Class FileBasedPersisterOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FileBasedPersisterOptions
    extends Object
    implements PersisterOptions
    This allows the user to specify the file based persister options. It's made available to the GUI and used to configure the persister..
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileBasedPersisterOptions

        public FileBasedPersisterOptions​(String configurationDataDirectory,
                                         String buildDataDirectory)
    • Method Detail

      • setDataDirectory

        public void setDataDirectory​(String buildDataDirectory)
        The user (via the gui) or the plug-in loader (from the bamboo.xml file), define where the build data files are located
        buildDataDirectory - The build data directory
      • getDataDirectory

        public String getDataDirectory()
        Provide the UI with the current build data directory
        The directory
      • setConfigurationDirectory

        public void setConfigurationDirectory​(String configurationDataDirectory)
        The user (via the gui) or the plug-in loader (from the bamboo.xml file), define where the build administration files are located
        configurationDataDirectory - The server configuration data directory
      • getConfigurationDirectory

        public String getConfigurationDirectory()
        Provide the UI with the current configuration directory
        The directory
      • validate

        public ErrorCollection validate​(boolean validateContents)
        Validate any plugin settings populated from the GUI
        Specified by:
        validate in interface PersisterOptions
        validateContents - true iff you want to ensure the perster has valid data, false if you want to simply check the config (but may have no data)
        GUI from errors.
      • getConfigurationDirectoryFile

        public File getConfigurationDirectoryFile()
      • getDataDirectoryFile

        public File getDataDirectoryFile()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object