Class AbstractWebRepositoryViewer

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractWebRepositoryViewer

        public AbstractWebRepositoryViewer()
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public @NotNull String getKey()
        Description copied from interface: WebRepositoryViewer
        The full complete plugin key for the repository viewer
        Specified by:
        getKey in interface WebRepositoryViewer
        the key for the plugin
      • getShortKey

        public @NotNull String getShortKey()
        Description copied from interface: WebRepositoryViewer
        The shorter version fo the plugin key (without prefix and should not contain any ':')
        Specified by:
        getShortKey in interface WebRepositoryViewer
        the shorter key for this plugin.
      • getName

        public @NotNull String getName()
        Description copied from interface: WebRepositoryViewer
        The name of the web repository viewer, as displayed in the UI.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface WebRepositoryViewer
        The name of the repository viewer
      • getSupportedRepositories

        public @NotNull Collection<String> getSupportedRepositories()
        Description copied from interface: WebRepositoryViewer
        The keys for the Repository classes that the web viewer currently supports. If list is empty or null it assumes support for all repositories.
        Specified by:
        getSupportedRepositories in interface WebRepositoryViewer
        a list of repositories which can be rendered by this WebRepositoryViewer.
      • populateFromParams

        public void populateFromParams​(@NotNull
                                       @NotNull ActionParametersMap params)
        takes the map of config data from action and extracts the parameters it needs
        Specified by:
        populateFromParams in interface WebRepositoryViewer
        params - map of key (String), value (String []) pairs from action
      • populateFromConfig

        public void populateFromConfig​(@NotNull
                                       @NotNull org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration config)
        Description copied from interface: ConvertibleFromConfig
        Update the current object with data in the HierarchicalConfiguration
        Specified by:
        populateFromConfig in interface ConvertibleFromConfig
      • toConfiguration

        public @NotNull org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration toConfiguration()
        Description copied from interface: ConvertibleFromConfig
        Generate a HierarchicalConfiguration from the current state of the object
        Specified by:
        toConfiguration in interface ConvertibleFromConfig
        Always returns an HierarchicalConfiguration. Never null