Class AnalyticsUtils

  • public class AnalyticsUtils
    extends Object
    Utils related to Analytic events
    • Field Detail

      • NULL_UUID

        public static final String NULL_UUID

        public static final Map<String,​String> SUPPORTED_REPOSITORIES_KEYS_TO_TYPE
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnalyticsUtils

        public AnalyticsUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • mapToBooleanIfApplicable

        @Contract("null -> null; !null -> !null")
        public static @Nullable Object mapToBooleanIfApplicable​(@Nullable
                                                                @Nullable String value)
        Maps a plain string value to a corresponding Boolean so plugin analytics won't filter it out, e.g. String 'true' is parsed Boolean.TRUE.
      • anonymizeFreeText

        @Contract("null -> !null")
        public static @NotNull String anonymizeFreeText​(@Nullable
                                                        @Nullable String value)
        Creates UUID from given string. Charset independent. It uses UFT-8 ignoring the real encoding of the string.
        value - if null NULL_UUID is returned.