Package com.atlassian.bamboo.vcs.configuration
Interface Summary Interface Description PartialVcsRepositoryData Low level configuration view of a repository.PlanRepositoryDefinition Effective repository definition as seen "from aPlan
's perspective.RepositoryPositionProvider VcsBambooSpecsDetectionOptions VcsBranchDefinition Definition of a branch (ref name (git) or relative path (svn)) Can be overridden at branch level (who would have thought!)VcsBranchDetectionOptions Configuration of branch detection process/actions.VcsChangeDetectionOptions Additional configuration referring to change detection.VcsConfigurationFragment VcsLocationDefinition Definition of the vcs server location (url, credentials, caching options all belong here) Normally not overridden ever, but we can allow it in order to support forks.VcsRepositoryData Effective repository definition as seen outside any specificPlan
's context Product of: - importing parent's configuration - applying local configuration overrides (e.g.