Class DiskUsageManagerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • DiskUsageManagerImpl

        public DiskUsageManagerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • findUsedStorageByArtifactHandler

        public @Nullable Long findUsedStorageByArtifactHandler​(String artifactHandlerPluginKey)
        Description copied from interface: DiskUsageManager
        Retrieve the all artifacts size for a given artifact handler.
        Specified by:
        findUsedStorageByArtifactHandler in interface DiskUsageManager
        artifactHandlerPluginKey - the plugin key of the artifact handler for which to retrieve the usage for.
        the size of all artifacts which were processed by given artifact handler in bytes. If none of artifact was saved with given artifact handler this will return null.
      • findUsedStorage

        public Map<String,​Long> findUsedStorage()
        Description copied from interface: DiskUsageManager
        Retrieve all artifact sizes for each artifact handler type.
        Specified by:
        findUsedStorage in interface DiskUsageManager
        the map of all artifact sizes grouped by artifactHandlerPluginKey.