Class TaskActionExecutorImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskActionExecutorImpl

        public TaskActionExecutorImpl​(com.atlassian.plugin.PluginAccessor pluginAccessor)
    • Method Detail

      • getTaskActionsFor

        protected <D extends PrePostTaskActionsDescriptor,​T extends InternalTaskTypeCollection<PrePostTaskActions> getTaskActionsFor​(Class<D> descriptorClass,
                                                                                                                                             T task)
        Find all module descriptors of descriptorClass type, next reduce a list to those which are intended to be used with tasks of task type (descriptor.getTaskClass()). Extract actions from module descriptors.
        Type Parameters:
        D - module descriptors for our PrePostTaskActions
        T - type of a current task, in our case CommonTaskType / TaskType / DeploymentTaskType
        descriptorClass - type of a plugin points we're looking for
        task - current task being executed
        Collection<BPM> list of plugin point actions for this task
      • executePostTaskActions

        public TaskResult executePostTaskActions​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull InternalTaskType task,
                                                 @Nullable TaskResult taskResult,
                                                 @NotNull Collection<PrePostTaskActions> taskActions)
        Description copied from interface: TaskActionExecutor
        Run post-task execution actions.
        Specified by:
        executePostTaskActions in interface TaskActionExecutor
        task - a current task which was be executed before these post-task actions
        taskResult - a result returned by the task; may be null in case the task terminated abnormally
        TaskResult task result (may be modified by post-task actions)