AgentCommandSender |
Interface that allows the server to send messages to a particular agent
AgentStatus |
What the agent is doing?
BuildAgent |
Represents a UI view of a given build agent
BuildAgent.BuildAgentVisitor |
A visitor to execute certain flows depending on the type of the BuildAgent
BuildAgentController |
BuildAgentRequirementFilter |
Simple interface to filter a collection of Build Agents by a set of
NOTE: since Bamboo 3.3, Atlassian has marked this extension point as INTERNAL ONLY.
BuildPhase |
Represents an internal step in the build Process
ExecutableBuildAgent |
HasSystemInfo |
HasUuid |
An agent that is able to identify himself with an unique ID.
InterruptibleBuildPhase |
Represents a phase of the build that is allowed to be interrupted by the user cancelling.
LocalBuildAgent |
LocalResultProcessor |
MessageListenerContainerController |
A facade that starts and stops all message listener containers.
ResultProcessor |