Class GrailsBuildTask

    • Field Detail


        public static final String GRAILS_RUN_CLEAN_GOAL
        Whether we should run the "grails clean" before running other goals
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getRequiredGrailsVersion

        public static @Nullable String getRequiredGrailsVersion​(@NotNull
                                                                @NotNull CommonTaskContext taskContext)
        Look up for '' file and return Grails version set in it.
        taskContext - task context
        String grails version or null if not found
      • getInstalledGrailsVersion

        public @Nullable String getInstalledGrailsVersion​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull String commandExecutable)
        Look up in grails command home directory and read the grails version number form the '' file
        String grails version or null if not found