Class RepositoryException

    • Constructor Detail

      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String message,
                                   long repositoryId)
      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(@Nullable
                                   @Nullable Throwable cause,
                                   long repositoryId)
      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(@NotNull
                                   @NotNull String message,
                                   @Nullable Throwable cause)
        Create an exception containing the message and root cause
        message - The error message
        cause - The root cause
      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(String message,
                                   String stdout,
                                   String stderr)
        Create an exception containing the message and stdout/stderr output from external command
        message - The error message
        stdout - Command standard output
        stderr - Command standard error output
      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(String message,
                                   @Nullable Throwable cause,
                                   String stdout,
                                   String stderr)
        Create an exception containing the message, root cause and stdout/stderr output from external command
        message - The error message
        cause - The root cause
        stdout - Command standard output
        stderr - Command standard error output
      • RepositoryException

        public RepositoryException​(String message,
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   String stdout,
                                   String stderr,
                                   long repositoryId)
        Create an exception containing the message, root cause, stdout/stderr output from external command and repositoryId
        message - The error message
        cause - The root cause
        stdout - Command standard output
        stderr - Command standard error output
        repositoryId - id of repository
    • Method Detail

      • getStderr

        public @Nullable String getStderr()
        stderr output of external command
      • getStdout

        public @Nullable String getStdout()
        stdout output of external command
      • getRepositoryId

        public @Nullable Long getRepositoryId()
        Id of this exception's source. It is null more often than not as Repository objects usually don't know it.
        id of the repository that threw this exception or null if unknown