Interface QuarantineStatistics

    • Method Detail

      • getQuarantineDate

        @NotNull Date getQuarantineDate()
        Return the Date at which this TestCase was quarantined
        The Date at which this TestCase was quarantined
      • setQuarantineDate

        void setQuarantineDate​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull Date date)
        Set the Date at which this TestCase was quarantined
        date - - Date of quarantine
      • getQuarantiningUsername

        @NotNull String getQuarantiningUsername()
        Return the username of the user that quarantined this TestCase
        The username of the quarantining user
      • setQuarantiningUsername

        void setQuarantiningUsername​(@NotNull
                                     @NotNull String username)
        Set the username of the user that quarantined this TestCase
        username - - username of the quarantining user
      • getQuarantineExpiryDate

        @Nullable Date getQuarantineExpiryDate()
        Return the quarantine expiry date for this TestCase
        quarantine expiration date or null, if it's not set
      • setQuarantineExpiryDate

        void setQuarantineExpiryDate​(@Nullable
                                     @Nullable Date date)
        Set the expiry date for this TestCase. Set this value to null for permanent quarantine.
        date - expiry date or null value, if this quarantine is permanent