Class ClusterNodesCommandsExecutorImpl

    • Method Detail

      • ensureNodeVisibilityOrWait

        public void ensureNodeVisibilityOrWait()
                                        throws StartupException
        Description copied from interface: ClusterNodesCommandsExecutor
        Notifying all cluster nodes that the node the method is called on is reachable and visible to the cluster. The method will block until either all nodes in the cluster have acknowledged the visibility of the node or com.atlassian.bamboo.cluster.BambooClusterSettings.CLUSTER_HEARTBEAT_JOB_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS seconds passed.
        Specified by:
        ensureNodeVisibilityOrWait in interface ClusterNodesCommandsExecutor
        StartupException - if the notification to other nodes fails, indicating potential connection issues between nodes.
      • getRemainingTime

        protected long getRemainingTime​(long startTime)
      • getUnnotifiedNodes

        public @NotNull List<String> getUnnotifiedNodes​(@NotNull
                                                        @NotNull List<String> allAskedNodeIds,
                                                        @NotNull List<String> successfullyNotifiedNodes)