Interface BambooSpecsStateDao

    • Method Detail

      • findByVcsLocation

        @NotNull List<VcsLocationBambooSpecsState> findByVcsLocation​(long repositoryId,
                                                                     @NotNull String branch)
        Get all specs state for given repository and its branch
        repositoryId - id of the repository
        branch - branch of the repository
      • findByVcsLocationIdOrderBySpecsExecutionDate

        @NotNull List<VcsLocationBambooSpecsState> findByVcsLocationIdOrderBySpecsExecutionDate​(long repositoryId,
                                                                                                @NotNull String branch,
                                                                                                int limit)
        Get latest limit specs state for given repository and its branch
        repositoryId - id of the repository
        branch - branch of the repository
        limit - search limit
      • countStatesByRepositoryId

        long countStatesByRepositoryId​(long repositoryId)
      • findSpecsBranches

        @NotNull List<String> findSpecsBranches​(long rootVcsRepositoryId,
                                                @NotNull String searchTerm)
        Get all branches from VcsLocationBambooSpecsState for given repository that match the search term
      • otherSuccessfullySpecsImportExistsForRevision

        boolean otherSuccessfullySpecsImportExistsForRevision​(long rootVcsRepositoryId,
                                                              @NotNull String revision,
                                                              long specsStateId)
        Check if for given repository and revision specs import has ended successfully for other Specs state than one with specsStateId
        rootVcsRepositoryId -
        revision -
        specsStateId - current specsStateId