Class TestCaseSummaryImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getLastTestCaseResult

        public @Nullable TestCaseResult getLastTestCaseResult()
        Specified by:
        getLastTestCaseResult in interface TestCaseSummary
        the last TestCaseResult to occur if stored in the database. Null if last test case run was successful.
      • getFailingSinceBuild

        public BuildResultsSummary getFailingSinceBuild()
        Specified by:
        getFailingSinceBuild in interface TestCaseSummary
        If the test is currently failing, the BuildResultsSummary the test broke in otherwise null. Build returned should have failed.
      • getFailingSinceBuildKey

        public @Nullable String getFailingSinceBuildKey()
        Description copied from interface: TestCaseSummary
        Just returns the key of the failing since build, just in case the buildResult doesn't exist anymore, e.g. if it was deleted.
        Specified by:
        getFailingSinceBuildKey in interface TestCaseSummary
        String key for the failing since build
      • getCountFailingSince

        public int getCountFailingSince()
        Specified by:
        getCountFailingSince in interface TestCaseSummary
        If the test is currently failing, how many builds has it been failing for. otherwise 0;
      • getSucceedingSinceBuild

        public @Nullable BuildResultsSummary getSucceedingSinceBuild()
        Specified by:
        getSucceedingSinceBuild in interface TestCaseSummary
        if the test is currently passing, which is the build that the test was most recently fixed in . If the test is failing, returns null. Build returned should have been successful.
      • getAverageElapsedTime

        public long getAverageElapsedTime()
        Returns the averag etime in milliseconds it takes for builds to be fixed
        Specified by:
        getAverageElapsedTime in interface TestCaseSummary
        time in milliseconds
      • getAverageElapsedBuilds

        public float getAverageElapsedBuilds()
        Calculates the average number of builds between fixes.
        Specified by:
        getAverageElapsedBuilds in interface TestCaseSummary
        approximate number of builds elapsed before a fix
      • getPlanKey

        public PlanKey getPlanKey()