Class PlanLimitAwareInterceptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlanLimitAwareInterceptor

        public PlanLimitAwareInterceptor()
    • Method Detail

      • doIntercept

        public String doIntercept​(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation invocation)
                           throws Exception
        Allows the Interceptor to do some processing on the request before and/or after the rest of the processing of the request by the ActionInvocation or to short-circuit the processing and just return a String return code.
        Specified by:
        doIntercept in class AbstractBambooInterceptor
        the return code, either returned from ActionInvocation.invoke(), or from the interceptor itself.
        Exception - any system-level error, as defined in Action.execute().
      • setPlanManager

        public void setPlanManager​(PlanManager planManager)