Class JiraRestResponse

  • public class JiraRestResponse
    extends Object
    Encapsulation of a REST response from JIRA. If JIRA is playing nice you will get any errors marshalled into a nice object for you. Also a json formatted response should also hopefully be marshalled into
    • Field Detail

      • statusCode

        public final @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull int statusCode
      • statusMessage

        public final @Nullable String statusMessage
      • errors

        public final @Nullable Errors errors
      • body

        public final @Nullable String body
      • entity

        public final @Nullable com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.json.JSONObject entity
    • Constructor Detail

      • JiraRestResponse

        public JiraRestResponse​(String errorMessage)
      • JiraRestResponse

        public JiraRestResponse​(int statusCode,
                                String statusMessage,
                                Errors errors,
                                String body,
                                com.opensymphony.webwork.dispatcher.json.JSONObject entity)
    • Method Detail

      • hasErrors

        public boolean hasErrors()