
Class Summary
AllQuery Query requesting that all possible results be returned.
BooleanQuery A boolean query that allows and/or and not combinations of sub queries.
BoostByModificationDateQuery A wrapping query that boost the scores provided by the underlying query based on the modification date.
ContentTypeQuery Search for content of a particular type.
CreatorQuery Query for the original creator of content.
DateRangeQuery.DateRange Class to represent a date range.
InSpaceQuery Search for content that occurs within some set of spaces.
LabelQuery Query for matching a single Label.
LastModifierQuery Query for the original creator of content.
MultiTextFieldQuery Represents a query against multiple fields.
PermittedSpacesQuery Query that represents a search in permitted spaces.
SpaceCategoryQuery Search for content within spaces of a particular category (or categories).
TextFieldQuery Represents a raw query from the user that may be parsed.

Enum Summary

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