Package com.atlassian.confluence.setup

Interface Summary
BootstrapManager Controls the bootstrapping of Confluence - starting essential, core services.

Class Summary
BootstrapContextInitialisedEvent An event indicating that the bootstrap context has been initialised.
BootstrapUtils Deprecated. since 2.3 use BootstrapUtils
ConfluenceClassPathXmlApplicationContext Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ConfluenceConfigurationListener Brings up the initial, minimal environment necessary to bootstrap Confluence.
ConfluenceListableBeanFactory Our own BeanFactory to enable the unregistering of child beans, as well as autowiring and more efficient toString().
ConfluenceRendererConfiguration This is a call through class provided for the renderer that will use confluence specific setup information to relay the information to the renderer.
DefaultBootstrapManager BootstrapManager is responsible for initializing the dependencies of Confluence environment.
Resin3ContextListener listener that checks: whether the user is using resin 3 and if so, if they have enabled the resin 3 web.xml (required to make Confluence work under this container)
SetupSidManager Manages SID generation and persistence during Confluence setup The generated SID is persisted to the application configuration in Confluence home so that if setup is aborted and resumed the same SID will be associated.
SharedConfigurationMap Created by IntelliJ IDEA.

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