Interface WebhookResponseService

    • Method Detail

      • getWebhookResponseDetails

        WebhookResponseDetails getWebhookResponseDetails​(Long webhookResponseId)
        Find full description of webhook response associated with webhook response id.
        webhookResponseId - id of webhook response.
        a webhook response entity associated with the given webhook response id.
      • findWebhookResponsesForPlanResultKey

        @NotNull List<WebhookResponse> findWebhookResponsesForPlanResultKey​(String planResultKey)
        Find short descriptions of webhook responses associated with build key.
        planResultKey -
        a list of all webhook responses (DTO not full entities) associated with the given plan result key.
      • findWebhookResponsesForDeploymentResultId

        @NotNull List<WebhookResponse> findWebhookResponsesForDeploymentResultId​(Long deploymentResultId)
        Find short descriptions of webhook responses associated with deployment result id.
        deploymentResultId -
        a list of all webhook responses (DTO not full entities) associated with the given deployment result id.
      • registerWebhookSend

        @NotNull Long registerWebhookSend​(WebhookToSend webhookToSend)
        Save a pending webhook to DB.
        webhookToSend - sent webhook
        id of created webhook response entity.
      • countWebhookResponsesByDeploymentResultId

        @NotNull Long countWebhookResponsesByDeploymentResultId​(Long deploymentResultId)
        Count all webhook responses in deployment result.
        deploymentResultId -
        a number of webhook response entities associated with deployment result id.
      • registerWebhookResponse

        void registerWebhookResponse​(Long webhookResponseId,
                                     org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<String> webhookResponse,
                                     VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor)
        Change state of webhook response entity in DB in case of receiving a response.
        webhookResponseId - id of webhook response entity.
        webhookResponse - response of returned webhook.
        variableSubstitutor - variable substitutor to use for hide sensitive information.
      • registerWebhookResponse

        void registerWebhookResponse​(Long webhookResponseId,
                                     String body,
                                     int statusCode,
                           <String,​String> headers,
                                     VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor)
        Change state of webhook response entity in DB in case of receiving a response.
        webhookResponseId - id of webhook response entity.
        body - response body of returned webhook.
        statusCode - response status code of returned webhook.
        headers - response headers of returned webhook.
        variableSubstitutor - variable substitutor to use for hide sensitive information.
      • registerWebhookPrepareError

        void registerWebhookPrepareError​(WebhookToSend webhookToSend,
                                         String message)
        Save a webhook to DB which was not send due to an error.
        webhookToSend - webhook which was trying to be sent.
        message - error message.
      • registerWebhookSentException

        void registerWebhookSentException​(Long webhookResponseId,
                                          Throwable throwable,
                                          VariableSubstitutor variableSubstitutor)
        Change state of webhook response entity in DB in case of exception while waiting for response.
        webhookResponseId - id of webhook response entity.
        throwable - exception thrown while waiting for response.
        variableSubstitutor - variable substitutor to use for hide sensitive information.
      • removeWebhookResponsesForChainResult

        void removeWebhookResponsesForChainResult​(String planResultKey)
        Remove webhook responses associated with given plan result key from DB when deleting build result.
        planResultKey -
      • removeWebhookResponseForPlan

        void removeWebhookResponseForPlan​(String planKey)
        Remove webhook responses associated with given plan key from DB when deleting plan.
        planKey -
      • removeWebhookResponsesForDeploymentResult

        void removeWebhookResponsesForDeploymentResult​(Long deploymentResultId)
        Remove webhook responses associated with given deployment result id from DB when deleting deployment result.
        deploymentResultId -