Interface ConversationStorageService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ConversationStorageService
    since 9.5, the functionality is no longer supported and may be removed in the future.
    A service for storing temporary data for conversation scope - e.g. data shared by each step of a wizard. Stored data automatically expires after certain time of inactivity.
    • Method Detail

      • createConversation

        <T> @NotNull Conversation<T> createConversation​(@NotNull
                                                        T initialValue)
        Creates a new conversation object for storing temporary data, initialized with the given value.
      • getConversation

        <T> @NotNull Optional<Conversation<T>> getConversation​(int conversationId,
                                                               @NotNull Class<T> valueClass)
        Returns an existing conversation object or Optional.empty() if a conversation does not exist with the provided id (e.g. it has already expired).
        valueClass - class of the value stored in the conversation
        IllegalStateException - if the conversation exists but the type of the stored object is not exactly the same as the given class
      • deleteConversation

        void deleteConversation​(int conversationId)
        Delete a conversation. Will do nothing if a conversation with given id does not exist.