Interface TestCaseSummary

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TestCaseSummary
    A way of caching information about a specific testCase. However don't hold on to this too long, cause it will change often. It follows the current build results filter (e.g. last 25 builds, last 7 days)
    • Method Detail

      • getLastTestCaseResult

        @Nullable TestCaseResult getLastTestCaseResult()
        the last TestCaseResult to occur if stored in the database. Null if last test case run was successful.
      • getFailurePeriods

        @NotNull List<FailurePeriod> getFailurePeriods()
        a list of all the failure periods that occurred within this filter period
      • getAverageElapsedTime

        long getAverageElapsedTime()
        the average time (millis) to occur between a test breaking and the test being fixed for failures occuring with in this filter period
      • getAverageElapsedBuilds

        float getAverageElapsedBuilds()
        the average number of builds to occur between a test breaking and the test being fixed for failures occuring with in this filter period
      • getFailingSinceBuild

        @Nullable BuildResultsSummary getFailingSinceBuild()
        If the test is currently failing, the BuildResultsSummary the test broke in otherwise null. Build returned should have failed.
      • getFailingSinceBuildKey

        @Nullable String getFailingSinceBuildKey()
        Just returns the key of the failing since build, just in case the buildResult doesn't exist anymore, e.g. if it was deleted.
        String key for the failing since build
      • getCountFailingSince

        int getCountFailingSince()
        If the test is currently failing, how many builds has it been failing for. otherwise 0;
      • getSucceedingSinceBuild

        @Nullable BuildResultsSummary getSucceedingSinceBuild()
        if the test is currently passing, which is the build that the test was most recently fixed in . If the test is failing, returns null. Build returned should have been successful.
      • getLastRanBuild

        @Nullable BuildResultsSummary getLastRanBuild()
        the buildResultSummary that this test last ran in (if it exists)