The Bamboo REST APIs are for developers who want to integrate their application with Bamboo and for administrators who want to script interactions with the Bamboo server.
Bamboo's REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. By default, the response format is XML. If you wish, you can request JSON instead of XML.
Because the REST API is based on open standards, you can use any web development language to access the API.
A common use case would be a build service, which provides information about build results.
Bamboo's REST APIs provide the following capabilities:
If you would like to know more about REST in general, start with the RESTwiki's guide to REST In Plain English.
Then jump right in and try our REST resources:
Below are some links to in-depth information on development of REST APIs and plugins:
In order to be minimise network traffic from the client perspective, our API uses a technique called expansion.
You can use the 'expand' query parameter to specify a comma-separated list of entities that you want expanded, identifying each entity by a given identifier. For example, the value "changes,stages.stage.results.result" requests the expansion of entities for which the expand identifier is "change" and "stages".
To discover the identifiers for each entity, look at the 'expand' attribute in the parent entity. In the XML example below, the page entity declares changes, metadata, artifacts, comments, labels, jiraIssues and stages as being expandable.
Note: The 'expand' attribute should not be confused with the 'expand' query parameter which specifies which entities you want expanded.
You can use the dot notation to specify expansion of entities within another entity. For example "children.children" would expand the children and the children's children (because its expand identifier is children) and the child entities within the plugin.
If not otherwise indicated, all methods return both XML and JSON. Below are examples of the XML and JSON representations.
<result id="2818060" expand="changes,testResults, metadata, logEntries,artifacts,comments, labels,jiraIssues" number="11"> lifeCycleState="Finished" state="Successful" key="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-JOB1-11"
<link rel="self" href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/result/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-JOB1-11"/>
<parent rel="parent" href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/result/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-11"/>
<planName>My plan</planName>
<projectName>My project</projectName>
<stage>Default Stage</stage>
{id:"2818060", expand:"changes,testResults, metadata, logEntries,artifacts,comments, labels,jiraIssues", number:"11" lifeCycleState:"Finished" state:"Successful" key:"PROJECT_KEY-PLANKEY-JOB1-11" link:[{href:"http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/result/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-JOB1-11",rel:"self"}], parent:[{href:"http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/result/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-11",rel:"parent"}], planName:"My plan", projectName:"My project", stage:"Default Stage}}
This document the current REST API provided by Bamboo.
Provide build results information. Available for anonymous and authenticated users, however proper permissions are enforced
Provide list of latest build results for top level plans visible for users.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
favourite |
label |
issueKey |
includeAllStates |
lifeCycleState |
continuable |
buildstate |
start-index |
max-results |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
Latest build results for all plans
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
buildKey |
plan key (might be simply planKey or composite planKey-jobKey) |
buildNumber |
either the number of the specific build result or 'latest' for the highest build number |
Provide build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
expands build result details on request. Possible values are: changes, metadata, artifacts, comments, labels, jiraIssues, stages, logEntries. stages expand is available only for top level plans. It allows to drill down to job results using stages.stage.results.result. logEntries and testResults are available only for job results |
favourite |
filters build results list to show only results for favourite plans. Works only for authenticated user |
start-index |
start index for results list (zero based) |
max-results |
maximum size for returned list |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
<changes expand="changes" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<metadata start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<item key="ManualBuildTriggerReason.userName" value="admin"/>
Result of single build. Presented content contain information for finished build. If build is in progress, contains additional runtime information. Top level plan contains additionally progress information, job progress information, current log entries and hasExecutableAgent boolean flag.
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project or plan does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
Provide list of latest build results for top level plans for specified project. List of results is limited to plans visible for user.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
favourite |
label |
issueKey |
includeAllStates |
lifeCycleState |
continuable |
buildstate |
start-index |
max-results |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="ANOTHERPPROJECTKEY-ANOTHERPLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="1" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
Latest build results for plans for specified project
Returned when specified project does not exists or user does not have permission to see plans for specified project
parameter | value | description |
csid |
Provide list of build results related to changeset id passed as parameter. List of results contains results from all plans related to this changeset.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="ANOTHERPPROJECTKEY-ANOTHERPLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="1" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
Build results for specified changeset.
parameter | value | description |
csid |
Provide list of build results related to changeset id passed as parameter. List of results contains results from all plans which have repositories checked out with this changeset.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="ANOTHERPPROJECTKEY-ANOTHERPLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="1" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
Build results for specified changeset.
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Provide list of build results for specified plan. Plan might be top level plan (projectKey-planKey) or job plan (projectKey-planKey-jobKey).
parameter | value | description |
expand |
favourite |
label |
issueKey |
includeAllStates |
lifeCycleState |
continuable |
buildstate |
start-index |
max-results |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="ANOTHERPPROJECTKEY-ANOTHERPLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="1" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
Latest build results for specified plan. Results are ordered from latest or oldest.
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project or plan does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
branchName |
Provide list of build results for specified plan. Plan might be top level plan (projectKey-planKey) or job plan (projectKey-planKey-jobKey).
parameter | value | description |
expand |
favourite |
label |
issueKey |
includeAllStates |
lifeCycleState |
continuable |
buildstate |
start-index |
max-results |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="ANOTHERPPROJECTKEY-ANOTHERPLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="1" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
Latest build results for specified plan. Results are ordered from latest or oldest.
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project or plan does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
buildKey |
plan key (might be simply planKey or composite planKey-jobKey) |
buildNumber |
either the number of the specific build result or 'latest' for the highest build number |
Provide build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
expands build result details on request. Possible values are: changes, metadata, artifacts, comments, labels, jiraIssues, stages, logEntries. stages expand is available only for top level plans. It allows to drill down to job results using stages.stage.results.result. logEntries and testResults are available only for job results |
favourite |
filters build results list to show only results for favourite plans. Works only for authenticated user |
start-index |
start index for results list (zero based) |
max-results |
maximum size for returned list |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<result expand="changes,metadata,artifacts,comments,labels,jiraIssues,stages" key="PPROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2" state="SUCCESS" lifeCycleState="Finished" number="2" id="10000" continuable="false" onceOff="false" restartable="false">
<buildDurationDescription>1 second</buildDurationDescription>
<buildRelativeTime>1 hour ago</buildRelativeTime>
<artifacts start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<name>cargo log</name>
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/browse/PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-2/artifact/shared/cargo-log.log" rel="self"/>
<prettySizeDescription>1 kilobyte</prettySizeDescription>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
<jiraIssues start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<issue key="BAM-9040" summary="Break out the Run options from the current menu" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<issue key="BAM-9137" summary="Task to allow users to tag and branch in SVN" iconUrl="" issueType="Story" status="Resolved">
<url href="" rel="self"/>
<variables start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<variable name="variableOne" value="value"/>
<variable name="password" value="********"/>
<changes expand="changes" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<metadata start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<item key="ManualBuildTriggerReason.userName" value="admin"/>
Result of single build. Presented content contain information for finished build. If build is in progress, contains additional runtime information. Top level plan contains additionally progress information, job progress information, current log entries and hasExecutableAgent boolean flag.
