Package com.atlassian.confluence.servlet.simpledisplay

Interface Summary
PathConverter Path converters are used by the SimpleDisplayServlet to convert friendly URL's to action URLs.

Class Summary
BlogPathConverter A Path converter that converts friendly blog path urls to a viewpage or viewblogposts action.
ConvertedPath Encapsulates the result of a path conversion.
DefaultPathConverterManager Default (memory-based) path conververt manager.
MailPathConverter A Path converter that converts friendly mail path url to a viewmail action.
PagePathConverter This path converter takes a friendly page url and converts it into a viewpage action url.
SimpleDisplayServlet This servlet uses the PathConverterManager to convert the incoming (friendly) url into a url that maps to an webwork action.
SpacePathConverter This path converter takes a friendly space url and converts it into a viewspace or browsespace action url.
UserPathConverter This path converter requests for a username to either their personal space (if they have one and the viewer has permission) or their user profile.
UserStatusListPathConverter Converts a path to a list of user status updates for a user.
UserStatusPathConverter Converts a path to a user status.

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