePermission... permissions)
          Unfortunately there is no revokePermissions method on the API, so this just calls the singular method repeatedly.
 void ConfluenceRpc.setThemeForSpace(Space space, String themeKey)
 void ConfluenceRpc.unwatchSpace(User user, Space space, ContentTypeEnum contentType)
 void ConfluenceRpc.watchSpace(Space space)
          Watch a space as the current user.
 void ConfluenceRpc.watchSpace(User user, Space space, ContentTypeEnum contentType)

Uses of Space in

Methods in with parameters of type Space
static SpaceAdmin SpaceAdmin.getInstance(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester webTester, Space space)
static SpacePermissions SpacePermissions.view(net.sourceforge.jwebunit.junit.WebTester tester, Space space)

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia

Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia declared as Space
protected  Space AbstractMultimediaMacroAcceptanceTest.otherSpace

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.multimedia with parameters of type Space
protected  String AbstractMultimediaMacroAcceptanceTest.generateWikiMarkup(Space space, ContentEntity ce, Attachment file, String width, String height)

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.rpc with parameters of type Space
 Hashtable TrashRpcAcceptanceTest.getTrashContents(Space space, int offset, int count)

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium

Fields in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium declared as Space
protected  Space MovePageTest.monkeySpace
protected  Space AbstractMoveDialogTester.monkeySpace
protected  Space AbstractSeleniumTest.testSpace

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium with parameters of type Space
protected  List<Page> AbstractMoveDialogTester.createPageHierarchy(String pagePrefix, int depth, Space space)
          Create a simple hierarchy of pages where each page is the parent of the next.

Uses of Space in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client

Methods in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client with parameters of type Space
 void SpaceDirectory.assertSpaceNotPresent(Space space)
 void SpaceDirectory.assertSpacePresent(Space space)
 SpaceBrowse Confluence.browseSpace(Space space)
 void SpaceDirectory.clickLabelLozenge(Space space, String labelName)
 void Editor.createBlogPost(Space space)
 void Editor.createPage(Space space)
 PageTemplateWizard Editor.createPageFromTemplate(Space space)
 PageTemplateWizard Editor.createPageFromTemplate(Space space, long parentPageId)
 Attachment AttachTo.draftFromEditor(String attachmentPath, String contentType, User remoteUser, Space space)
 String LookAndFeel.getEditSpaceStylesheetUrl(Space space)
 void GlobalEntitiesPanel.isSpacePresent(Space space)
 void GlobalEntitiesPanel.isSpacePresent(Space space, String section)
 SpaceBrowse Confluence.logIn(User user, Space destination)
 TinyMce Editor.logInAndCreateBlogPost(User user, Space space)
 TinyMce Editor.logInAndCreateChildPage(User user, Space space, long parentPageId)
 TinyMce Editor.logInAndCreatePage(User user, Space space)
 void LookAndFeel.logInAndEditSpaceStyle(User user, Space space)
 void MovePageDialog.selectSpaceOnBrowsePanel(Space space)
          Change the selected space on the browse panel.
 void InsertImageDialog.setSearchSpace(Space space)
 void MovePageDialog.waitForBreadcrumbs(Space space, Page parentPage)
          Waits until the location breadcrumbs match the passed Space and parent Page.
 void MovePageDialog.waitForSpaceAtBrowseTreeRoot(Space space)
          On the Browse panel, waits until the root node shows the required Space name.
 void PageGadget.waitForSpaceToBeSelected(Space space)

Constructors in com.atlassian.confluence.selenium.client with parameters of type Space
FavouriteSpace(Space space, ConfluenceSeleniumClient client, ConfluenceSeleniumAssertions assertThat)
Location(Space space)
          Located at the root of a space (i.e.
Location(Space space, String parentPageTitle)

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