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project or plan does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
buildNumber |
Provide list of comments for build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<comments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
<comment author="bambooUser">
<content>Sample comment for build</content>
List of comments for build result
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restCommentList" type="restCommentList"/><xs:element name="restCommentList" type="restCommentList"/>
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan or build result does not exists
Adds new comment to build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<content>new comment content</content>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="comment" type="restComment"/><xs:element name="comment" type="restComment"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<content>new comment content</content>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="comment" type="restComment"/><xs:element name="comment" type="restComment"/>
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
commentId |
buildNumber |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
buildNumber |
Provide list of labels for build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<labels start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<label name="someLabel"/>
<label name="someLabel"/>
List of comments for build result
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restBuildLabelList" type="restBuildLabelList"/><xs:element name="restBuildLabelList" type="restBuildLabelList"/>
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan or build result does not exists
Adds new label to build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<label name="someLabel"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<label name="someLabel"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
available response representations:
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
On success
Returned when specified project, plan or build result does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
labelName |
buildNumber |
Removes label from build result specified by projectKey-buildKey-buildNumber. Build number may be specified as "latest" for the result with the highest build number.
available response representations:
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
On success
Returned when specified project, plan, build result or label to remove does not exists
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
buildNumber |
Provide runtime information for currently executing build result. The key difference to other methods is that method is optimized to provide information available in memory only, so no database calls are made. The information provided is not as wide as for finished results, but the call is optimized for speed.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<status expand="stages" key="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-100">
<prettyTimeRemaining>Approximately 2 minutes remaining</prettyTimeRemaining>
<prettyTimeRemainingLong>Approximately 2 minutes remaining</prettyTimeRemainingLong>
<prettyAverageBuildDuration>2 mins</prettyAverageBuildDuration>
<prettyBuildTime>1 min</prettyBuildTime>
<currentStage>first stage</currentStage>
<stages expand="stage" start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<results expand="results" start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<result expand="result" state="Unknown">
<prettyTimeRemaining>Approximately 2 minutes remaining</prettyTimeRemaining>
<prettyTimeRemainingLong>Approximately 2 minutes remaining</prettyTimeRemainingLong>
<prettyAverageBuildDuration>2 mins</prettyAverageBuildDuration>
<prettyBuildTime>1 min</prettyBuildTime>
<prettyVcsUpdateDuration>10 seconds</prettyVcsUpdateDuration>
<description>stage description</description>
Currently executing build status
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan or build result does not exists. Also when build result is not currently executed ie. build has been completed already
Method used to list all projects defined in Bamboo. Projects without any plan are not listed by default, unless <em>showEmpty</em> query param is set to true. <p> Possible expand parameters: <dl> <dt>projects</dt><dd>list of projects projects.project - list of projects with project details</dd> <dt>projects.project.plans</dt><dd>list of project details and plans for project</dd> <dt>projects.project.plans.plan</dt><dd>list of project details and plans for project with plan details</dd> </dl>
parameter | value | description |
showEmpty |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="projects" type="restProjects"/><xs:element name="projects" type="restProjects"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="projects" type="restProjects"/><xs:element name="projects" type="restProjects"/>
Create project.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="project" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="project" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="project" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="project" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>My first project</name>
created project key.
Returned when validation failed.
Returned when user has no global Create permission.
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
Method used to retrieve information for project specified as project key. <p> Possible expand parameters: <dl> <dt>plans</dt><dd>list of plans for project</dd> <dt>plans.plan</dt><dd>list of plans with plan details (only plans visible - READ permission for user)</dd> <dt>plans.plan.actions</dt><dd>list of plans with plan details and actions available for user for plan</dd> </dl>
parameter | value | description |
showEmpty |
available response representations:
The project.
Returned when specified project does not exist or project has no plans unless <em>showEmpty</em> param is true
Marks project for deletion. Project will be deleted by a batch job.
available response representations:
Returned when project can't be removed, e.g. when it contains any plans
Returned when user has no administration permission to project
Returned when project is successfully marked for deletion.
Returned when project doesn't exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
Fetch list of repositories which granted to create plan in given project by Repository stored Bamboo Specs. Returns json array: [{"id":"123", "name":"repo1", "url":"http://localhost:8085/admin/configureLinkedRepositories.action?repositoryId=123"}]
available response representations:
The page object with list of repositories.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project does not exist
Grant permission to create/edit plan in given project by Bamboo Specs from given repository.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/><xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/><xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/>
available response representations:
added repository entity.
Returned when idContainer is empty or null
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project does not exist or repository not found by id
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
repositoryId |
linked repository root id |
Remove approval to create plans in given project by given repository
available response representations:
When successfully removed link between project and repository.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project or repository does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
Search for linked repositories which can be granted to create plans by Repository stored Bamboo Specs in given project
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restRepositoryList start-index="0" max-result="1" size="2">
<name>linked repository 1</name>
<name>linked repository 2</name>
The page object with list of repositories.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
Retrieves paginated project repositories specified by the project key.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
represents the params that define which page the request is after |
available response representations:
when repositories were successfully retrieved
when user has no read permission to the project
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
Create or update project variable.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="variable" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="variable" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="variable" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="variable" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
available response representations:
When the variable is updated successfully
Returned when user has no Administration permission to the project
Returned when specified project does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
Retrieves paginated shared credentials for the project specified by the project key.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
represents the params that define which page the request is after |
available response representations:
when credentials were successfully retrieved
when user has no read permission to the project
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
sharedCredentialId |
project shared credentials id |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
Export all of the plans for a project to Bamboo specs
parameter | value | description |
package |
format |
available response representations:
representation of all project plans as Bamboo specs
export error
user has insufficient permissions for the request
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
Get deployment version name preview.
parameter | value | description |
nextVersionName |
name version. Mandatory |
incrementNumbers |
if version number should be incremented |
incrementableVariables |
variables used for version name. Divided by coma |
available response representations:
Validation error
Deployment project not found
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
REST endpoint to manage user/group deployment project permissions in Bamboo.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Grants deployment project permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment project permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any deployment project permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their deployment project permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Grants deployment project permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment project permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any deployment project permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their deployment project permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only 2 roles are supported: LOGGED IN users, ANONYMOUS users
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
id |
deployment project entity key |
Grants deployment project permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role. Anonymous role supports only VIEW permission.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment project permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
deploymentResultId |
parameter | value | description |
includeLogs |
available response representations:
Performs a starts with search against full plan name and full plan key. Use "type" argument to filter by plan type by default will return TopLevelPlans
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
to search for. Optional |
available response representations:
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectId |
available response representations:
Get environment latest release info.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="environmentIds" type="environmentIds"/><xs:element name="environmentIds" type="environmentIds"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Environments latest deployment results
User don't have permissions to get status of deployment
parameter | value | description |
projectId |
Search for existing linked repositories by name.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restRepositoryList start-index="0" max-result="1" size="2">
<name>linked repository 1</name>
<name>linked repository 2</name>
The page object with repositories.
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
Search for existing linked repositories which can be granted to use given repository by RSS.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restRepositoryList start-index="0" max-result="1" size="2">
<name>linked repository 1</name>
<name>linked repository 2</name>
The page object with repositories.
