Class BambooCollectionUtils

  • public class BambooCollectionUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • stringToCollection

        public static @NotNull List<String> stringToCollection​(String s)
        Converts a string with a given pattern into a Collection of strings.
        s - string to be analyzed
        list of strings
      • stringArrayToList

        public static @NotNull List<String> stringArrayToList​(@Nullable
                                                              @Nullable String[] s)
      • stringArrayToHashSet

        public static @NotNull Set<String> stringArrayToHashSet​(@Nullable
                                                                @Nullable String[] values)
      • removeDuplicates

        public static <T> @Nullable List<T> removeDuplicates​(@Nullable
                                                             @Nullable List<T> input)
      • removeDuplicatesAndSort

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> @Nullable List<T> removeDuplicatesAndSort​(List<T> input)
      • removeDuplicatesAndSort

        public static <T> @Nullable List<T> removeDuplicatesAndSort​(List<T> input,
                                                                    @NotNull Comparator<? super T> c)
      • convertToList

        public static @Nullable List<String> convertToList​(@Nullable
                                                           @Nullable String s)
      • subtract

        public static <T> @NotNull List<T> subtract​(@NotNull
                                                    @NotNull Collection<T> a,
                                                    @NotNull Collection<T> b)
        Generic version of ListUtils.subtract
        Type Parameters:
        T - any type
        a - collection A
        b - collection B
        List of (A - B)
      • sortByValue

        public static <K,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> List<Map.Entry<K,​V>> sortByValue​(Map<K,​V> map)
        Given a map returns the list of entries in the map sorted by Entry.getValue() in descending order.
        map -
        sorted list of map's entries
      • addIgnoreNull

        public static <E> boolean addIgnoreNull​(@NotNull
                                                @NotNull Collection<? super E> collection,
                                                E element)
        Add element to the collection if it is not null. Generified version of Apache's CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull.
        Type Parameters:
        E - Element type
        collection - Collection where element will be added to
        element - Element to be added to the collection
        true if the collection changed
      • get

        public static <E> E get​(@NotNull
                                @NotNull List<? extends E> list,
                                int index)
        Get Nth element from list or null if list hasn't got so many elements
        Type Parameters:
        E - Type of the elements in the list
        list - List to get element from
        index - Index of element to get
        Element of given index or null
      • nullToEmptyImmutable

        public static <T> @NotNull List<T> nullToEmptyImmutable​(@Nullable
                                                                @Nullable List<T> list)
      • nullToEmptyImmutable

        public static <T> @NotNull Set<T> nullToEmptyImmutable​(@Nullable
                                                               @Nullable Set<T> set)
      • nullToEmptyImmutable

        public static <K,​V> @NotNull Map<K,​V> nullToEmptyImmutable​(@Nullable
                                                                               @Nullable Map<K,​V> map)
      • contains

        public static <T> boolean contains​(@Nullable
                                           @Nullable Collection<T> collection,
                                           Object object)
        true if collection is not null and contains object
      • newImmutableList

        public static <T> @NotNull<T> newImmutableList​(@Nullable
                                                                                               @Nullable Collection<T> collection)
      • newImmutableSet

        public static <T> @NotNull<T> newImmutableSet​(@Nullable
                                                                                             @Nullable Iterable<T> set)
        Creates a new immutable set from the supplied set. Returns empty set for null.
      • newHashSet

        public static <T> HashSet<T> newHashSet​(Collection<T> collection)
      • getLastElements

        public static <T> @NotNull Collection<T> getLastElements​(@NotNull
                                                                 @NotNull Collection<T> collection,
                                                                 int numberOfElements)
        Returns the last N elements of a collection.
        collection - collection of any elements
        numberOfElements - number of last elements to return - must not be a negative number, must be no greater than the size of provided collection
        last N elements from the collection