AbstractSystemProperty |
Common ancestor for all SystemProperty classes.
BambooBinaryOperators |
BambooCallables |
BambooCollections |
BambooCollectors |
BambooDataProviderUtils |
Utilities for working with data providers .
BambooEcho |
Do not depend on anything outside the bamboo test utils jar
BambooFieldValidate |
BambooFileAttributes |
BambooFiles |
Helper methods related to Files and Path classes.
BambooFunctions |
BambooFutures |
BambooInterners |
BambooIterators |
BambooLog4j2Utils |
BambooLogger |
BambooLogUtils |
BambooMergedResourceBundle |
BambooNetworkUtils |
BambooNotificationUtils |
BambooOptionals |
BambooPathUtils |
Provides functionality equivalent to Apache FileUtils, but on Path s.
BambooPreconditions |
BambooPredicates |
BambooQueues |
BambooRandomStringUtils |
An equivalent of RandomStringUtils , but uses secure random
BambooReflectionUtils |
Utility methods related to Java reflection API.
BambooRepositoryUtils |
BambooRunnables |
BambooRunnables.BambooRunnableFromCallable<V> |
BambooRunnables.RunnableFromCallable<V> |
BambooSuppliers |
BambooSuppliers.ResettableMemoizingSupplier<T> |
BambooTestUtils |
This class provides a collection of utility methods for use in the unit tests
BambooThrowables |
BambooTimeValue |
BambooUrl |
Encapsulates creation of redirect URLs.
BambooValidate |
Place for all validation methods you can't find in org.apache.commons.validator framework
BambooValidationUtils |
General utility methods for validation.
BambooXmlParserTestUtils |
ClonerTester |
CommonsConfigUtils |
Comparators |
ConfigUtils |
CronUtils |
Utility methods for cron related features.
DebugUtils |
A class that allows you to easily add object identity / stack trace information.
DefaultVelocityEngine |
This class provides a common place for configuring Velocity's nasty singleton controller.
Dom4jUtils |
DurationUtils |
This class provide some Time formatting methods.
Ed25518KeysProvider |
ErrorCollectionUtils |
EscapeChars |
This class provides various character escaping utility methods,
FileCopier |
This class provides common file copying code
FileVisitor |
FirstException<T extends Throwable> |
Remembers the first reported exception so that it can be rethrown later.
HasAtLeastSizeMatcher |
A custom matcher that checks if a collection has at least a specified minimum size.
HtmlUtils |
Bamboo HTML utilities.
HttpClientConfigurationUtils |
HttpUtils |
HttpUtils.EndpointSpec |
InvocationLimiter<T> |
Limits number of invocations of some resource.
InvocationLimiterResponse<T> |
Invocation limiter response.
IpAddressValidator |
A class for checking to see if a String is a valid IP Address.
JavaVirtualMachineDetector |
Based on comment from Vincent Massol on the forums: http://www.pols.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?id=26
Log4jLoggerTestUtil |
LogUtils |
MemorisingIterable<T> |
Iterable which memorises all generated iterators so that test assertions can be performed.
MemorisingIterable.MemorisingIterator<T> |
Iterator which memorises all traversed elements.
MessageCollectionImpl |
NameProviderFunctions |
OptionalNarrow |
Utility for narrowing object instances to Class types
PaginatedDataCollectorImpl |
Pair<A,B> |
A simple Pair class
PathFileFilter |
Matches file if any of it's parents has given name
Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>> |
Range of numerical values (inclusive).
RecentLazyReference<T> |
RequirementUtils |
RequirementUtils.MinimalRequirementSetImpl |
ResourceResolver |
A utility class the allows a resource name to resolve a a file from:
Bamboo configuration folder - iff bootstrapManager is passed
Currently running directory
From the classpath
ResultKeyUtils |
RsaOpenSshKeysProvider |
Utility class for generation openssh compatible key pair
Generated keys are RSA keys.
ServletUtils |
SshKeysProvider.KeyPair |
SystemProperty |
This class represents system properties as constants.
SystemProperty.BooleanSystemProperty |
SystemProperty.IntegerSystemProperty |
SystemProperty.UrlSystemProperty |
TestLogAppender |
UnixWindowsCallable<V> |
UnixWindowsRunnable |
UrlUtils |
Which |
Finds an executable in the system environment
Wildcard |
Simple wildcard matcher, supporting '*' and '?' wildcard.
XmlDiffFinder |
XmlDiffFinder.DefaultFieldChange |
XsrfUtils |