Returned when user has insufficient permissions to target repository
Returned when specified repository not found or repository stored Bamboo specs feature is disabled
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
id of the repository |
Enables access (i.e. allowing modifications) for all Bamboo projects by the Bamboo Specs code stored in this repository. Changes in Bamboo Specs detected will trigger execution of Specs and thus an update of corresponding entities (such as build plans or deployments). <p> <p/> Request body is JSON with one attribute : <pre> { enable: true/false } </pre>
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Successful call will result in HTTP 200.
This repository does not handle 'enableAllProjectsAccess' feature or input data is incorrect.
The calling user has insufficient permissions to change this setting.
Internal server error
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
id of the repository |
Enables or disables detection of Bamboo Specs stored in the repository. If enabled, code changes detected in Bamboo Specs in new commits will trigger execution of Bamboo Specs and thus an update of corresponding entities (such as build plans, deployments or permissions). <p> Request body is JSON with one attribute : <pre> { enable: true/false } </pre>
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Successful call will result in HTTP 200.
This repository does not handle 'enableCi' feature or input data is incorrect.
The calling user has insufficient permissions to change this setting.
Internal server error
Tests connection to a repository if the repository type supports connection testing. Request payload should contain repository configuration.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Successful call (without validation errors) will result in HTTP 200. The response will contain potential connection errors. If the connection to repository was successful, the error list will be empty.
A response with code HTTP 400 indicates that there were validation errors before attempting to connect to repository. The response will contain error messages and field errors. This response will also be sent if the repository type doesn't support connection testing.
A response with code HTTP 403 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions, e.g. for a plan or a repository
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
id of the repository |
Enables access (i.e. allowing modifications) for all Bamboo linked repositories by the Bamboo Specs code stored in this repository. <p> <p/> Request body is JSON with one attribute : <pre> { enable: true/false } </pre>
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Successful call will result in HTTP 200.
This repository does not handle 'enableAllRepositoriesAccess' feature or input data is incorrect.
The calling user has insufficient permissions to change this setting.
Internal server error
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
id of the repository |
Enables build and deployment project creation by the Bamboo Specs code stored in this repository. <p> <p/> Request body is JSON with one attribute : <pre> { enable: true/false } </pre>
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Successful call will result in HTTP 200.
This repository does not handle 'enableProjectCreation' feature or input data is incorrect.
The calling user has insufficient permissions to change this setting.
Internal server error
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
target repository id |
Grant repository with RSS code to use target repository in build plans and deployments. If permission is not granted RSS import will fail when code tries to use target repository.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/><xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/>
available response representations:
{"id":"123", "name":"repo1", "url":"http://localhost:8085/admin/configureLinkedRepositories.action?repositoryId=123"}
permission granted.
Returned when repository id is empty or null
Returned when user has insufficient permissions to target repository
Returned when specified repository not found by id or repository stored Bamboo specs feature is disabled
Fetch list of RSS repositories which can use given repository by RSS code.
available response representations:
[{"id":"123", "name":"repo1", "url":"http://localhost:8085/admin/configureLinkedRepositories.action?repositoryId=123"}]
The page object with list of repositories.
Returned when user has insufficient permissions to target repository
Returned when specified repository not found or repository stored Bamboo specs feature is disabled
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
linked repository root id |
targetRepositoryId |
target repository id |
Revoke access of RSS code stored in repository defined by repositoryId from repository defined by targetRepositoryId. Use this method when need to prevent usage of target repository by RSS code stored in repository referenced by repositoryId.
available response representations:
When successfully removed link between target repository and repository.
Returned when user has insufficient permissions to repository
Returned when specified repository does not exist or repository stored Bamboo specs feature is disabled
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
Search for divergent branches names (i.e. vcs branches that have RSS execution results).
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
Default: |
available response representations:
The page object with branches.
Returned when Bamboo Specs feature is disabled in Bamboo, or when a repository with given ID could not be found
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
ID of the linked repository which stores Bamboo Specs |
Resource providing status of RSS processing for a given repository and optional branch.
parameter | value | description |
branch |
optional branch of the repository. Works only if repository supports divergent branches |
max-result |
maximum number of spec status entries returned in the response |
available response representations:
The object representing RSS status
Returned when Bamboo Specs feature is disabled in Bamboo, or when a repository with given ID could not be found
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
alternative name of the query parameter to provide repository ID |
Webhook resource for triggering Repository-stored Bamboo Specs. Either repository ID or name must be provided via query parameters to identify the linked repository in which Bamboo Specs are defined. <p> Ambiguous requests, which reference more than one repository via the query params, will result in one parameter taking precedence over the others. There's no guarantee which one. <p> This resource does not require authorisation. It will always return HTTP 204 response on every valid request, even if the targeted repository doesn't exist or does not contain Bamboo Specs.
parameter | value | description |
branch |
available response representations:
Returned when neither repository ID nor repository name were provided.
Returned on any valid request.
Returned when Bamboo Specs feature is disabled in Bamboo
Webhook resource for triggering Repository-stored Bamboo Specs. Either repository ID or name must be provided via query parameters to identify the linked repository in which Bamboo Specs are defined. <p> Ambiguous requests, which reference more than one repository via the query params, will result in one parameter taking precedence over the others. There's no guarantee which one. <p> This resource does not require authorisation. It will always return HTTP 204 response on every valid request, even if the targeted repository doesn't exist or does not contain Bamboo Specs.
parameter | value | description |
id |
ID of the linked repository which stores Bamboo Specs |
repositoryId |
alternative name of the query parameter to provide repository ID |
name |
unique name of the linked repository which stores Bamboo Specs |
repositoryName |
alternative name of the query parameter to provide repository name |
available response representations:
Returned when neither repository ID nor repository name were provided.
Returned on any valid request.
Returned when Bamboo Specs feature is disabled in Bamboo
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
repository id |
Search for usages of given repository.
parameter | value | description |
max-plans |
Default: 20 |
maximum count of detailed plans at response. Default is 20. |
max-environments |
Default: 20 |
maximum count of detailed environments at response. Default is 20. |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>My plan</name>
Plans and environments which use this repository.
user has no permissions to view repository or project
repository or project not found
Provides information about some aspects of global expiry settings. If global expiration settings should be modified look at {@link}.
Get list of all plans where user has admin permission and which override global expiry settings. If global expiry is not enabled it returns empty response.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
page object with list of plans
parameter | value | description |
planKey |
of plan with custom expiry settings. |
Provide list of deployment results scheduled for execution and waiting in queue.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
expands deployment result queue items on request. Possible value: queuedDeployments. |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<queue expand="queuedDeployments">
<queuedDeployments start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
Trigger deployment for deployment environment and version.
