Class LuceneSmartListManager

  extended by com.atlassian.confluence.core.LuceneSmartListManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LuceneSmartListManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements SmartListManager

Field Summary
static org.apache.log4j.Category log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.List getListQueryResults(ListQuery query, boolean loadObjects)
          Returns a list of those objects in the Confluence system that match the given ListQuery.
 java.lang.String getStatusMessageKey()
          The smart list manager implementations are not guarenteed to be able to provide the latest and most up to date information all of the time (eg: during a lucene re-index).
 void setAnyTypeObjectDao(com.atlassian.bonnie.AnyTypeObjectDao anyTypeObjectDao)
 void setIndexManager(ConfluenceIndexManager indexManager)
 void setLabelManager(LabelManager labelManager)
 void setLuceneConnection(com.atlassian.bonnie.LuceneConnection luceneConnection)
 void setSearcher(com.atlassian.bonnie.Searcher searcher)
 void setSpaceManager(SpaceManager spaceManager)
 void setUserAccessor(UserAccessor userAccessor)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final org.apache.log4j.Category log
Constructor Detail


public LuceneSmartListManager()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getStatusMessageKey()
Description copied from interface: SmartListManager
The smart list manager implementations are not guarenteed to be able to provide the latest and most up to date information all of the time (eg: during a lucene re-index). Under such circumstances, the smart list manager will provide access to a human readable status message that can be displayed to the user.

Specified by:
getStatusMessageKey in interface SmartListManager
a key to a status message or null if there is no message.


public java.util.List getListQueryResults(ListQuery query,
                                          boolean loadObjects)
Description copied from interface: SmartListManager
Returns a list of those objects in the Confluence system that match the given ListQuery.

The loadObjects parameter allows you to trade off speed against the amount of information returned. Passing false to this parameter will give you back a list of SearchResultWithExcerpt objects, containing whatever information about the matching objects can be gathered directly from the Lucene index. This is enough information for most purposes.

If you want a list of the actual hibernate objects from the database, pass true to this parameter, but be aware you're going to pay the cost of 'n' database calls to retrieve those objects.

Specified by:
getListQueryResults in interface SmartListManager
query - the query to perform
loadObjects - pass true to return
ContentEntityObjects List if loadObjects true, Map of object attributes otherwise


public void setSpaceManager(SpaceManager spaceManager)


public void setLuceneConnection(com.atlassian.bonnie.LuceneConnection luceneConnection)


public void setAnyTypeObjectDao(com.atlassian.bonnie.AnyTypeObjectDao anyTypeObjectDao)


public void setUserAccessor(UserAccessor userAccessor)


public void setSearcher(com.atlassian.bonnie.Searcher searcher)


public void setIndexManager(ConfluenceIndexManager indexManager)


public void setLabelManager(LabelManager labelManager)

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