Class SshCredentialType

    • Constructor Detail

      • SshCredentialType

        public SshCredentialType()
    • Method Detail

      • generateCredentialsConfigMap

        public @NotNull Map<String,​String> generateCredentialsConfigMap​(@NotNull
                                                                              @NotNull ActionParametersMap params,
                                                                              @Nullable CredentialsData previousCredentialsData)
        Description copied from interface: CredentialType
        Convert the params from the ui into a config map to be stored in the database. Can assume validation has occurred in the #validate method.

        Sensitive parameters such as passwords do not have to be encrypted, as they will be secured before being stored in the database.

        params - request parameters.
        previousCredentialsData - the previous immutable CredentialsData before saving or null if credentials are being created.
        the configuration map to be stored in the database.