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
Deployment environment id. Mandatory |
versionId |
Version (release) id. Mandatory |
verboseLogging |
Runs deployments with verbose logs |
available response representations:
User don't have permissions to trigger deployment to given environment
Environment or version are not found
parameter | value | description |
deploymentResultId |
id of deployment result in queue. |
Remove deployment result from queue.
available response representations:
Successfully removed deployment result from queue
User don't have permission to delete deployment from queue
Can't find deployment result by deploymentResultId
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Search for available plan parent dependencies
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/><xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/><xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/>
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Search for available plan child dependencies
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/><xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/><xs:element name="dependencies" type="restDependencies"/>
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
deployment environment id |
Provide list of versions deployed to environment. Sorted by started date, newest first.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
expands deployment versions. Possible values are: results |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restDeploymentResultList expand="results" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="2">
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
<reasonSummary>Manual build</reasonSummary>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
<reasonSummary>Manual build</reasonSummary>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
Returns when user don't have VIEW permission for environment
Returns when environment not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environment id |
Provide list of agents/images assigned to given environment.
available response representations:
If the user has no permissions for updating an agent assignment, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment
If the environment id is not found
Add agent assignment for environment. agentAssignmentKey is a map with one key-value: name - agentAssignmentKey. agentAssignmentKey is parsed by {@link ExecutorKey}.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If validation fails
If the user has no permissions for updating an agent assignment, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment
If the environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environment id |
Provide list of agents/images which can be dedicated for given environment.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
part of the agent or image name to filter response. Use empty value to receive all agents/images. |
available response representations:
If the user has no permissions for updating an agent assignment, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment
If the environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environment id |
executorKey |
key is parsed by {@link ExecutorKey} |
Remove agent/image from list of dedicated executors for given environment.
available response representations:
If validation fails
On successful removal of agent assignment
If the user has no permissions for updating an agent assignment, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment
If the environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
Retrieves Docker configuration for given environment.
available response representations:
Returns Docker Pipeline configuration for given environment
If validation fails
If the user has no edit permissions
If the environment id is not found
Saves Docker configuration for given environment.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/><xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/>
available response representations:
Returns Docker Pipeline configuration for given environment
If validation fails
If the user has no edit permissions
If the environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environment id |
relativeEnvironmentId |
environment id which referenced environment should be placed before or after. |
position |
position. Possible values: AFTER or BEFORE. |
Change environment position within deployment project.
available response representations:
Position was changed
Returned when user has no Edit permission to deployment project or environment
Returned when environment or relative environment was not found or not visible to user.
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environment id |
parameter | value | description |
instanceId |
id of the EC2 instance |
Obtain logs from an EC2 instance. Note that this method will return the console output of the instance, not Bamboo agent logs.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<log>Transaction Summary
Upgrade 5 Packages
Total download size: 67 M
Downloading packages:
A JSON object containing the instance id and it's console output
Returned when input or server state validation fails, for example when AWS account is not configured or Elastic Bamboo is not enabled.
Returned when no EC2 instance with the given id was found. The instance has to exist and must be managed by this Bamboo server.
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="userBean" type="userBean"/><xs:element name="userBean" type="userBean"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="userBean" type="userBean"/><xs:element name="userBean" type="userBean"/>
REST endpoint to manage user/group project plan permissions in Bamboo. Project plan permission is permission applied on project and defines base permissions for plans in that project. Additional permission for given plans can be applied on a plan level.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project plan permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project plan permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any project plan permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their project plan permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project plan permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project plan permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any project plan permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their project plan permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only 2 roles are supported: LOGGED IN users, ANONYMOUS users
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project plan permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role. Anonymous role supports only VIEW permission.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project plan permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
issueKey |
JIRA issue key. Mandatory |
parameter | value | description |
issueKey |
JIRA issue key. Mandatory |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
parameter | value | description |
executorType |
executorId |
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
executorType |
should be AGENT or IMAGE |
executorId |
executor id |
assignmentType |
entityId |
entity id |
available response representations:
when can't parse executorType or executableType
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
successful removal of agent assignment
Dedicate agent or image.
parameter | value | description |
executorType |
should be AGENT or IMAGE |
executorId |
executor id. Id of agent or elastic image. |
assignmentType |
entityId |
entity id. Identifier of project, plan, job, deployment project or environment. |
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
executorType |
executorId |
entityType |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
A starts-with search of authors based on their authorname,
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
unlinkedOnly |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<searchResults start-index="0" max-result="1" size="1">
<searchResults id="jsmith" type="author">
<searchEntity xsi:type="authorSearchResult" id="jsmith" xmlns:xsi="">
Search results for authors matching the provided search term
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="searchResultsList"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResult" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="start-index" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="max-result" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:int" use="required"/> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="searchResultsList"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResult" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="start-index" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="max-result" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:int" use="required"/> </xs:complexType>
Performs a "starts with" search against full plan name and full plan key. Use "type" argument to filter by plan type by default will return TopLevelPlans
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
fuzzy |
type |
permission |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
parameter | value | description |
planKey |
Performs a "starts with" search against full job name and full job key. Use "type" argument to filter by plan type by default will return TopLevelPlans
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
parameter | value | description |
planKey |
Performs a "starts with" search against full job name and full job key. Use "type" argument to filter by plan type by default will return TopLevelPlans
parameter | value | description |
stageId |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Performs a "starts with" search against full plan branch name and full plan branch key. Branches are restricted to "masterPlanKey" plan.
parameter | value | description |
masterPlanKey |
includeMasterBranch |
releasedInDeployment |
searchTerm |
fuzzy |
branchNameOnly |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Performs a contains search against project name.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
permission |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Performs a contains search against deployment project name.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
permission |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Performs a contains search against a version name.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
deploymentProjectId |
branchKey |
chronologicalOrder |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/><xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResultsList"/>
A starts-with search of users based on their username, full-name and if allowed email address.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
includeAvatars |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<searchResults start-index="0" max-result="1" size="1">
<searchResults id="jsmith" type="user">
<searchEntity xsi:type="userSearchResult" id="jsmith" xmlns:xsi="">
<fullName>John Smith</fullName>
Search results for users matching the provided search term
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="searchResultsList"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResult" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="start-index" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="max-result" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:int" use="required"/> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="searchResultsList"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="searchResults" type="searchResult" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="start-index" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="max-result" type="xs:int" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:int" use="required"/> </xs:complexType>
REST resource for retrieving the status of the server
Returns the current status of the server. This endpoint enables a basic status check on the status of a Bamboo instance. <p> The status endpoint will be responsive as long as the Bamboo REST plugin will be running. In other words, this endpoint does depend on the instance health and might not answer as a result of a failure or when Bamboo is still starting. </p>
available response representations:
Returns the current status of the server
Lists all the builds waiting in the build queue, adds or removes a build from the build queue. May be used also to resume build on manual stage or rerun failed jobs.
