Interface EditRepository

    • Method Detail

      • getPermissionDependencies

        @NotNull List<String> getPermissionDependencies​(@NotNull
                                                        @NotNull String permissionName)
      • isBambooSpecsCapable

        boolean isBambooSpecsCapable​(@Nullable
                                     @Nullable VcsRepositoryModuleDescriptor vcsRepositoryModuleDescriptor)
        boolean true if given repository type can store Bamboo Specs and notify about changes in it.
      • isBambooSpecsDetectionEnabled

        boolean isBambooSpecsDetectionEnabled​(@Nullable
                                              @Nullable PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        Returns true if given repository has Bamboo Specs detection enabled, so any changes to these specs should trigger update of Bamboo configuration.
        boolean true if enabled
      • isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllProjects

        boolean isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllProjects​(@Nullable
                                                    @Nullable PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        Returns true if Bamboo Specs stored in this repository is permitted to modify configuration of all projects in Bamboo.
        boolean true if can modify all projects
      • isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllProjectsEditable

        boolean isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllProjectsEditable​(boolean hasAdminPermission,
                                                            @NotNull BambooPermissionManager bambooPermissionManager)
        true if user is able to modify All projects access setting
      • isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllRepositories

        boolean isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllRepositories​(@Nullable
                                                        @Nullable PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData,
                                                        @NotNull RssPermissionManager rssPermissionManager)
        true if Bamboo Specs stored in this repository is permitted to access all linked repositories in Bamboo.
      • isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllRepositoriesEditable

        boolean isBambooSpecsPermittedToAllRepositoriesEditable​(boolean hasAdminPermission,
                                                                @NotNull BambooPermissionManager bambooPermissionManager)
        true if user is able to modify All repositories access setting
      • isBambooSpecsDetectionRequiresWebhooks

        boolean isBambooSpecsDetectionRequiresWebhooks​(@Nullable
                                                       @Nullable PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        since 9.0
        true only when detection of Bamboo Specs needs webhooks, otherwise false.
      • isShowOnboardingDialog

        boolean isShowOnboardingDialog​(@NotNull
                                       @NotNull BambooUserManager bambooUserManager,
                                       @Nullable com.atlassian.user.User user)
        true if specs onboarding dialog should be shown, false otherwise
      • getBambooSpecsPermittedProjects

        @NotNull List<ProjectIdentifier> getBambooSpecsPermittedProjects​(@NotNull
                                                                         @NotNull PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData,
                                                                         @NotNull ProjectManager projectManager)
        a list of projects which can be modified by Bamboo Specs stored in this repository.
      • getBambooSpecsPermittedDeploymentProjects

        @NotNull List<DeploymentProject> getBambooSpecsPermittedDeploymentProjects​(@NotNull
                                                                                   @NotNull PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData,
                                                                                   @NotNull DeploymentProjectService deploymentProjectService)
        Returns a list of deployment projects which can be modified by Bamboo Specs stored in this repository.
      • getBambooSpecsPermittedRepositories

        @NotNull List<RepositoryDataEntity> getBambooSpecsPermittedRepositories​(@NotNull
                                                                                @NotNull PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        Returns a list of repositories which can be used by Bamboo Specs stored in this repository.
      • areDivergentBranchesSupported

        boolean areDivergentBranchesSupported​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        true only if plugin key of the repository supports divergent branches, otherwise false.
      • getDefaultBranch

        @Nullable String getDefaultBranch​(@NotNull
                                          @NotNull PartialVcsRepositoryData vcsRepositoryData)
        a name of default branch of the given repository. If repository does not have any branches returns null.