Interface VcsLocationConfigurator

    • Method Detail

      • populateContextForCreate

        void populateContextForCreate​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull Map<String,​Object> context)
      • addDefaultsForAdvancedOptions

        void addDefaultsForAdvancedOptions​(@NotNull
                                           @NotNull Map<String,​String> cfgMap)
        In Plan creation screen advanced options' UI is not displayed. In that case the defaults for those options need to be provided.
        cfgMap -
      • getServerHost

        @NotNull String getServerHost​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull VcsLocationDefinition vcsLocationDefinition)
        What's the repository server host. It's OK to return an empty string.
      • getLocationIdentifier

        @NotNull String getLocationIdentifier​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull VcsLocationDefinition vcsLocationDefinition)
        A string representing the location of the repository. Usually simply the content of url (or equivalent) field.
      • getSharedCredentialsIds

        default @NotNull Iterable<Long> getSharedCredentialsIds​(@NotNull
                                                                @NotNull VcsLocationDefinition vcsLocationDefinition)
        Returns a list of shared credential ids used by a repository.
        vcsLocationDefinition -
        the list of shared credential ids used by a repository.
      • getScmType

        default Optional<VcsType> getScmType​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull VcsLocationDefinition vcsLocationDefinition)
        Return the type of vcs system used by a repository. If the vcs system is a product build around some other vcs system (e.g. Bitbucket, GitHub), the type of that other system should be returned. For example, Bitbucket repositories are of type VcsType.GIT
        vcsLocationDefinition -
        vcs type
      • setVcsLocationDataInConfig

        default @NotNull Map<String,​String> setVcsLocationDataInConfig​(@NotNull
                                                                             @NotNull Map<String,​String> configMap,
                                                                             @Nullable String vcsLocationParentIdentifier,
                                                                             @Nullable String vcsLocationRepositoryIdentifier)
        Modify config map by setting repository location data. The default implementation does not modify anything. The method should be overridden in pull request related implementations.
        configMap -
        vcsLocationParentIdentifier -
        vcsLocationRepositoryIdentifier -
        modified map
      • isWebhookEnabled

        default boolean isWebhookEnabled​(VcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        Determines whether the specified repository data has the webhook option enabled.
        true if webhooks is enabled, false otherwise