Provide list of build scheduled for execution and waiting in build queue.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<queue expand="queuedBuilds">
<queuedBuilds start-index="0" max-result="1" size="0">
<queuedBuild expand="queuedBuild" planKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY" buildNumber="10" buildResultKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-10">
<triggerReason>Manual build</triggerReason>
<changes expand="changes" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
List of queued builds waiting in the build queue
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Fire build execution for specified plan. Effectively, this method adds build to the build queue, so is not guarantied that build would be executed immediately. Depending on currently executed builds and length of build queue, build may be executed when queue would be drained. Additional variables could be passed to this method either as form encoded POST payload or query parameters. PLEASE note: Query parameters are more important - override those stored in form payload. Variables defined in Bamboo as global variables or plan variables MUST be prefixed with bamboo.variable ie. bamboo.variable.myVariable=valueForMyVariable. When global or plan variables would be passed to this method, will override default values for variables.
parameter | value | description |
stage |
executeAllStages |
customRevision |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restQueuedBuild expand="queuedBuild" planKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY" buildNumber="10" buildResultKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-10">
<triggerReason>Manual build</triggerReason>
<changes expand="changes" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
Information for queued build, including build number, changes and reason of build
Returned when build was not added to the queue because of Bamboo limitation, e.g too many concurrent builds running for requested plan already or validation exception
Returned when user does not have sufficient rights to view or execute build for specified plan
Returned when specified plan does not exist or plan is not a top level plan
Returned when POST method payload is not form encoded
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
buildKey |
plan key - IMPORTANT: as build queue contains only jobs not top level plans, plan key here MUST be a job key as opposite to other methods in this resource. |
buildNumber |
build number |
Continue partially done build. Effectively, this method adds build to the build queue, so is not guarantied that build would be executed immediately. Depending on currently executed builds and length of build queue, build may be executed when queue would be drained. Additional variables could be passed to this method only query parameters (variableName=variableValue). Variables defined in Bamboo as global variables or plan variables MUST be prefixed with bamboo.variable ie. bamboo.variable.myVariable=valueForMyVariable. When global or plan variables would be passed to this method, will override values valid for previous build execution (override).
parameter | value | description |
stage |
name of the stage that should be executed even if manual stage. Execution will follow to the next manual stage after this or end of plan if no subsequent manual stage |
executeAllStages |
enforce executing all stages in a plan, even if defined as manual stages. Execution will follow and include latest stage, unless some stage will fail. |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restQueuedBuild expand="queuedBuild" planKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY" buildNumber="10" buildResultKey="PROJECTKEY-PLANKEY-10">
<triggerReason>Manual build</triggerReason>
<changes expand="changes" start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
<change expand="change" author="Author" changesetId="10">
<comment>Sample comment</comment>
<files start-index="0" max-result="3" size="0">
Information for queued build, including build number, changes and reason of build
Returned when build is currently executing or is in state not allowing execution
Returned when user does not have sufficient rights to view or execute build for specified plan
Returned when specified plan does not exist, result for provided build number does not exist or is not top level plan result
Stop build execution.
available response representations:
Returned when user does not have sufficient rights to view or execute build for specified plan
On success (success is also when build was already completed - so nothing to stop)
Returned when specified job does not exist
Plan service is supposed to be used to retrieve full list of plans and plan details
Method used to list all plans on Bamboo service that user is allowed to see (READ permission). Should be invoked as /rest/api/latest/plan <p> Possible expand parameters: * plans - list of plans <p> * plans.plan - list of plans with plan details <p> * plans.plan.actions
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Possible expand parameters: actions, stages, branches, variableContext.
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Provide list of branches for specified plan. Plan might be top level plan (projectKey-planKey) or job plan (projectKey-planKey-jobKey). You can use "enabledOnly" param to filter out disabled branches.
available response representations:
List of branches in the vcs of the default repository for the given plan
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
branchName |
Method for creating branch for a specified plan. You can use vcsBranch query param to define which vcsBranch should newly created branch use. If not specified it will not override vcsBranch from the main plan. <p> Example usage: curl -X PUT --user admin:admin http://localhost:8085/rest/api/latest/plan/PROJ-PLAN/branch/BranchName?vcsBranch="/refs/heads/myBranch"
parameter | value | description |
vcsBranch |
enabled |
cleanupEnabled |
available response representations:
The newly created branch.
Returned when there have been validation errors
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan does not exist
Provide details for specified Branch of a specified Plan. Plan might be top level plan (projectKey-planKey) or job plan (projectKey-planKey-jobKey).
available response representations:
List of branches in the vcs of the default repository for the given plan
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan or branch does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Provide list of labels for plan specified by projectKey-buildKey.
available response representations:
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan does not exist
Adds new label to plan specified by projectKey-buildKey.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<label name="someLabel"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<label name="someLabel"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/><xs:element name="label" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/>
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
labelName |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Provide list of vcs branch names for branches that exist on the default repository of this plan
available response representations:
List of branches in the vcs of the default repository for the given plan
Returned when user has no permission to view specified plan
Returned when specified project, plan does not exist
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
issueKey |
buildKey |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="issue" type="restJiraIssue"/><xs:element name="issue" type="restJiraIssue"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="issue" type="restJiraIssue"/><xs:element name="issue" type="restJiraIssue"/>
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
Possible expand parameters: actions, stages, branches, variableContext.
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
buildKey |
plan key |
Retrieve the list of all variables for a plan specified by projectKey-buildKey.
available response representations:
Add a new plan variable.
parameter | value | description |
name |
new variable name |
value |
new variable value |
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
project key |
variableName |
name of the variable to be deleted |
buildKey |
plan key |
Retrieve the plan variable by given id.
available response representations:
Update the plan variable.
available response representations:
Delete the plan variable.
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="artifacts" type="restArtifactDefinitions"/><xs:element name="artifacts" type="restArtifactDefinitions"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="artifacts" type="restArtifactDefinitions"/><xs:element name="artifacts" type="restArtifactDefinitions"/>
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
testId |
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restQuarantineExpiry" type="restQuarantineExpiry"/><xs:element name="restQuarantineExpiry" type="restQuarantineExpiry"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restQuarantineExpiry" type="restQuarantineExpiry"/><xs:element name="restQuarantineExpiry" type="restQuarantineExpiry"/>
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
testId |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
The project to export from |
buildKey |
The specific build to export |
Export plan as Bamboo Specs code.
parameter | value | description |
package |
Optionally, a package name for the exported spec |
format |
Optionally, a format of code. It's {@link SpecsExporter.ExportFormat#JAVA} by default. Other option is {@link SpecsExporter.ExportFormat#YAML}. |
available response representations:
representation of the plan as a Bamboo spec
export error
user has insufficient permissions for the request
Create deployment project.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Test deployment</name>
<description>Project description</description>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="createDeploymentProjectRequest" type="restCreateDeploymentProjectRequest"/><xs:element name="createDeploymentProjectRequest" type="restCreateDeploymentProjectRequest"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Test deployment</name>
<description>Project description</description>
<description>Dev environment</description>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<description>QA environment</description>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
Created deployment project
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project |
Find deployment project by id.
available response representations:
return deployment project
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
Can't find deployment project by deploymentProjectId
Update deployment project.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Test deployment</name>
<description>Project description</description>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="updateDeploymentProjectRequest" type="restUpdateDeploymentProjectRequest"/><xs:element name="updateDeploymentProjectRequest" type="restUpdateDeploymentProjectRequest"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Test deployment</name>
<description>Project description</description>
<description>Dev environment</description>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<description>QA environment</description>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
return deployment project
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentProject"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="oid" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="key" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planKey" type="restKey" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="environments" type="restEnvironment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="repositorySpecsManaged" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" type="restVcsBambooSpecsSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<errors>No deployment project was found for the given ID 123</errors>
Validation error
Can't find deployment project by deploymentProjectId
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
deployment project id |
Get list of deployment versions by deployment project id
parameter | value | description |
branchKey |
plan branch key. Can be empty if default branch is required |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<deploymentVersions start-index="0" max-result="2" size="2">
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
deployment project versions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<errors>Please provide a valid planBranchKey</errors>
Validation error during deployment project update
Can't find deployment project by deploymentProjectId
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
Fetch list of repositories which granted to create/edit environment in given deployment project by Repository stored Bamboo Specs. Returns json array: [{"id":"123", "name":"repo1", "url":"http://localhost:8085/admin/configureLinkedRepositories.action?repositoryId=123"}]
available response representations:
The page object with list of repositories.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project does not exist
Grant permission to create/edit plan in given deployment project by Bamboo Specs from given repository.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/><xs:element name="restIdContainer" type="restIdContainer"/>
available response representations:
added repository entity.
