Package com.atlassian.confluence.util.i18n

Interface Summary
I18NBean Responsible for fetching internationalised text for a given key.
I18NBeanFactory Factory interface for retrieving i18n support beans
UserLocaleAware Beans wishing to have a user locale sensitive I18NBeanFactory should implement this interface

Class Summary
DefaultI18NBean Responsible for fetching internationalised text given a key.
DefaultI18NBeanFactory I18N bean factory which will return a bean for the default locale if one is not specified
I18NResourceBundlesLoader Similates the behaviour of ResourceBundle.getBundle() and searches for all bundles for a locale from most specific to least specific
Message A user interface message consisting of a message key with optional arguments.
ResourceBundlesCollector Class that: takes a map of resource bundles (keyed by locale) or single resource bundles sorts them by locale combines all bundles keyed by the same locale into one CombinedResourceBundle and returns a list of CombinedResourceBundles in the correct locale order (most specific locales come first.
UserI18NBeanFactory I18N bean factory which will return an I18N bean configured for the current user's locale.

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