Returned when idContainer is empty or null
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project does not exist or repository not found by id
parameter | value | description |
repositoryId |
linked repository root id |
deploymentProjectId |
project key |
Remove approval to create plans in given deployment project by given repository
available response representations:
When successfully removed link between project and repository.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to project
Returned when specified project or repository does not exist
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
Search for linked repositories which can be granted to create/modify environment by Repository stored Bamboo Specs in given deployment project.
parameter | value | description |
searchTerm |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<restRepositoryList start-index="0" max-result="1" size="2">
<name>linked repository 1</name>
<name>linked repository 2</name>
The page object with list of repositories.
Returned when user has no Administration permission to deployment project
Returned when specified deployment project does not exist
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
The deployment project to export |
Export a deployment project to Java Specs
parameter | value | description |
package |
The package to use as the namespace of the exported Spec |
format |
Optionally, a format of code. It's {@link SpecsExporter.ExportFormat#JAVA} by default. Other option is {@link SpecsExporter.ExportFormat#YAML}. |
available response representations:
A JSON object with a code field containing the spec
Returned when user has no Administration permission to deployment project
Find all deployment projects with environments. Returns only deployment projects and environments visible for user.
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
deploymentProjectId |
id of deployment project |
Create deployment version for given deployment project.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restCreateVersionRequest" type="restCreateVersionRequest"/><xs:element name="restCreateVersionRequest" type="restCreateVersionRequest"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersion"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorUserName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="items" type="restDeploymentVersionItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="versionStatus" type="restDeploymentVersionStatus" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorGravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planBranchName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ageZeroPoint" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersion"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorUserName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="items" type="restDeploymentVersionItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="versionStatus" type="restDeploymentVersionStatus" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="operations" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creatorGravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="planBranchName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ageZeroPoint" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
Returns for anonymous access
Returns when user don't have permissions to create version in deployment project
Can't find deployment project by deploymentProjectId
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Pauses the server
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerNodesInfo" type="restServerNodesInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerNodesInfo" type="restServerNodesInfo"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerNodesInfo" type="restServerNodesInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerNodesInfo" type="restServerNodesInfo"/>
Prepare server for restarting: suspend change detection, stop indexing, stop ec2 instance ordering etc
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Resumes the server
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/><xs:element name="restServerStatusInfo" type="restServerStatusInfo"/>
Resource which allows to get and update Docker configuration for a job.
parameter | value | description |
jobKey |
Retrieves Docker configuration for given job.
available response representations:
Returns Docker Pipeline configuration for given environment
If validation fails
If the user has no admin permissions or job doesn't exist
Updates Docker configuration for given job.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/><xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/><xs:element name="restDockerPipelineConfiguration" type="restDockerPipelineConfiguration"/>
available response representations:
If validation fails
If configuration is updated properly.
If the user has no admin permissions or job doesn't exist
Directory resource for Bamboo REST resources
Provides list of available REST resources in Bamboo
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<resources start-index="0" max-result="0" size="0">
<resource name="info">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/info" rel="self"/>
<resource name="project">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/project" rel="self"/>
<resource name="plan">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/plan" rel="self"/>
<resource name="result">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/result" rel="self"/>
<resource name="chart">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/chart" rel="self"/>
<resource name="queue">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/queue" rel="self"/>
<resource name="export">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/export" rel="self"/>
<resource name="clone">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/clone" rel="self"/>
<resource name="currentUser">
<link href="http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/currentUser" rel="self"/>
List of available REST resources
Provides a list of all agents. Use query parameter "online = true/false" to filter only online agents.
parameter | value | description |
online |
available response representations:
A successful call will return a complete (non-paginated) list of agents
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
Provides details of an agent with given id.
parameter | value | description |
expand |
includeShared |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<capabilities start-index="0" max-result="2" size="0">
<executableEnvironments start-index="0" max-result="0" size="0">
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<executableJobs start-index="0" max-result="0" size="0">
A successful call will return details of an agent.
Authentication required.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
Agent not found.
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
List agent's capabilities. User should be logged in.
parameter | value | description |
includeShared |
if response should include shared agent capabilities. |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
array of agent's capabilities.
Calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
Agent not found.
Create new agent capability. Only restricted admin or system admin can use it.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="capability" type="restCapability"/><xs:element name="capability" type="restCapability"/>
available response representations:
Validation exception occurred.
Calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
capability created successfully.
Agent not found.
Remove all capabilities of build agent. Only restricted admin or system admin can use it.
available response representations:
Couldn't remove agent's capabilities.
Calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
Agent capabilities removed
Agent not found.
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
capabilityKey |
capability key |
Update existing agent capability. Only restricted admin or system admin can use it. It's allowed to skip capability key at request payload.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="capability" type="restCapability"/><xs:element name="capability" type="restCapability"/>
available response representations:
Validation exception occurred.
Calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
capability created successfully.
Agent not found.
Remove build agent capability. Only restricted admin or system admin can use it.
available response representations:
Couldn't remove agent's capability.
Calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
Agent capability removed
Agent not found.
Provides a list of all agent authentication statuses. Use query parameter "online = true/false" to filter only remote or only approved agents.
parameter | value | description |
online |
available response representations:
A successful call will return a complete (non-paginated) list of remote agents
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
parameter | value | description |
agentId |
agent id |
Provides information about status of agent, if it's online or offline.
available response representations:
Status of agent
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
Agent not found.
Obtain a list of quick filters defined for this Bamboo instance.
parameter | value | description |
configured |
When set, the list will only contain filters which have or have not been properly configured. Quick filters are considered configured when they have rules set up. |
available response representations:
List of quick filters. Each entity will contain only basic configuration, excluding e.g. quick filter's rules.
Create a new quick filter with basic configuration, e.g. name or position on list. This method does not allow to configure quick filter's rules.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Integration Tests</name>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="quickFilter" type="restQuickFilter"/><xs:element name="quickFilter" type="restQuickFilter"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Integration Tests</name>
Returned when quick filter was created successfully. Response will contain Quick Filter definition with assigned ID.
When any validation errors occur. Response will contain all error messages.
parameter | value | description |
id |
Get a single quick filter by ID.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Integration Tests</name>
Single quick filter data. Will contain only basic configuration, excluding e.g. quick filter's rules.
Sent when quick filter was not found with the given ID.
Update quick filter's basic configuration, e.g. name or position on list. This method does not allow to configure quick filter's rules.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Integration Tests</name>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="quickFilter" type="restQuickFilter"/><xs:element name="quickFilter" type="restQuickFilter"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Integration Tests</name>
Returned when quick filter was updated successfully. Response will contain Quick Filter definition with data after update.
When any validation errors occur or no quick filter was found with given ID. Response will contain all error messages.
Return visible quick filters for currently logged in user.
available response representations:
List of visible quick filters for logged in user. Each entity will contain only basic configuration, excluding e.g. quick filter's rules.
Saves the list of visible quick filters for currently logged in user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
Returned without any content when the visible filters were successfully saved for current user.
Sent whenever any quick filter was not found with the given ID.
Return active quick filters for currently logged in user.
available response representations:
List of active quick filters for logged in user. Each entity will contain only basic configuration, excluding e.g. quick filter's rules.
parameter | value | description |
id |
Activates a quick filter for currently logged in user.
available response representations:
Returned without any content when filter with given ID was successfully activated for current user.
Sent when quick filter was not found with the given ID.
parameter | value | description |
id |
Deactivates a quick filter for currently logged in user.
available response representations:
Returned without any content when filter with given ID was successfully deactivated for current user.
Sent when quick filter was not found with the given ID.
Deactivates all quick filter for currently logged in user.
available response representations:
Returned without any content when all filters were successfully deactivated for current user.
available response representations:
Resource for encrypt text
Encrypts a given text based on the instance specific cipher. Encrypted data can be used i.a. in Repository-stored Specs. Feature can be enabled or disabled in Bamboo security configuration. Number of allowed requests per user is limited and can be modified in Bamboo security configuration.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="manualEncryptionRequest" type="manualEncryptionRequest"/><xs:element name="manualEncryptionRequest" type="manualEncryptionRequest"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Encrypted text
A response with code HTTP 404 indicates that feature is disabled in Bamboo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<message>Too many request invoked by Joe</message>
A response with code HTTP 429 indicates that this resource had been called to many times by the authenticated user. Retry-After header contains information about how long (in seconds) the user has to wait till next call will be allowed.
parameter | value | description |
planKey |
parameter | value | description |
deploymentVersionId |
deployment version id |
Get current status of deployment version.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersionStatus"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="gravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="versionState" type="deploymentVersionState" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersionStatus"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="gravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="versionState" type="deploymentVersionState" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
deployment version not found
parameter | value | description |
deploymentVersionId |
deployment version id |
newStatus |
deployment version status. Possible values: UNKNOWN, APPROVED, BROKEN, INCOMPLETE |
Update deployment version status.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersionStatus"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="gravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="versionState" type="deploymentVersionState" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType><xs:complexType name="restDeploymentVersionStatus"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:long"/> <xs:element name="userName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="displayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="gravatarUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="creationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="versionState" type="deploymentVersionState" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
For not authorized user
Deployment version was not found by deployment version id
parameter | value | description |
deploymentVersionId |
deployment version id |
Get associated build result of deployment version.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<creatorUserName>Administrator User</creatorUserName>
<cantExecuteReason>Not authorized</cantExecuteReason>
<creatorDisplayName>Administrator User</creatorDisplayName>
deployment version not found
REST endpoint to manage user/group repository permissions in Bamboo.
parameter | value | description |
id |
repository entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
id |
repository entity key |
Grants repository permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes repository permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
repository entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any repository permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
repository entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their repository permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
id |
repository entity key |
Grants repository permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes repository permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
repository entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any repository permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
repository entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their repository permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only LOGGED IN users role is supported.
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
id |
repository entity key |
Grants repository permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes repository permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
available response representations:
available response representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="reports" type="restReports"/><xs:element name="reports" type="restReports"/>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="reports" type="restReports"/><xs:element name="reports" type="restReports"/>
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
projectKey |
buildKey |
toBuildKey |
toProjectKey |
Method used to clone an existing Plan into a new one, possibly into different project. Usage: /rest/api/latest/clone/FROM-PLAN:TO-PLAN
available response representations:
Provides a list of all agent authentication statuses. Use query parameter "pending = true/false" to filter only pending or only approved agents.
parameter | value | description |
pending |
available response representations:
A successful call will return a complete (non-paginated) list of agent authentication statuses.
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
parameter | value | description |
agentUuid |
Authenticates a pending agent with the given UUID. If the agent has already been authenticated, the call will not change it's state.
available response representations:
A response with code HTTP 400 indicates that there were errors during request execution - for example data validation errors occurred (the provided UUID was invalid, no agent with the given UUID was found etc.).
A response with code HTTP 401 indicates that the calling user had insufficient permissions for the request.
No content response is sent after successful authentication of an agent.
REST endpoint to manage user/group deployment environment permissions in Bamboo.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Grants deployment environment permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment environment permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any deployment environment permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their deployment environment permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Grants deployment environment permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment environment permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any deployment environment permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their deployment environment permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only 2 roles are supported: LOGGED IN users, ANONYMOUS users
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
id |
deployment environment entity key |
Grants deployment environment permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role. Anonymous role supports only VIEW permission.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes deployment environment permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Retrieve a page of user's access tokens.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of access tokens.
Create new access token for current user.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>token name</name>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="createAccessTokenRequest" type="createAccessTokenRequest"/><xs:element name="createAccessTokenRequest" type="createAccessTokenRequest"/>
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>token name</name>
New access tokens with rawToken field value.
Token count limit exceeded, token with same name already exists, general error. The response will hold additional information.
parameter | value | description |
tokenId |
REST endpoint to manage user/group plan permissions in Bamboo.
parameter | value | description |
key |
plan entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
key |
plan entity key |
Grants plan permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
Revokes plan permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
parameter | value | description |
key |
plan entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any plan permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
plan entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their plan permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
key |
plan entity key |
Grants plan permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
Revokes plan permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
parameter | value | description |
key |
plan entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any plan permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
plan entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their plan permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only 2 roles are supported: LOGGED IN users, ANONYMOUS users
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
key |
plan entity key |
Grants plan permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role. Anonymous role supports only VIEW permission.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
Revokes plan permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
If plan not found.
REST resource for starting/stopping/querying indexing.
Kicks off a reindex. Requires system admin permissions to perform this reindex.
parameter | value | description |
indexer |
available response representations:
Returns status of the current indexing operation
Returns status of the current indexing operation. reindexInProgress - reindex is currently performed in background reindexPending - reindex is required (i.e. it failed before or some upgrade task asked for it)
available response representations:
Returns status of the current indexing operation
Returns information about the directories where artifacts, build logs, and build results will be stored. Disabled by default. See for more information.
parameter | value | description |
planKey |
Provides the directories where artifacts and build logs can be found for a given plan key
available response representations:
Provides RESTful operations on deployment environment requirements.
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
Gets all the requirements of an environment.
available response representations:
If the user lack permissions for retrieving details about the environment structure, which translates into WRITE permissions to view and edit the environment configuration
If the specified environment id is not found
Adds a requirement for a given environment.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="requirement" type="restRequirement"/><xs:element name="requirement" type="restRequirement"/>
available response representations:
If the user has no permissions to add a requirement to an environment, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment it belongs to
If the environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environmentId |
Gets a summary of the agents that are capable of running an environment, based of its requirements.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
a summary of the agents that can run an environment
if the user does not have permissions to get information about the environment.
If the specified environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environmentId |
Gets a detailed summary of the agents that are capable of running an environment, based of its requirements.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
a summary of the agents that can run an environment
if the user does not have permissions to get information about the environment.
If the specified environment id is not found
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environmentId |
id |
Gets the details of a requirement for a given environment.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
A representation of a requirement
If the user lack permissions for retrieving details about the environment, which translates into WRITE permissions to view and edit the environment
If the specified environment id is not found or the requirement id does not exist
parameter | value | description |
environmentId |
environmentId |
environment id |
requirementId |
requirement id of the requirement to delete |
Updates a requirement for a given environment.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="requirement" type="restRequirement"/><xs:element name="requirement" type="restRequirement"/>
available response representations:
If the user has no permissions for updating a requirement, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the configuration of the environment it belongs to
If the environment id is not found, or the requirement id does not exist
Removes a requirement for an environment.
available response representations:
If the user lacks permissions to remove an environment requirement, which translates into no WRITE permissions to edit the environment
The environment's requirement has been deleted successfully
If the environment id is not found, or the requirement it does not exist
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
configurationId |
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
imageId |
REST endpoint to manage user/group project permissions in Bamboo.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of users with their explicit permissions to given resource. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project permissions to a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project permissions from a given user.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any project permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of groups with their project permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project permissions to a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project permissions from a given group.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any project permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
key |
project entity key |
Retrieve a list of roles with their project permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only LOGGED IN users role is supported
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
key |
project entity key |
Grants project permissions to a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
Revokes project permissions from a given role.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks effective admin permissions for given entity.
REST resource to manage users in Bamboo.
Retrieve a page of users. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of users.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
Create a new user. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<fullName>New User</fullName>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restNewUser" type="restNewUser"/><xs:element name="restNewUser" type="restNewUser"/>
available response representations:
User couldn't be created. The response will hold additional information.
When user has been created.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
parameter | value | description |
name |
The name identifying the user to delete. |
Deletes the specified user, removing them from the system. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
available response representations:
User couldn't be deleted. The response will hold additional information.
When user has been deleted successfully or user does not exist.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
Change password of specified user The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restUserPasswordUpdate" type="restUserPasswordUpdate"/><xs:element name="restUserPasswordUpdate" type="restUserPasswordUpdate"/>
available response representations:
When the password couldn't be changed. The response will hold additional information.
Users password has been changed.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user does not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Add a user to multiple groups. The list of groups should be passed as request body. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
When user couldn't be added to one or more groups. The response will hold additional information.
The user has been added to all specified groups.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user or groups do not exist.
Remove a user from multiple groups. The list of groups should be passed as request body. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
When user couldn't be removed from one or more groups. The response will hold additional information.
The user has been removed from all specified groups.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user or groups do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieves a list of groups to which the user belongs. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of users.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieves a list of groups to which the user does not belong. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of users.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieves a list of unlinked aliases to which the user does not belong. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
A page of aliases.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
The name identifying the user to delete. |
Retrieve a page of aliases. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of aliases.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
User not found.
Link existing unlined alias or create the new one. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
available response representations:
Alias couldn't be created. The response will hold additional information.
When alias has been created.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
Unlink the specified alias from user, removing them from the system. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="restUserAlias" type="restUserAlias"/><xs:element name="restUserAlias" type="restUserAlias"/>
available response representations:
User couldn't be deleted. The response will hold additional information.
When alias has been unlinked successfully or given user doesn't have this alias.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user does not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieve a page of user's access tokens. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of access tokens.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
User not found.
parameter | value | description |
tokenId |
id of token |
name |
The name identifying the user to revoke access token from. |
Revoke user's access token. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
available response representations:
User don't own provided token. The response will hold additional information.
When token has been successfully revoked.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user does not exist.
Renames specified user The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="user" type="restUserRenameRequest"/><xs:element name="user" type="restUserRenameRequest"/>
available response representations:
When the user couldn't be renamed. The response will hold additional information.
When user has been renamed successfully.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified user does not exist.
REST resource to manage groups in Bamboo.
Create a new group. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Source: xsd0.xsd
<xs:element name="group" type="restGroup"/><xs:element name="group" type="restGroup"/>
available response representations:
When group couldn't be created. The response will hold additional information.
When group has been created.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
Retrieve a paginated list of groups. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of groups.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Remove multiple users from a group. The list of usernames should be passed as request body. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
When the users couldn't be removed from the group. The response will hold additional information.
All the users were removed from the group
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified group or users do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieves a list of users that are members of a specified group. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of users.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified group or users do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Retrieves a list of users that are not members of a specified group. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
parameter | value | description |
filter |
Default: |
available response representations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<results xsi:type="abstractRestModel" xmlns:xsi=""/>
A page of users.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
parameter | value | description |
name |
the name identifying the group to delete |
Deletes the specified group, removing it from the system. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
available response representations:
When group couldn't be deleted. The response will hold additional information.
When group was deleted successfully.
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified group does not exist.
parameter | value | description |
name |
Add multiple users to a group. The list of usernames should be passed as request body. The authenticated user must have restricted administrative permission or higher to use this resource.
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
When the users couldn't be added to the group. The response will hold additional information.
All the users were added to the group
The currently authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions.
The specified group or users do not exist.
parameter | value | description |
resultKey |
planKey |
buildNumber |
deploymentProjectId |
previousVersionId |
available response representations:
parameter | value | description |
versionName |
versionId |
deploymentProjectId |
previousVersionId |
available response representations:
REST endpoint to manage user/group global permissions in Bamboo.
Retrieve a list of users with their global permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged and returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
name |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
available response representations:
Return single page of users with their permissions
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
parameter | value | description |
name |
username of the affected user |
Grants global permissions to a given user.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If 'username' user doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If user already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Revokes global permissions from a given user.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If the 'username' user doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If user already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Returns list of users which weren't granted explicitly any permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
user filter, filter is case insensitive matches: username, user's full name, user's email |
name |
represents the params that define which page the request is after |
available response representations:
Return single page of users which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Retrieve a list of groups with their global permissions. The list can be filtered by some attributes. This resource is paged returns a single page of results.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups with their permissions
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected group |
Grants global permissions to a given group.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given endpoint.
If permissions were granted.
If group already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Revokes global permissions from a given group.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If group doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If group already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Returns list of groups which weren't granted explicitly any permissions. Resource is paged, returns single page of resources.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
name |
group name filter, filter is case insensitive matches group name |
available response representations:
Return single page of groups which don't have any explicit permissions granted
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Retrieve a list of roles with their global permissions. This resource is paged returns a single page of results, although only 2 roles are supported: LOGGED IN users, ANONYMOUS users
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
available response representations:
Return single page of roles with their permissions
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
parameter | value | description |
name |
affected role |
Grants global permissions to a given role.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist or one of the requested permission isn't supported for given role. Anonymous role supports only VIEW permission.
If permissions were granted.
If role already had requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.
Revokes global permissions from a given role.
parameter | value | description |
ignore |
parameter not used, can be ignored |
acceptable request representations:
available response representations:
If role doesn't exist.
If permissions were revoked.
If role already lacked requested permissions and permission state hasn't been changed.
If the user lacks global admin or restricted admin permission.